Condemnation of rituals, ceremonies and blind faith. What are the similarities between Bhakti and Sufi movement? Bhakti Movement: Meaning, Features and Impact, Notes on the Bhakti Movement | Medieval India, Effects of Bhakti Movement on India | Medieval Period, Forts in India: 5 Magnificent Ancient Forts in India, Mosques in India: 15 Ancient Mosques in India. Therefore, all the leaders and sub-groups played a significant role in improving the societal structure. Because such knowledge might be obtained through a teacher or guru, the Bhakti movement placed a high value on obtaining authentic knowledge through a guru. [127], Some Sikh sects outside the Punjab-region of India, such as those found in Maharashtra and Bihar, practice Aarti with lamps in a Gurdwara. This purification could be achieved through a high standard of morality in ones thought and action. Main features of the bhakti movement In terms of acquiring an answer to the question of what were the main features of bhakti , some significant factors need to be noted. Before uploading and sharing your knowledge on this site, please read the following pages: 1. There has never been a more broad and popular movement in our nation following the demise of Buddhism than the Bhakti movement. The Hindu and as well as the Muslim saints emphasized religious simplicity. To them, rituals and sacrifices were meaningless. [23], Doris Srinivasan[30] states that the Upanishad is a treatise on theism, but it creatively embeds a variety of divine images, an inclusive language that allows "three Vedic definitions for a personal deity". Madeleine Biardeau states, as does Jeanine Miller, that Bhakti movement was neither reform nor a sudden innovation, but the continuation and expression of ideas to be found in Vedas, Bhakti Marga teachings of the Bhagavad Gita, the Katha Upanishad and the Shvetashvatara Upanishad. And the word Bhakti can be translated as devotion or devotional love. He writes, that in virtually every Bhakti movement poet, "the Upanishadic teachings form an all-pervasive substratum, if not a basis. He approached the Indian society to bring unity in God and not differentiate any of them. Positive principles of truthfulness, non-violence, harmony, morality and humanistic values were their creed and motto. The Bhakti movement also led to the prominence of the concept of female devotion, of poet-saints such as Andal coming to occupy the popular imagination of the common people along with her male counterparts. Get all the important information related to the Railway Exam including the process of application, important calendar dates, eligibility criteria, exam centers etc. 5. Please read the description below to learn about their work and contribution. Therefore, popular dissatisfaction against the existing social religious evils was a major catalyst behind the spread of Bhakti movement all over India for a long period of time. I swear by Rama. Usually it is accepted that the most characteristic feature of the religious development during the medieval period was the movement which emphasized single-minded intense devotion to God. The paths of Gnana marga and Karma marga were difficult for them to practise in day to day life. The movement which emphasized primarily these ideas was the Bhakti movementdevotion to God. Some healing touch was needed. 4. Earlier, in the post-Vedic era, some gods and goddesses became famous among the worshippers, and since then, they started chanting the names of Shiva, Vishnu and Durga. 2. They emphasized the self-surrender for obtaining the bliss and grace of God. I shall deliver thee from all sins. (XVIII 66). Some people would call it a reform of Hinduism that up until that point focused on the somewhat arcane rituals of the Vedas. Bhakti Movement - A Reaction To Islam - Askedon Nirguna Bhakti adherents rejected idol worship. From 8th century A.D. to 15th century A.D. this movement gathered its momentum in the south. Content Guidelines 2. Fortunately with the foreign invaders, some Sufi Muslim saints had also come to India and settled here. It is not the way of worship but the love of a selfless devotee of pure heart that matters for Whoever offers to me with devotion, a leaf, a flower, a fruit, or water I accept (IX, 26). It gave birth to a new sect i.e. The early 15th-century Bhakti poet-Sant Pipa stated,[94]. He used to believe in the idea of One God and honesty. 2. The Muslim rulers in general wanted to enforce the Islamic laws on the Hindus. A Short Note On Women In The Bhakti Movement By Unacademy Rejection of idol worship by many saints Open- mindedness about deciding religious matters. [118] He taught, states Jon Mayled, that the most important form of worship is Bhakti. The Hindus realised that it was difficult to drive away the Muslim rulers and Muslims from India. A deep-rooted change came about to lay the foundations of a liberal and composite Indian society. It reformed the religion to a great extent. It drew attention to the evils of anger, greed and vanity. The movement attempted to infuse a spirit of piety in the daily life of the people. All rights reserved. In South India passionate, often erotic, poems to Shiva and Vishnu (particularly to Krishna) were composed in Tamil and other Dravidian languages, such as Kannada, Telugu, and Malayalam. [98] Practices emerged bringing new forms of spiritual leadership and social cohesion among the medieval Hindus, such as community singing, chanting together of deity names, festivals, pilgrimages, rituals relating to Saivism, Vaishnavism and Shaktism. With such long-lasting impacts, the religious depression of the medieval society was set aside. Repetition of the True Name. Updates? Download our apps to start learning, Call us and we will answer all your questions about learning on Unacademy. what message has the dark-hued lord Condemnation of rituals, ceremonies and blind faith. The Bhakti movement was a huge religious development in the history of medieval India. What were the main features of the Bhakti Movement? - Vedantu Uploader Agreement. Later on, the movement took a new direction by evolving the devotion to God, i.e., Lord Krishna. It was believed that all creations of God were equal and hence, all men should be treated equally.