This is likely to be ongoing throughout the day and overnight. Dar chiar aa s fie? Congestion to J21 M1, but clearing after J23 A1M. Updated: 11:01, 20 Apr 2022 A MAJOR motorway has been closed for the second day in a row after a lorry crashed and spilled COOKING OIL all over the road. A cleanup operation is still underway this morning, closing the major road for the second day between Junction 23 and Junction 25. M25 Motorway - Live Traffic & Travel Reports Traffic now flowing as normal again after last nights accident. The location of the incident is near Potters Bar and Waltham Abbey. The incident led to the emergency services to rush to the scene to identify what has occurred. National Highways says traffic is being diverted. Un medic celebru a fcut anunul cumplit: Cei mai afectai sunt Surpriz de proporii: Mdlina Ghenea, surprins la Madrid n loja loverboy-ului din tenis! Those ads you do see are predominantly from local businesses promoting local services. There are severe delays on the M25 this morning in Hertfordshire, after a lorry spilled its load of vegetable oil onto the motorway yesterday. Visordown 10:14 6-Apr-23. A cordon was been placed down and the emergency services attended. It has now partially reopened, but two lanes remain closed between Junction 24 (Potters Bar) and Junction 25. Green vehicles: which motorisation for which use? Travel time is 30 minutes.Blocking lanes one and two (of four).". M25 traffic latest: Huge queues are building as all traffic stopped clockwise, Iceland shoppers wowed by return of nostalgic 90s tea time favourite, Boy dead and girl fighting for life after falling into quarry, M25 traffic: Motorway cameras reveal queues on the route, M25 traffic: Police have stopped all traffic, Boris Johnson humiliated as his premiership SHORTER than Theresa May's, Smart meter warning: millions spent on 'useless' devices, Man furious as stranger 'refuses' to move car from driveway, Mosquito bite led to tragic death of 21-year-old pilot Oriana Pepper. The crash took place at around 4.30pm today. National Highways are at the scene along with the emergency services. The M25 has been closed clockwise from Junction 23 to Junction 25. M25 lanes closed due to multi-vehicle accident - recap To inquire about a licence to reproduce material, visit our Syndication site. Traffic is severely backed up on the M25. See you soon! An ambulance and rapid response vehicle were sent to the scene. Earlier, they tweeted pictures of the traffic congestion near London Colney. Have speed cameras on M1 and M25 been set to 72mph? "Lane one remains closed for vehicle recovery. 2 lanes (of 4) remain closed between J24-J25. See today's front and back pages, download the newspaper, order back issues and use the historic Daily Express newspaper archive. Brbatul are acum o relaie cu un alt brbat. 1 lane is closed due to a lorry leaving the carriageway. ViaMichelin provides details of incidents that may affect road traffic in Vleni that include: road closures, lane restrictions, accidents, roadworks, weather, special events (e.g. To view this video please enable JavaScript, and consider upgrading to a web Four lanes of the M25 became a slip road yesterday after a lorry spilled cooking oil all over the motorway. The latest update from traffic analytics service Inrix says: "M25 clockwise closed severe delays, queueing traffic for seven miles due to shed load and spillage of vegetable oil from J23 A1(M) South Mimms to J25 A10 (Enfield). Location: The M25 anticlockwise exit slip at junction J25 (Enfield) . There is heavy congestion on the M25. Trei familii s-au rsturnat cu barca pe rul Mure. M25 traffic latest: Horror picture shows lorry after crash OUT OF National Highways confirmed that the lanes of the M25 have now reopened. La doar 19 ani, n urma unui grav accident de main, afl n secia de terapie intensiv a Spitalului de Neurochirurgie din Iai c va rmne paralizat pentru tot restul vieii. Hello everyone and welcome to this live blog after a collision has occurred on the M25 near Potters Bar this morning causing major delays for motorists. The incident took place between junctions 24 and 25. Potters Bar lies 13 miles north of central London. While traffic is not quite back to normal, drivers are not facing the queues that they were yesterday.