Full stall and wheel landings are a little deceptive in a Silvaire. Log books from 1946 including Master Parts list and Yes, sadly, it has already crashed. The most daunting thing about a luscombe is the ground handling.they are more prone to ground loops than nearly anything else of there time. RULES: No profanity, politics, or personal attacks. In cruise the 8E or F will scoot along at a little better than 100 mph on about 5.5 gph. Never ground looped. The renamed Model 8 emerged from its brief gestation, someone spun the propeller, and it flew on the propitious date of December 17, 1937. On a positive note, the current Luscombe Aircraft Company of Las Vegas, Nevada, has upgraded the design and anticipates selling a 185-hp nosewheel version to be called the Model 11E. I know a guy who flies one in NM, based at a field of 4,800 ft elevation. In January 1935, Luscombe moved his factory to West Trenton, New Jersey, where development started on the Model 90 (to be renamed the Model 4), another radial-engine machine with a lower price tag. Woe may betide the pilot who has an uninformed mechanic who tries to adjust the brakes by pulling on the cables, for that pilot may find nothing when the brakes are most needed. However, salesmen will be salesmen, and Luscombe soon turned his engineers loose on the idea of wrapping a small, all-metal airplane around this engine. Most Luscombes now have 12.5-gallon fuel tanks in each wing, converting to the style of the later marques and away from the original 14-gallon tank behind the seat. John Larsen, son of Moody, now runs things at Larsen Field. One of my airplanes is a Stinson 108-2 that is superior in every way except it is fabric and requires a hanger for storage. Beautiful airplane that flies incredibly well. Another common problem with small 2 place aircraft of this vintage is weight capacity..2 modern size people cant fly it with full fuel without being over weight. Returning to the field for landing, plan on using carburetor heat when the power is reduced, then slow the airplane to about 65 to 70 mph on finalor slower if flying one with flaps. The engine immediately lived up to the skeptics fears as it proved to be cantankerous. I read all the accident reports in Flying mags and others. Now, because they are pushed by ones heels rather than toes, there are those who insist they are a nefarious plot on the part of those who make airframe replacement parts to ensure a steady flow of business. No more white knuckles. WebFind N71881 1946 LUSCOMBE 8A on Aircraft.com. The airplane is approved for day and night VFR/IFR operations when properly equipped and certified. LUSCOMBE 8A $27,000 Reg# N71288 TT: Not Listed Luscombe Silvaire 8A, Only 5 hours since Ly-Con Overhaul. 1946 Luscombe 8A - Plane & Pilot Magazine 1946 Luscombe 8A One of my favorites. I have seen one plane literally wrapped around another because of high winds. Fuel capacity 14. After greasing the airplane onto the runway, they sometimes make the mistake of thinking that they can relax once they are on the ground. Its an interesting alternative to a Cessna of the same era, and in their day, Luscombes were fairly advanced aircraft. Sign up for our free daily email and youll never miss another find: Disclosure: This site may receive compensation when you click on some links and make purchases. The best flying Light Sport Aircraft ever designed. Luscombe 8 Mysteries Of Flight: The Curious Case Of Pan Am Flight 914, Fond Farewell to a Titan: The Antonov An-225. But its going to cost you. WebThe 8A is equipped with a Continental A-65-8 engine. This airplane is certificated in the normal category. On a small grass strip four miles south of Henry Fords behemoth B-24 plant at Willow Run, Larsen lived, worked, and quietly became the Luscombe doctor. It is exciting because of its responsiveness in flight, yet it induces a healthy level of heightened alertness for its demands on the ground. The engine is a Continental Model C85-12 and is rated at 85 horsepower. The handling of a Luscombe on landing has to be put in perspective. WebThe airplane has a lot of adverse yaw, when measured by modern standards, but it's about the same as a Champ and easily handled with a little rudder. Start your free trial today! Granted I know nothing about plane crashes (other than they are bad!) For those pilots taller than about five feet, 10 inches, boarding the Silvaire is challenging. The next day he joined other competitors in flying a local air show; Giles Henderson in his clipped wing cub, Herb Cox flying his Drunk Farmer Stole a Cub routine, Jerry Spear Subscribe to Our Site. Those who have sat in the new Renaissance Luscombe and experienced the magic that John Larsen did to the interior are astonished that what had been cramped confinement is now far more comfortable. The aircraft has a cruise speed of 78 knots and a stall speed of 37 knots. Aircraft Inquiry In March 1939, the 8A, with a 65-hp Lycoming, and the 813, with a 65-hp Continental engine, were introduced. 1949 Packard Super Deluxe Eight LWB Sedan17 hours$700Bid Now, 1995 Buick Riviera Supercharged3 days$2,000Bid Now, 1963 Pontiac Bonneville Convertible3 days$1,550Bid Now. Luscombe Questions - Backcountry Pilot The 108s had the Franklin 6 cyl. N1005K (1946) N1013K (1946) N1015K (1946) N1029K (1946) N1034K (1946) N1035K (1946) N1040K (1946) N1042K; N1045K (1946) N1046K (1946) N1057K (1946) N1064K Im guessing its storm damage. The information contained in this record should be the most current Airworthiness information available in the historical aircraft record. By You found out that you have to fly it all the time in any kind of winds. Rotation speed is about 55 mph. The Luscombe 8A aircraft is a high-wing monoplane released in 1940 and it is part of Luscombes 8 series. After all, the factory employees had received a practical education in crashworthiness be-cause for several years a major portion of the companys income came from re-building wrecked Phantoms. The details are the stuff of disagreement even today, but it seems that the type certificate changed hands while money did not, so Larsen kept the tooling. Become a member to add images to your comments. The EAA chapters are a big asset for restorers as well. No need to buy avgas ($5.60/gal.) I have flown the J-3 Cub, the Citabria and the Pitts Special and have never ground-looped. That airplane was in Oshkosh last year and attracted a lot of attention, so there is hope that the proud heritage is not over. Perhaps that is because Luscombe was the first to completely enclose the engine within a cowl, a feat of development at a time when Aeronca and Piper were still cooling flat engines by leaving the cylinders out in the breeze and hoping for the best.