New from Eagle Imports: Llama Micro Max and Llama Max-1. The number indicates the number of rounds in the magazine. Alpha or highly territorial males may need to be corralled sepa-rately, but should be within sight of other alpacas or llamas. Penn State Extension offers detailed information on the importance of copper in camelid nutrition, identifying health issues due to too little or too much copper in the diet, and ensuring that herds . I. When I manfully cycle the slide the extractor pulls and holds the case until it hit the ejector. So, you go out and you shoot up a bunch of expensive ammo. Buy It. They make a fantastic round, but despite the claims, when I finished up reassembling each gun, I cycled a few rounds through it. The Gunsmithing Club of America (GCA) is a private community of individuals who want access to reliable Firearms and Gunsmithing information, and who are willing to share their personal knowledge, experience and joy of working on Guns with other members, as they are guided on their Gunsmithing journey by experienced tradesmen and Gunsmithing instructors. The occasional failure to fully enter the chamber malfs have come with fmj ball loads a couple of types that record velocities well down in the 700 fps range. All winter he would barely come in for his feed, but after starting the meloxicam he is waiting for me to feed him. Extractors do need to hold the case on the bolt face but even when they are shaped wrong they will often pass the "swing" test, as the extractor tension simply holds the case . I cast and load .359 boolits and the only accuracy problem is ME. And thats the point. I bought a box of sig ammo and it ran flawless. The owner told me that the gun was good and sound, but that Llama had gone out of business and not all 1911 parts would fit the Llama, but Stoger was the last importer and a source of parts. Always. Maybe there are some imperfections due to what-have-you. The gun was mine for $350 cash. Contest open to U.S. residents only. Same thing with the Kimpro mag. I have found that just about 90% of 1911 feeding problems are magazine related. Deployed military should use stateside address. The 1911 pistol operates on a controlled feed principal where the cartridge is in contact with at least 4 different surfaces while it is being handled through the feeding cycle. Barrel sleeve. Dating back to 1904, Llama Firearms has a long celebrated history; however, this isnt the pistol your grandfather knew. I would shoot up all that ammo you have, clean gun, try new ammo. Reason I ask is one of my 40 S&W's does not like RNFP but is fine with JHP. It may sound a bit counter-intuitive, but obesity can be a big issue in older llamas. All entries must be received by giveaway end date. Nonte bushing? Some 1911s are a little picky when it comes to different bullets. The 1911 is one, if not the most, sought after handguns. The one-l lama, I have one more question on the blankets are you using pony blankets or what to fit a llama? Even with the chamber polished after firing a round the slide does not move at all. 2. My gelding has been leaving wads of chewed hay around, so I just started giving llama pellets to his feed 2x day, plus Misha also since both are thin now. As a result, each round feeds at a different angle. (Skip this one as you have not milled the slide). The slowest time with the 20 lb spring was 47 ms. Feed angles measured from slow-motion video. I doubt the RMR has added enough weight to cause failure to feed. . It may be hotter ammo and work fine. My first gun was a Llama IX-C, a double stack 1911 clone that went bang every time, but threw brass in my face. The Gunsmithing Club of America (GCA) is a private community of individuals who want access to reliable Firearms and Gunsmithing information, and who are willing to share their personal knowledge, experience and joy of working on Guns with other members, as they are guided on their Gunsmithing journey by experienced tradesmen and Gunsmithing instructors. But ball ammo can do nearly as much damage. I had put ZERO self defense rounds through them. Now manufactured by Metro Arms in the Philippines, the old classic Llama designs are being built with improved materials, quality and workmanship. Think of your wives. Llamas and Alpacas Nutrition and Feeding | Penn State Extension Thank you to your blog I realize I might be doing them an injustice by overfeeding them grains (about 1cup in morning and 1 cup at night) I also give them about a half of a flake twice a day. Dis-assembly and reassembly was uneventful. The last round from the magazine feeds at the highest angle. I have an XI-B, and a III-A, that have been quite reliable with ball ammo. Llama was the US brand name for Gabilondos. I have a llama that recently turned 12. Check to see that a NEW live round falls into the chamber completely. Ralph the Wonder Llama and all that. Autumn Hill Llamas & Fiber is a small llama farm in upstate New York that raises quality llamas with straight conformation, suri-type fiber, and sweet personalities. Does it close on the fired case? The gun (with the firing pin removed) was held in a vise and was video recorded with a high speed digital camera (1,000 frames per second) as ammunition was stripped from the magazine and chambered.