Was part of the LSU (Logistics Support Unit). first of 1968 went to Hill 55 until pulled off for Hue. Taken at Hospital Corps School San Diego, Calif., in October 1966, it is a heavily cropped image that conceals the fact that at 66 Ray towered over his classmates and he typically shied away from getting his photograph taken. During an attack on our base two of the German male nurses where driving their white painted (with red cross) jeep near the village and where attacked and one was killed and the seriously wounded. Semper Fi.Doc! In the early morning of March 19, 1969, a Marine combat base at Phu Loc 6 near An Hoa, Vietnam, became the scene of a surprise enemy attack. Three VC crawled up close enough to fire 3 RPGs. I remembered trying to talk to the solders but didnt do well. All that could be heard was the clanging of our equipment as we walked along. In the act of saving this Marines life Ray ultimately sacrificed his own. A docent who was familiar with the history of the air craft told me that the plane had been flown of An Hoa at the same time period that I was flown out of An Hoa! Found an old bugle and they sent a chopper to An Hoa to pick me up to play taps at a ceremony for a fallen Marine in Danang. to be conducted on Go Noi Island. Casualties and losses. Thank you. I was there between July 68 to September 69. We have helped, without cost, several veterans and history travelers to find their way around the country. Chuck, thank you for checking out the article and for your nice comment. South of the west end of the runway are remnants of concrete structures, perhaps command bunkers. The lake might have been called Alligator Lake . BUMED Archives. Thanks for the post and pictures, sure brings back some memories for sure. Comment * document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "af98acf6452e90a09f2cbde13b3e267d" );document.getElementById("c08a1a06c7").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Ill bet that trip down the Ho Chi Minh trail in Eastern Lao was truly beautiful, Ashley (was it rainy? 3/1 comm plt. The bullets tore into his body, and shook him like a rag doll and threw him to the ground. Thank you for your comment Michael. In his junior year he left school to join the Navy, enlisting on March 23, 1966. High school classmate was Mike 3/5. Have any thoughts/advice on that? Hey Mike I Hate to bring it up but were you guys involved in the Heavy fighting down in the Que Son valley from the end of May through September of 1967? Looking for Marines that serverd at An HOA in May12 May 16 69 My brother L/Cpl George Thomas from VA was kia by rocket fire. I know Mike Harris.SF. Wade. Liberty Bridge is just off the right edge. About traveling there. I went through four operations while I was in Vietnam, including the Durham Peak and Pipestone Canyon operations. Mort Hurt here. In less than an hour we had air support through the night until early morning. Her bomb shelter, her livestock, her food stock was destroyed. Cpl. Mostly we were on perimeter duty at night and road sweeps during the morning. At the east end of the runway are a couple of craters and some dug out areas that seem to be from the era. In less than 30 minutes, 1st platoon practically disappeared. I served with CHARLIE 1/5 from 68-69 came away with two Purple HEARTS AND LOST A FEW GOOD MARINES THE AZ VALLEY WAS THE VALLEY OF DEATH SEMPER FI GLAD YOU MADE IT BACK. Looking for a Lt. who came to Fox 2/5 2nd Platoon on 11 July 69 And stepped on a box mine less than 12 hours later. Oops! | Flickr Locals use it as a road. Harry 7th Eng. The war was tragic, my thoughts don't need inspiration. as the Marine build up began in VietNam, Hill 55 eventually became a Command Post for various Regimental Commands What a dammed waste of Americas finest. That all changed on the afternoon of June 2nd. 'He'll never be forgotten': Marine killed 50 years ago in Vietnam is 4th Plt was also at An Hoa, We had 10 tanks split between An Hoa and Liberty Bridge. Liberty Bridge. Can anyone tell me about the disposition of Hill 300. It was operated by the Maltese and the nurses would visit there from time to time. With recon for 1 month on top of some mountain top with a 1st Lt. forward observer to watch over a big valley that had been cleared out, to call in arty if we spotted anything. Escorted many mine sweeps between Phu-Loc (6) and An-Hoa. I have spent a few days visiting the various web sights searching for anything I can find on An Hoa Combat Base and yours has been very helpful, I was there in 69-70. An Hoa Valley, Qung Nam Province. [1], On the night of 21 November 1968, a PAVN/VC battalion attacked the base. Additionally, Delta 1/5, which had been on our right flank, was also badly mauled. We did a Medcap at the orphanage the day before. Was an artillery battery beside us. Im doing some research on his time in-country. Language links are at the top of the page across from the title. Phil. Do you remember him? I believe one Monk was killed. it was just down from a fire support base across road from a ville. We believe it might be interesting also for the general traveler thanks to its proximity to other interesting tourist destinations and to Hoi An. Also, by the time this happen there were NO local VC left because they had been wiped-out during TET of early 1968 and Im sure most of the VC were not VC but NVA regulars!! I ended up in Hue City, where I got hit for the third time during my tour of duty. I think he was attached to one of the grunt companies at the time? Captain Graham organized the Company and sent the three platoons in to the rice paddy in skirmishes. Vietnam; Lao, China border area. I served with CHARLIE 1/5 during TET 68-69 i was a machine gunner in the AZ VALLEY IT WAS THE VALLEY OF DEATH. [but he would] just smile and shake his head, taking it all in stride.