Interestingly enough, they actually are known to dig community latrines in their wild habitats from themselves and their companions. For each additional animal, increase paddock by 25 percent of the original footage. 9, Fla. Const. Emotions sometimes boiledover asmore than 170 people called in to comment, many asking to stop the ban or at least reconsider it. Measures must be taken to stop the erosion. They can actually go into hibernation when the weather cools or if food is scarce. 1. 68A-6.011. Call us today at 941-355-7707 or contact us online. Osprey, It's best to call or go to your local government office and ensure that it is possible to have the pet of your choice in your area. Record Keeping and Reporting Requirements. (c) Shade must be provided at all times and such animals must be protected from the heat. CreditsAdopted Jan. 1, 2008; Amended Aug. 27, 2009. But owning exotic animals in Florida can be a rewarding experience for many. Depending on the species, exotic pet ownership can entail a great many risks. (b) Access to a shelter shall be provided. Their history as pets goes back to the time of the Romans because of their exotic appearance and docile nature. There are believed to be seven different variations of the Muntjac deer. Such records shall be maintained and made available for inspection by Commission personnel. It is important to note, however, that there are a number of regulations and restrictions that come with owning an exotic pet. For each additional animal, increase cage size by 25 percent of original floor area. Some reptile license-holders will be grandfathered in if they meet certain conditions. However, it is slowly becoming more popular for people to want the Asian Leopard Cats . (a) For one or two animals, a cage 6 feet by 4 feet, 4 feet high. b. For each additional animal, increase cage size by 50 percent of original floor area. But serpent lovers say the move is nothing short of a state-orchestrated snake-pocalypse,that they claim unfairlytargets their pets and businesses. to enable that particular specimen to be distinguished from other specimens of the same species. GRANDFATHER: Current ones require a permit by 5/31/22. If bars are used, bars shall be spaced no more than 2 inches apart. Any person in possession of wildlife which requires a license or permit issued under Sections 379.3761, 379.3762, or 379.372, F.S., or those facilities exempt from licensure pursuant to Section 379.3761(4), F.S., shall make reasonable efforts to ensure recapture and return of the escaped wildlife to containment. All Class I wildlife possessed for personal use in accordance with the provisions for Class II Wildlife, shall be permanently identified by means of tattoo, brand, passive integrated transponder (PIT tag), photographic identification, or other method that clearly and permanently identifies that particular specimen so as to be distinguished from other specimens of the same species. 14. (h) Wildlife shall not be placed in enclosures over other specimens unless each enclosure is fitted with floor which prevents excreta from entering lower enclosures. For one or two animals over 50 pounds, a cage 20 feet by 12 feet, 8 feet high. No other Class I wildlife shall be transferred or kept for personal use. (3) Eagles, hawks, owls, vultures, toucans and toucanets. Such person shall comply with the requirements defined in subparagraphs 68A-6.004(2)(c)1.-4. and (d)1., F.A.C., above. So, the point of this article is to list the top exotic animals that are legal to own in each state. (7) Gnawing and chewing items -- natural or artificial materials that provide for the health of teeth, so as to, keep teeth sharp, wear down enamel and promote general oral hygiene. Other than for exercise periods, elephants not kept in a paddock shall either be: 2. For each additional animal, increase cage size by 25 percent of original floor area. For up to four birds, a cage 1 foot by 2 feet, 10 inches high. 1. For one or two animals, a cage 6 feet by 4 feet, 6 feet high. Summary: The above map details states that ban, partially ban, require licensure, or provide miscellaneous regulations on private ownership of wild or exotic animals.Currently, 20 states have what can be called "comprehensive bans." These bans typically classify wild cats, large non-domesticated carnivores, reptiles, and non-human primates as "dangerous animals" or otherwise prohibit private . The footer must be a depth of 3 feet. Such device shall be noninjurious, and may include, but is not limited to, boxes, balls, PVC tubing, browse, etc. Chimpanzees up to 50 pounds and macaques. 0:00. He said the levees and other infrastructure in his district are overrun by the lizard. No person shall sell or transfer wildlife without documenting such sale or transfer. The common and scientific name of each species. David Stone, a reptile enthusiast from Pennsylvania, fears the ban would create an illegal, unregulated market for reptiles. What's also interesting to know about the Asian Leopard Cat is that humans first began trying to domesticate them about 5,000 years ago. (c) Ringtail possums (Family Pseudocheiridae). 2. For each additional animal, increase paddock by 25 percent of the original footage. 2. 68A-6.012. For each additional animal, increase the cage size by 25 percent of original floor area. They help disperse seeds by eliminating undigested seeds and pollen, thereby allowing new plants to grow. Florida Bans 16 Invasive Species, Including Popular Pets Name, primary and secondary phone, email, physical and mailing address, number of terrapins, and caging description, Exhibition/Education also requires institution/program name (if applicable), type of institution/program, institution/program physical and mailing address, description of educational exhibit, and proposal with scope of exhibition/education with program type, hours, if public accessible, costs or fees to public, brief history, and lesson plans, Photographs showing head and tail from top and side, Authorization to send request for additional information, Answer whether found guilty of wildlife violations or had fish or wildlife permit suspended or revoked, Must contact FWC and amend the permit for any information change, BANS breeding for pets AND males/females must be separate unless sterlized - breeding must be authorized for exhibition/education, Enclosure must be 5x shell length x 2x shell width of largest one with temperature regulation device that is non-injurious, non-injurious substrate like gravel or carpet, pool of water 2x shell width by 2x shell width and deep enough for submersion based on largested terrapin, and dry resting area, (Exhibit/Education) Need minimum 12 educational engagement/48 hours annually, (Exhibit/Education) Permanently displayed terrapins must be available for viewing during hours of operation, (Exhibit/Education) Need detailed report of activities, (Exhibit/Education) Must submit permit renewals 45 days prior to expiration, EXEMPT: as allowed under scientific collection permits or other state or federal permit, EXEMPT: take and incidental take of federally endangered or threatened species authorized by USFWS or National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administrations National Marine Fisheries Service exempt from state permit unless state permit specifically authorized under written agreement with them - if no federal permit required, then no state permit is required.