On Saturday, Professor Hubbard issued an apology on his now deleted Twitter account. Graphic Design Department Website Best culinary and baking classes a person can ask for, not over priced and a skilled staff. I am a cosmetology student at Laney College and I love it here. Professor Hubbard, who has taught at the college for 15 years, said in a phone interview on Saturday that there were two people in his class with the surname Nguyen. Fall 2023 Semester is now FREE for all students! Discovery Company. Professor Placed on Leave For Telling Student to 'Anglicize - Newsweek My sister graduated high school thinking she can finally be able to use her name. One week you'll get points, and do it again later on and no points. Eventually, he asked all of his students to change their Zoom names for Thursdays class to their last name and their first initial, he said. More hidden gems then you would think. I highly recommend taking his class. TheLaney College Department of Modern Languagesoffers courses designed toRead more, Instruction in Native American Studies is interdisciplinary and comparative in scope. The professors are passionate, effective and care about their students. Has decent theoretical classes, professors are hit and miss. A professor from Laney College in Oakland has been placed on administrative leave after asking a student to Anglicize her name. There is also ample opportunity for extra credit. Laney College Merritt College Apply and Enroll Today! Second Census Rosters Available in Faculty Center* February 23: Th: Second Census Rosters Due* February 24: F: Attendance Rosters Available in Faculty Center: March 3: F: Last Day to Withdraw and Receive a W. All outstanding fees are still due even if classes are dropped this day . In response, Ms. Nguyen told the professor that his request feels discriminatory and that she would file a complaint with the schools Title IX office if he could not call her by her given name. "So I'm disgusted and disappointed. . College of Alameda, Laney College, and Merritt College . I did not find any dislikes In the class and overall I think that the class was very responsive and easy to understand and there was alot of communication between peers even though It was all online. If you need help including your life issues, he'll try whatever he can give you what you need. This seems very old, and it always keeps me on alert. Oakland professor asks student to 'Anglicize' her name - Los Angeles Times We are an area of focus within the Ethnic Studies Department at Laney College and are rooted in the richRead more, JUMP AND FLY TO OTHER CULTURES! He wasnt being accountable for his actions, said Quynh Nguyen, who explained that her whole family is affected by it. Nowadays, people feel more at liberty to choose names that they see fit for their family. The Journalism Department offers practical news experienceRead more, This program is designed to offer both background and current trends in labor, community and social justice organizing. Mr. Yang emphasized that it was important that people understand the harm that incidents like this can cause. The first email was a mistake, and I made it thinking about another student willing to Anglicize, Hubbard told The Times. The college district recently announced it would work to expand racial literacy among the faculty, staff and administrators in response to racial injustice and the death of George Floyd. You can access it by going to http://laneyathletics.com. Did you encounter any technical issues? Growing up, Nguyen had gone by the nickname May. But as a freshman at Laney College, she was excited to use her birth name, which means happiness blessing.. The screenshots were also posted onto Twitter by user @aybarlyy, who said she is an old high school friend of Nguyen. MUSIC 15a : Music - Laney College - Course Hero Laney College 11 years 4 months Professor Aug 2013 - Present9 years 9 months Oakland, California, United States Teach four to five 3-unit courses/semester rooted in student-centered. We are aware of the allegations of racist and xenophobic messages from a faculty member at our college with a student about the pronunciation of their name, Laney College said. The main goals of this program are to introduce all students toRead more, Main Panel shot Ernesto Tamayo 2023 TJP/Alamy CNN A professor from Laney College in Oakland has been placed on. Tags: Great school which has a professional teachers. Together they provide northern Alameda County a range of educational programs and life-long learning opportunities. He said he sent his initial email on Wednesday night partly to prevent confusion with the other student, and partly because he was uncomfortable using Ms. Nguyens name. An Oakland college professor has been placed on administrative leave after asking an Asian student to Anglicize her name, saying the pronunciation sounds like an insult.. It's not some easy forum as well, if you don't write a minimum of 300 plus words you won't get credit. Dont get me wrong Laney College has a very nice campus, but I mean just like with any community college campus bathrooms can be dirty, food at the student center can be okay and amenities may be to and far between. But the reality is, students and adults of Asian descent have to go through this all their lives., Professor Who Asked Student to Anglicize Her Name Is Put on Leave, https://www.nytimes.com/2020/06/21/us/phuc-bui-diem-nguyen-laney-college.html, A professor at Laney College, where nearly 30 percent of the schools 16,000 students are Asian, told a Vietnamese-American freshman that her name sounds like an insult in English.. As the flagship college for the Peralta District, Laney College stretches across sixty acres in downtown Oakland, California, one of the most ethnically and economically diverse cities in America.