For example, if a project has contiguous disturbances or disturbances that are part of a common plan of development or sale that occur both in the State of New Mexico and the State of Arizona, and the disturbances will total an acre or more of land and will result in the discharge of pollutants through stormwater in both states, the operator of the project will need coverage under an EPA-issued stormwater permit (e.g., the CGP) for the disturbances in New Mexico and, if required by the State of Arizona, an Arizona-issued stormwater permit (even if the portion of the project in EPAs jurisdiction is less than an acre). 0000012415 00000 n
For the purpose of this discussion, permanent structure is used not only in the more traditional sense of buildings, but to refer also to other things built on the ground whose intended purpose would require it to remain in a non-vegetated condition after construction has ended (e.g., parking lots, roads, gravel equipment pads, sidewalks, runways). land stabilization The non-numeric effluent limits include requirements for: Yes. Land Insurance Operators on small lots must first determine their sites sediment risk level (i.e., High, Moderate, or Low) based on their location, soil type, and slope using the tables provided in Appendix G in the proposed permit. Where discrete construction projects within a larger common plan of development or sale are located at least 1/4 mile apart and the area between the projects is not being disturbed, each individual project can be treated as a separate plan of development or sale provided any interconnecting road, pipeline or utility project that is part of the same common plan is not concurrently being disturbed. EPA provides an example for how this calculation could be done in Attachment 3 of Appendix G in the permit (see Example 2). National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES), About EPAs NPDES Construction Stormwater Permitting Program, Activities Requiring Coverage Under the 2017EPA CGP, Obtaining CGP Authorization and Terminating Coverage, Construction and Development Effluent Limitations Guideline and New Source Performance Standards, Erosion and Sediment Control Requirements in the 2017 EPACGP, Oil and Gas Stormwater Permitting webpage, High Plains Regional Climate Center climate mapping tool, New Mexico State University New Mexico Climate Center drought classifications, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administrations U.S. There are several situations where discrete projects that could conceivably be considered part of a larger common plan can actually be treated as separate projects for the purposes of permitting: A public body (e.g., a municipality, state, tribe, or federal agency) need not consider all their construction projects within their entire jurisdiction to be part of an overall common plan. 14 calendar days after EPA notifies you that it has received a complete NOI, unless EPA notifies you that your authorization is delayed or denied. COVERAGE EPAs 2012 CGP included language that implements the C&D rule requirements. To be authorized under the CGP, the operator must meet the eligibility requirements specified in Part 1.1 of the permit.