Along with a new independent chairman expected to be named later this month, the reconfigured board will effectively be controlled by shareholders -- a shift expected to serve as a check on McClendon. Katie was a member of the Chapel Choir during her freshman year, and Aubrey was a volunteer Chapel attendant for several years. On December 12, 2010 -- a Sunday -- the CEO took five rowers on a one-day trip to San Diego, the flight logs show. In 2011 the documents projected that Chesapeake employees would do about $3.2 million in work for McClendon. Join our mailing list and be among the first to know about new and exciting events, lectures and interactive workshops in and around the Austin area. Beginning about six or seven years ago, McClendon, through Chesapeake, helped lead a concerted effort to remake Oklahoma City. "The McClendon Tower provides wonderful 'hang-out' and event space for students. McClendons personal business affairs are tracked in the low-slung building on the fringe of Chesapeakes corporate campus, where at least six company employees work. the couple has donated to Duke University, Katie herself is a board member of both the OK Historical Society and the OK Museum of Art. Hell say, No, no, theyve got to be multicolored.. Friends and family, the contract says, also fly for free. According to a 2011 job posting, the chaplains provide confidential career, marriage, parenting and substance-abuse counseling as well as spiritual consultation.. The announcement of his death came from Oklahoma City Police Capt. He is an inspiration to those who want to be an entrepreneur, and he has managed to become a millionaire with his hard work in the petroleum industry. He has earned all his wealth with his business and high post jobs. Citing the lawsuits, McClendon declined to be interviewed for this story. McClendon is generous with his money. Its pretty much exclusively big-name trophy vintages. Each day he helps select a quotation that is emailed to employees. To say that he grew up with a silver spoon is wrong, said Chesapeake senior vice president Thomas S. Price Jr., a confidant. All Rights Reserved. He also helped McClendon run the $200 million hedge fund from Chesapeake offices, a fund whose existence was disclosed by Reuters on May 2. Their combined salaries exceed $200,000. This class meets for two hours each, two days per week (M/W or T/Th) for 4 weeks. Additionally, you can also sign up to receive specific news from our Business department, which this program falls under. Congressman Fred Upton, whose niece is the supermodel Kate Upton. Jun 2018 - Present4 years 11 months. We grieve with Katie, Will, Callie and Jack, as we also celebrate his legacy at Duke and beyond. Contact the program coordinator for further assistance. He filled cellars in three states with trophy wines, and purchased 16 antique boats valued at $9 million. Im sure it would feel pretty damn odd if it was your own face staring out at you, carved in stone for eternity. Aubrey K. McClendon, a member of Duke's Fuqua School of Business Board of Visitors, graduated from Trinity College in 1981. Facebook gives people the power. I specialize in Nonprofit Leadership, Nonprofit Growth and Development. The historian and the Worlds Strongest Man, who each earn more than $100,000, have other duties at Chesapeake. Restaurants he has co-owned occupy buildings owned by the energy company. McClendon also put 10 Olympic hopefuls on the Chesapeake payroll. McClendon calls the amenities the jewels -- and on campus they include a 72,000-square-foot fitness center, Olympic-sized swimming pool and health center that offers teeth whitening and Botox injections. He was 56 years old and is survived by his wife, Katie McClendon nee Upton Byrns as well as their three children, Jack, Callie and Will. Our friendly registration staff is here to provide assistance. Next year, he got Chief Roughneck Award by a subsidiary of United States Steel Corporation. Katie Mcclendon is an individual who has become a celebrity by his charismatic works. Program Coordinator: Katie McClendon @ 512-223-7488 | Accelerated Job Search Training. Effort and perseverance have assisted him to achieve success. An infamous investigative piece on the McClendons by Reuters which talked about his lifestyle, mentioned that gargoyles bearing the McClendons likeness once adorned an arch at a dorm building named for them. 96) Arizona Cardinals (Compensatory . Special Report: The lavish and leveraged life of Aubrey McClendon So prolific were McClendon donations to Duke that the university once honored the couple by commissioning gargoyles in their likenesses, hanging them above an arch on the dorm, McClendon Tower. On land steps from the corporate campus, he directed his natural gas company to develop a luxury shopping center. The chapel organ is named in honor of Katie McClendon. Few outsiders are privy to the sophisticated universe of services that Chesapeake provides McClendon. Students must complete the required assignments in order to pass the course. His first job was as a Duke accountant, and then he was motivated to move towards energy business, and then he became the member of the Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity.