Some State of Missouri websites can be translated into many different languages using Google Translate, a third party service (the "Service") that provides automated computer 65-3506, Length of Term: Two years, Pay/Compensation:K.S.A. 28-38-18. To use this system, you will need to know the name or the license number of the person for whom you are searching. Forms | Step 2: Obtain a bachelor's degree in nursing, health administration, or another field (four years) Students should focus their search on universities and colleges that offer bachelor's degrees in nursing home administration or closely related fields. The Board's duties and responsibilities include: The Board also has the power to make rules and regulations, not inconsistent with law, as may be necessary for the proper performance of its duties. Check or money order along with completed and signed Application and required documents are to be mailed to Board of Nursing Home Administrators, ATTN: FEE RECEIPTS, PO Box 570, Jefferson City, MO 65102-0570. RN/LPN Initial; APRN Initial; Endorsement; Conversion; . Sample Questions - LTC Exam As such, its activities consist of regulation, examination and administration. Read detailed descriptions of types of medical services. The purpose of the Board of Nursing Home Administrators is to protect and advocate for Missouris long-term care residents by licensing prospective and current long-term care administrators to ensure the highest quality of care and life in Missouris long-term care homes. One Line of Service (NHA, RCAL, or HCBS) Exam ONLY: $185. Board of Nursing Home Administrators Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services PO Box 570 Jefferson City, MO 65102-0570 Telephone: 573-751-3511 Fax: 573-526-4314 Email: Residents are under the care of a physician, and all nursing homes have a physician on call to respond to acute needs, write prescriptions, and order treatments and tests. ContactsWatch the Annual Report OrientationAnnual Report Orientation Presentation SlidesTemplate for Annual ReportPreceptor TemplateClinical Agency TemplateCourses TemplateFaculty Template, This document contains information about the Associate Degree in Nursing Program Alignment from the Kansas Board of Regents, This document contains Practical Nurse Alignment information from the Kansas Board of Regents, This document contains information for applicants who have legal issues in their background and documentation required at time of licensure application, This document contains information about the statewide nursing articulation plan for academic progression. Please allow 7-10 days for processing of . Keep a copy. Missouri Association of Nursing Home Administrators 4100 Country Club Dr. | Jefferson City, MO 65109 Phone: 573-634-5345 | Fax: 573-634-8590 Email: two representatives of professions and institutions concerned with the care and treatment of chronically ill or infirm elderly patients (Health Professionals). All KSBN fees are paid online through the portal, at the office, or via mailed check. Information and Applications Other Agencies & Regulatory Boards - KSBHA Adult Care Home Administrators, Audiologists, Dietitians, Registered Adult Care Home Operators and Speech-Language Pathologists Welcome to the Health Occupations Credentialing License/Registration Verification web page Individuals holding the following Licenses/Registrations, whether active or expired, can be verified using this page: Adult .