The First 48 airs Thursdays at 9:00 p.m. on A&E and streams on the A&E app, Discovery+, Hulu, Peacock and Pluto TV. Our experience with the A&E cameramen and producer have kind of taught us a few things about how we can work better with our local media, said Walker. His wife, Nicole, also reads the comments on social media. Let me know your thoughts and enjoy the new episode tonight! # 2) is denied as moot. Brittany Frederick has been a professional journalist in TV, film and theatre for over 20 years. Open Community to Discuss the A&E series "The First 48". Especially to have these in a succession, and two in one week.. Leatherman gave the best description of Ritter when he referred to him as "mouthy and sarcastic" in "Cranked," just before Ritter joked that if the detective gig didn't work out, he could always become a barber. Read More2 dead after I-244 crash in Tulsa. Tulsa OK Homicide, Self - Det., Tulsa Homiscide, Self - Det.,Tulsa Homicide, Self - Lt., Tulsa OK Police Department . Detective Justin Ritter told the jury that he learned from first responders at the scene that a domestic dispute may have preceded Joshua Hilberling's death, but he did not observe any injuries on Amber Hilberling or see any signs that she might have been the victim in the dispute. The First 48 Season 24 Premiere Signals a New Era for the Show, The First 48's Nathan Schilling is TV's Real Tech Expert, The First 48: Atlanta's Kevin Leonpacher is a Real-Life Jack Bauer. Over the years, the two shared a number of sweet moments in the spotlight as Jason slowly but surely followed in his famous father's footsteps. That job currently falls to Mobile detective Glenn Barton, but it was Ritter who paved the way with his natural dry wit. Her one goal is to interview Jonathan Groff, but she's sung with Adam Levine and gone 200 MPH with Mario Andretti while appearing in Variety,, CNN and NBC. Scan this QR code to download the app now. Whatever Happened To The First 48 Fan Favorite Detective Ritter? Cancellation and Refund Policy, Privacy Policy, and is proud to provide Oklahomans with timely and relevant news and information, He then reportedly showed that he had a gun, and said if the bus was stopped by police he was going to shoot the people on the bus according to Lt. Ritter. Tulsa police investigated four bank robberies in the month of March alone. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. All of our detectives are equal. Is Jason Ritter Related to John Ritter? | POPSUGAR Celebrity Frazier, the bow tie-wearing former star athlete, and Ritter, his young and energetic partner, are among the 11 Tulsa homicide detectives who are regularly featured on the reality show. Case Details Parties Documents Dockets. Tulsa Police Arrest 2 Juveniles In Connection To Serial Carjackings. # 1) is dismissed with prejudice as to the claims asserted against the Tulsa Police Department. Season 21, Episode 36, "What About Me / Last Round" revealed that Ritter had been promoted to Corporal when he was supervising a crime scene that Det. (renews at {{format_dollars}}{{start_price}}{{format_cents}}/month + tax). Every First 48 viewer is familiar with Season 17, Episode 22, "House of Cards," in which Ritter had to juggle multiple drug-impaired witnesses. Obviously just wishful thinking but some of these folks could make a pretty cool superteam. A post office box that presumably was used by Justin: P.O. While on the bus, Lt. Ritter says, Jordan bragged about shooting someone in Tulsa to another passenger. You can do your job and still have access for the media. Though he first appeared earlier, Ritter didn't get properly introduced until Season 16, Episode 8, "Cranked." Winds WNW at 5 to 10 mph. Justin Ritter in Tulsa, OK Justin Ritter may also have lived outside of Tulsa, such as Broken Arrow, Edmond and 2 other cities in Oklahoma.