Alabama law does not govern employers of other states. The Chambers County Courthouse is located at 2 Lafayette St. South, Lafayette, AL 36862. Read, speak, and understand the English language; Not have been convicted of a crime involving "moral turpitude" (a crime which violates accepted standards of the community, including crimes involving dishonesty) which resulted in the suspension of a persons right to vote. Once selection of a jury begins, a potential juror should not discuss the case with anyone. No exemptions from jury service. PS-01. No smoking is allowed inside the building and no weapons of any kind will be allowed. <>
Your actions and decisions must be free of any bias or prejudice. On behalf of HonorableJ. Clark Stankoski, Presiding Circuit Judge, Honorable Jody W. Bishop, Honorable C. Joseph Norton, Honorable Carmen Bosch, and Honorable Scott P. Taylor,Circuit Judges and Brenda Ganey,Circuit Clerk, we welcome everyone that has been chosen for jury service. 5 0 obj
If I work outside the state of Alabama and I am summoned as a juror in the county where I reside in the state of Alabama, am I entitled to my usual compensation from my employer? Your Jury service has been completed. If you have any difficulty with your employer as a result of your Jury Service, you can call us at 256-761-2103. A petit jury is generally composed of 12 people impaneled to try a criminal or civil case. If you receive a jury summons and it has been less than 2 years since you last served, give us a call and we will check our records to verify your previous date. No. A Juror must not research the case through broadcast and newspaper accounts. This presentation is intended to prove the claims made. Madison County - Twenty-Third Circuit Court of Alabama Who would be considered a "Full Time Employee" in terms of being able to receive their salary or wages during jury service? A jury trial involves many people, directly or indirectly. We have two - 2 week terms each of Civil, Criminal and Grand Jury. E-Forms - Alabama Administrative Office of Courts - %
Simply stated, our mission is to be the most successful judicial system in the nation. Can my employer deduct my juror pay from my pay check? In Alabama, jurors are not "paid" for their service, however, jurors are given an expense allowance of $10.00 per day and $.05 per mile for each day's round trip mileage (Please Note: the state only allows for one trip to the courthouse and the trip home each day.) The attorney general has ruled in Opinion 90-00190 that juror pay received while serving is an expense allowance and should not be deducted from your normal salary. Legal Disclaimer, Local Court Information Regarding COVID-19, Intergovernmental Child Support Enforcement Forms, Alabama Central Disbursement Division (ACDD), Alabama Department of Human Resources (DHR), Alabama Model Parenting Plan Court Forms and Time-Sharing Schedules, Registry of Foreign Language Interpreters, Overview of the Foreign Language Interpreter Program, Overview of the Sign Language Interpreter Program, AOC Foreign Language Interpreter Policies, Instructions for Payment of Alabama Court Interpreters, Payment Claim Form for Foreign Language Interpreters, Payment Claim Form for Interpreters for the Deaf, Fee Standards for Foreign Language Interpreters, Fee Standards for Sign Language Interpreters, Authorization to Conduct a Criminal Background Check, Overview of Foreign Language Interpreter Program, Overview of Sign Language Interpreter Program, Instructions for Payment of AL Court Interpreters, Authorization to Conduct Criminal Background Check. No qualified prospective juror is exempt from jury service. Upon completion of a voir dire examination, each attorney may strike the names of jurors from the list of prospective jurors until only 12 names remain. The notices are mailed from Montgomery and the Clerk receives a list from the Administrative Office of Courts in Montgomery. To request a deferral from jury duty, you must submit a completed copy of your "Jury Information Form", with the request written out. Jury Information Links Notice of Garnishments District Judges Honorable Alan Furr, District Judge County Courthouse, Suite 308 1815 Cogswell Ave Pell City, AL 35125 (205) 338-3869 Honorable Robert Minor, District Judge County Courthouse, Suite 208 1815 Cogswell Ave Pell City, AL 35125 (205) 338-1034 Sometimes the plaintiff may ask for damages in addition to the compensatory damages, in order to punish the defendant and to prevent the defendant from doing the same act again. A prospective juror is asked questions to determine whether he or she has knowledge of or has an interest in the case to be tried. Welcome to the State of Alabama's Juror Qualification System Verify Juror Enter the following information EXACTLY like it is printed on your summons form. Yes. If I work outside the State of Alabama, and I am summoned as a juror in the county where I reside in the State of Alabama, am I entitled to my usual compensation from my employer? Who is eligible for jury duty?Jurors must: You cannot serve on a jury if you have been convicted of a felony and your civil rights have not been restored. The Circuit Clerk will go over what you can expect to experience during your time of jury service. <>
Peremptory challenges do not require the lawyers to state any reason for excusing a juror. The defendants case is presented after the plaintiffs or states case. For any additional questions or concerns please call 334-832-2531. J'affirme avoir achev le Programme de sensibilisation l'gard du plaideur l'chelon de l'tat en ligne tel que propos par le Comit de la Cour suprme sur l'accs aux tribunaux de la famille. The verdict is read by the judge, circuit clerk, or foreman. On occasion, it is necessary to sequester or isolate a jury from contact with the public during the course of the trial. May I waive or forego my expense and mileage allowances if I choose to do so? Thus, a juror must not conduct investigations or experiment by himself/herself. Yes. To register for E-notices as a Pro Se go to and click on Register. endobj
A circuit judge randomly selects the grand jury from the qualified juror pool. endobj
Should you be released earlier than expected, you should return to your job. The court may postpone jury service to a later date rather than grant an excuse. You can briefly tell us in your letter, the reason that you need to be excused and mail it to the Clerk's Office. What time do I have to arrive at the Courthouse on Monday? Jury Information. %PDF-1.5
A challenge for cause means the lawyer has a specific reason for thinking that a juror would not be able to be impartial.