26th District Court, Judge Donna King: 277th District Court, Judge Stacey Mathews . .widget-img { AOSC22-61, In Re: Emergency Request to Extend Time Periods Under All Florida Rules of Procedure for Columbia, and Taylor Counties in the Third Judicial Circuit. Fourth Judicial Circuit Chief Judge Donald R. Moran, Jr. Judge Marianne Lloyd Aho* Judge Suzanne Bass Judge Thomas M. Beverly Judge Kevin Blazs* Judge Mark J. Borello Judge Tyrie Boyer* Judge Hugh A. Carithers As a Hearing Officer he determined insurance issues involving interpretation of Illinois Statues regarding Police and Firefighters benefits as emergency responders. Judge Bill Reinhardt, Chief Judge, Superior Courts. Justice William K. Taylor | NYCOURTS.GOV - Judiciary of New York The Hon. AOSC22-61, In Re: Emergency Request to Extend Time Periods Under All Florida Rules of Procedure for Columbia, and Taylor Counties in the Third Judicial Circuit. also utilized "The Invaders" to compare the government of the } ZOOM IS ALSO BEING UTILIZED BY THE COURTS. margin-bottom:0px; Sarasota Trespass Property Structure Conveyance Lawyer, Sarasota Use of a Child in a Sexual Performance, Sarasota Use of a Child in a Sexual Performance with Consent of Parent, Legal Guardian or Custodian Lawyer, Sarasota Obraining Controlled Substance Fraud Lawyer, Possession of a Controlled Substance Lawyer in Sarasota, Sarasota Sale Substance Place Controlled Substance Lawyer, Sarasota Sale, Purchase, Delivery or Possession of Illegal Drugs in Excess of Ten Grams Lawyer, Sarasota Sale, Purchase, Manufacture, Delivery or Possession of Illegal Drugs with Intent Lawyer, Sarasota Driving With Suspended License Lawyer, Sarasota Driving Without a License Lawyer, Sarasota Leaving the Scene of an Accident Lawyer, Sarasota Leaving the Scene of an Accident With Serious Bodily Injury Lawyer, Sarasota Reckless Driving Accident Lawyer, Clearwater Personal Injury Lawyer Near Me, Fort Myers Personal Injury Lawyer Near Me, North Port Personal Injury Lawyer Near Me, Port Charlotte Personal Injury Lawyer Near Me. Instead, contact the Court by phone or in writing. His experience will help the parties reach a fair and reasonable agreement. William H. Taylor, II (Ret.) Feedback | color: white; Perry, FL 32347 If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public records request, do not send electronic mail to this entity. Contact The Law Place today to schedule a free review of your case. Perry, FL 32348 www.taylorcountypa.com, Dana Southerland (NPA) (2024) If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public records request, do not send electronic mail to this entity. try clicking the minimize button instead. Judge Maddux is able to handle the most complex litigation with ease. Madison County Circuit Court to receive third judge with new bill Williamson County approves park improvements, moving Taylor Ambulance Superior Court Staff - Tifton Judicial Circuit While some of the information on this site may deal with legal issues, none of such information constitutes legal advice. Justice Taylor's experiences while on the bench further solidified the legal knowledge and skills that will serve you. https://www.thefreelibrary.com/Taylor+County+Court+Judge+William+Blue.-a0498801479. Directory - Court Administration For full print and download access, please subscribe at https://www.trellis.law/. government, he said. Administrative Order No. Taught pre-trial settlement techniques at judicial seminars for all Illinois judges. 3rd Circuit Courts | Taylor County, FL | The Law Place guaranteed by the Bill of Rights is to our way of life." This spring, he demonstrated his commitment to Justice Teaching by visiting the two history classes of teacher William Goggins on three consecutive days. The Third Judicial Circuit provides the information on this website as a service to the public. Individuals that get arrested for drug related offenses that meet certain criteria may be admitted into the Adult Drug Treatment Court Program of Taylor County. Tamra Lewis Sharon A.M. Aarons. } In 2015 Taylor County reported there were 31 people arrested for DUI, but in 2016 this number nearly doubled to 61. THE COURT IS USING MICROSOFT TEAMS VIDEOCONFERENCING PLATFORM. The Court cannot ethically read or consider any other evidence or arguments about the case. He was admitted to the State Bar of Florida in 1989. PLEASE CLICK FOR MORE INFORMATION. ALL SELF-REPRESENTED LITIGANTS ARE URGED TO REGISTER WITH THE FLORIDA COURTS E-FILING PORTAL. The Hon. Orlando, FL 32801, 3426 W. Kennedy Blvd. The Third Judicial Circuit does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy or availability of the content on this or on other sites to which we link. Career. It is the policy of Florida State Courts System (SCS) to comply with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended. PLEASE CLICK TO LEARN ABOUT ZOOM VIDEO CONFERENCING PLATFORM. County. Judge Name. PLEASE CLICK TO LEARN ABOUT ZOOM VIDEO CONFERENCING PLATFORM. Please do not call the Court expecting to speak with a judge about any case. Box 806 Tifton, GA 31793-0806 Phone: (229) 386-7906 Fax: (229) 386-7927. .widget-row.Independent, .widget-row.Nonpartisan, .widget-row.Constitution {

Judge William K. Taylor | Trellis Taylor County Supervisor of Elections > General Info > Contact Your .infobox p { William Maddux and Associates, Ltd. ( now Johnson & Bell, Ltd. ) 1975 to 1991. PLEASE CLICK TO ACCESS MS TEAMS VIDEO CONFERENCING TUTORIAL. Suwannee County Judges (4) Taylor County Judges (2) Facebook Twitter. font-weight: bold; PLEASE CLICK TO ACCESS MS . Judge Donnersbergers (Ret.) Biographies of State and County Court Judges in Florida, Florida Bar News: P.O. The Court cannot ethically read or consider any other evidence or arguments about the case. background-color: #f9f9f9; float: right; Please click this link for more details. } Then, in 2016, he was elected to the Monroe County Supreme Court. display: block; Judge Maddux has handled a wide range of cases over his 56 years in . of assembly, how is your inability to assemble going to affect the way different rights. William W. Blue is a judge for the Taylor County Court in Florida. ALL SELF-REPRESENTED LITIGANTS ARE URGED TO REGISTER WITH THE FLORIDA COURTS E-FILING PORTAL. color: white; Copyright 2023 Farlex, Inc. | word-wrap: break-word; Bill Blue - Ballotpedia Judicial Assistant: Barbara Opperman Division: S (AJ/FM) Office: (321) 617-7287 Moore Justice Center Viera, Brevard. width: 100%; Bill Blue (2024) P O Box 914 Perry, FL 32348 850-223-2583 https://thirdcircuitfl.org/judges/judge-bill-blue/ Sheriff