[40], During a televised joint interview prior to their second bout in 1974, Ali continued to insult Frazier, who took exception to Ali calling him "ignorant" and challenged him to a fight, which resulted in both of them brawling on the studio floor. (When asked Tuesday, Fraziers business manager readily shared the fact that he was at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania.). His sheer endurance, strength, agility, formidable punching power, including the left hook that he used successfully to knock out his opponents, are regarded as his most awesome qualities. One day, a black kid about 12 years old accidentally damaged one of the Bellamys' tractors. "My left hook was a heat-seeking missile, careening off his face and body time and again. Family & friends of Joe Frazier to dedicate statue commemorating fight Despite this fall from fame, Frazier remains a boxing legend forever. Frazier never won the heavyweight championship again. Joe finally settled in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: "I climbed on the Dog's back and rode through the night. To be sure, there has been much Frazier family friction in the time since Joe's passing, with litigation surrounding his will, and letters requesting that Derek's mother, Sheri Gibson, return property to the estate. The second knockdown was delivered by a devastating left hook, and Foster could not beat the count. In a 2006 HBO documentary on the fight in Manila, Frazier was interviewed living in a one-room apartment on the second floor of his gym.[31]. After retiring, Frazier made cameo appearances in several Hollywood movies and two episodes of The Simpsons. By November 2011, he was under hospice care, where he died on November 7 at the age of 67. In 1981, Frazier attempted a comeback. Articles from Britannica Encyclopedias for elementary and high school students. Ali was taken to a hospital immediately after the fight to check that his severely-swollen right-side jaw was not actually broken. Bouchard tried to get a bronze statue erected in Philadelphia, but the city declined and opted for the Rocky statue instead. He then retired for good. WHYY offers a voice to those not heard, a platform to share everyones stories, a foundation to empower early and lifelong learners and a trusted space for unbiased news. This article was most recently revised and updated by, https://www.britannica.com/biography/Joe-Frazier, African American Registry - Biography of Joe Frazier, International Boxing Hall of Fame - Biography of Joe Frazier, ESPN Classic - Frazier battled Ali in timeless trilogy, Joe Frazier - Student Encyclopedia (Ages 11 and up). Or, just put the Rocky statue somewhere else.". Frazier and Futch noticed Ali's tendency to throw a right-hand uppercut from a straight standing position after dropping the hand in preparation to throw it with force. Some considered him to be the true champion, and the fight would crown the one true heavyweight champion. In 1972, Frazier successfully defended the title twice by knocking out Terry Daniels and Ron Stander in the fourth and fifth rounds, respectively.