Jeffrey gives Quincy the phone and listens in on their conversation and is shocked when it turns out Veronica did in fact tell Quincy that Candace was at his apartment. #hahn," one wrote. ga('create', 'UA-67136960-15', 'auto', 'ads'); To cut the story short, the guy was Madison's ex but he didn't mind hitting on Jeffrey too, because, why not? Im just tired of their characters. }); Jeffrey and Madison, who have been going at it for a long time now, might have to make a decision soon about their relationship. But Melissa won't budge and continues to spend time with them. David then has Jeffrey's bill put on his credit card allowing Jeffrey to enter his room. that went on longer than any of us would have liked to watch. However, this alerted Jeffrey that Amanda was really mentally unhinged and she needed help immediately. Candace tells Jeffrey that both of them cannot go to jail while Jeffrey states it was self-defense however, he begins to freak out as Candace informs since they stab Quincy multiple times it won't look that way. This fear was valid as Veronica later threatens to make him suffer if he were to ever put hand against her in anyway before leaving him in a state of fear. Notifications can be turned off anytime from browser settings. The Haves and the Have Nots' Finale Left Us With a Whole Lot of - Yahoo When Veronica sets the family home on fire, Jeffrey worried about her goes to speak with her as she casually shrugs him off. #HAHN Madison played Jeffrey real good acting like he wasn't involved recently, and his ex still makes booty calls with a key. Jeffrey Harrington, Justin Lewis and Madison Justin Lewis, played by Nicholas James, has been on the series since Season 3. Justin Lewis | The Haves and The Have Nots Wiki | Fandom Jeffrey and Madison where in shock, as it was apparent that Justin wanted Jeffrey to burn with him. "I want Jeffrey to get his last 3 credits of psychology and go open up a therapy practice far far away. }) The police spot Jeffrey telling him to come over as they question Quita if they know each other until she is told his name and him driving her car. MEAWW is an initialism for Media Entertainment Arts WorldWide. This revelation cheers up the sad jeffrey who had thought that both of his parents were deeply embarrassed about his sexuality he thanks his father for supporting him in his lifestyle choices and wishes his mother can be like him. Nah what the hell is going on here?! eventCategory: event.slot.getSlotElementId(), Jeffrey is still paranoid about the car situation his mother assignment him to go on a date with a girl name Melissa who becomes more like a little stalker which they both got drunk and have sex the next day and the car he told his mother that he hated it Veronica told tell him that he had to do it over and over again until he is interested in having sex with women. Landon Peyton (portrayed by: Kristian Kordula) is a publicist who works for Jim and David's governor campaign alongside Maggie. Wyatt is a friend of Jeffrey's and the son of his father's friend and fellow judge Jim Cryer. Melissa tells Jeffrey she's pregnant and soon listens to how Melissa's father has cancer and how her mother owes Veronica a large sum of money. 'The Haves and the Have Nots' Recap: [Spoiler]'s - TVLine } Meanwhile, he struggles not to get too close, complicated by the fact that he has long had secret romantc feelings for Wyatt, of which the latter appears to be blissfully unaware. The Haves and Have Nots ' All-Time Most Memorable Characters, Ranked Launch Gallery In the wake of the most traumatizing cookout in history, Jeffrey declared that he couldn't see Madison.