Stunned at the news of Roxanne and Tina being lovers, a frustrated Sylvester points his gun at the both of them, but soon stops because of his tolerance to lesbians, while Twan kept egging him to shoot them. When R. Kelly first released his Trapped In The Closet series in 2005, the R&B-musical-meets-tongue-in-cheek-soap-opera was viewed as both groundbreaking and a joke unworthy of the Chicago icons immense musical talents. NEPHEW TOMMY PRANK CALL-TRAPPED IN THE CLOSET - YouTube When Sylvester asks Roxanne about it, Roxanne explains a pimp had hit Tina in the eye a year ago and that she's had bad nerves ever since. After searching elsewhere, he slowly approaches the closet. Sylvester apologizes, and they begin making love. Randolph hid in the closet and unintentionally overheard the conversation seen in chapter eighteen among Chuck, Rufus and Cathy. Rufus then tries to let Chuck come see him so they can talk but Chuck refuses. Sylvester and Twan notice a peculiar odor in the house. R. Kelly Baffles New York Audience Explaining "Trapped in the Closet Lucius then reflects as the girls walk away. The former has a poetic conceit that literally spins into outer space: Well stick a flag on the moon/ First couple to ever make love on planet Neptune/ And if time allow us/ Well be gone for hours/ I wont stop until I give you meteor showers. The Zoo is even broader: Girl, I got you so wet/ Its like a rain forest/ Like Jurassic Park/ Except Im your sex-a-saurus baby/ You and me hopping/ Like two kangaroos/ Rattling and moaning/ Out here in these woods. No one who has seen Trapped in the Closetor, for that matter, Kellys live a cappella performance of The Zoocould deny that such songs are meant more to amuse than to titillate. The South Park episode Trapped in the Closet contained a dramatized explanation (you can skip the first 50 seconds) of the beliefs of Scientology. And first one notes that the average Scientologist you meet on the street has not reached this level, so while Lord Xenu is part of the belief system, it is unknown to even many Scientologists. Hiding under his kitchen sink, the midget then shits himself a storyline the creators of The Wire strangely overlooked. You cant hate on that. The only constants are the languid, eerie beat; Kellys casually spectacular vocal pyrotechnics (in Chapter 21, he croons goombah-style, in the voice of an Italian Mafia boss); and the singers desire to pile on more ludicrous plot twists. It's REALLY obviously satirical. In chapter fourteen, it is revealed that apparently Sylvester and Cathy, who shows up in a blond wig and black dress, made a deal for Sylvester to get caught by her pastor husband Rufus but the deal had apparently backfired, not only by Cathy's realization that Sylvester and her best friend Gwendolyn were married but also due to Cathy not wanting to end her marriage to Rufus, with Cathy later admitting she had changed her mind on the deal. Or did we just flash ahead a couple years? *912* Trapped in the Closet - Page 2 : Spoilers/New Episode Discussion Top 26 Funny Closet Jokes for Everyone - Gift Our Precious When Sylvester threatens to leave, Cathy tries to explain the reasons why. Are there any canonical examples of the Prime Directive being broken that aren't shown on screen? Pimps with speech impediments! Back in the office, Rufus calls out to God asking how God was going to help him. a midget!brilliant, R Kelly. We lived on the same dorm floor sophomore year, and we both DJed at the college radio station. Trapped in the Closet: Chapters 1-12 (Video 2005) - IMDb 2023 Vibe Media, LLC. The first five chapters of Trapped in the Closet originally appeared as the final tracks on Kelly's album TP.3 Reloaded. Closet Sex; Trapped In A Closet; Summary. This is why I'm not a big fan of all the works satirizing Trapped in the Closet. Those hoping this brief collaboration would evolve into a long-running Oldham-Kelly musical partnership are still sadly in waiting. Im only up to Chapter 11. This makes Tina's eye twitch, which had started when Sylvester had first approached her near the end of chapter 14. Closet Shuffle - TV Tropes When Sylvester tries to leave, the husband tells him to stay because he wants to reveal a "secret". Sylvester tries to get Twan to leave the restaurant. The initial six-part cycle didnt resolve itself that nicely, but at least it had something resembling an ending. When Gwendolyn mentions that she saw Sylvester in Paje's club with "some crusty wig-wearing ass ho", Cathy realizes the man she had slept with that night was Sylvester.