HOA Homefront: Whose pipes are those? - San Diego Union-Tribune co-ops and community apartment projects. Sounds easy, right? Not following the repair deadlines has penalties. Code 4775.) Inspection Companies. The company with the $7,000 bid simply forgot to put a one in front of the amount and later recognized the error. See, Florida Statute 718.113 of the Florida Condominium Act. Subsequent inspections need to be completed once every nine years in coordination with the reserve study inspection. If you have a specific area designated on the balcony just for your unit then it is likely a limited common element unless otherwise defined in your HOA decs and bylaws. 4. Contracts prepared by vendors can sometimes be skewed to protect the vendor. Elevated Structures Defined. Based on this, if your Declaration states that it shall be an owners responsibility to maintain, repair and/or replace the limited common elements serving their units, or if it states that the Association may assess the costs of the maintenance, repair and/or replacement back to the unit owners who benefit by such work, the Board may undertake the project and assess the costs back to the unit owners. for photos of balconies and to Bill Leys of DeckExpert.com for his photo Your IP: Stock Co-ops & Community Apartments. On August 30, 2019, Governor Newsom signed Senate Bill No. myMotherLode.com - The Mother Lode's Local News, Sports, Weather, Movies, Classifieds, Yellow Pages, Real Estate. Depending on the California deck and balcony law youre complying with, well inspect the required percentage of EEEs and provide a report about all the conditions of the EEEs, as specified by the law. Associations must complete their first inspection before January 1, 2025. Either the HOA will use your monthly HOA fees/reserve funds (although this will be cheaper) to pay for the repairs or by having to pay out of pocket for all repairs. Following the Berkeley balcony tragedy and subsequent investigation, California began to focus on deck and balcony safety legislation. Explain the extent of water damage in your condominium and the need to make repairs as quickly as possible. If youre like most building owners and property managers, you likely have questions about these bills, how to comply with them, and what the inspection requirements are. or more units must inspect elevated load-bearing structures which are On the other hand, nothing in the law prohibits an HOA from defining those terms within its documents. Canada Condo, Strata & HOA News. You have to submit a structural integrity certification to the county. the unfinished surfaces of the interior walls, ceilings and floors, the What to Know About the HOA Balcony Law (SB 326) If either the HOA or an individual owner doesn't properly meet those obligations, it can cause problems for that owner, and often for other members of the HOA as well. Heres a breakdown of each bills requirements: SB-721 requires all deck and balcony inspections to be completed by general contractors with A, B, or C-5 license classifications (they must also have at least five years of experience), certified building inspectors, engineers, or architects.