Use the Paths panel to convert it to a path, then choose Export Paths to Illustrator. Read affiliate disclosure here. Manually redrawing/tracing it would be the most accurate. In addition to what Doug suggested, please check out this help article to know how to create outlines in Adobe Illustrator. Learn to create a fun coconut text effect that will make you dream of a tropical vacation. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Create outlines is not working for any of my fonts. New to illustrator as well. Select the veins and change the fill color to light green (1). In this tutorial well be going over how you can create outlines in Illustrator by applying a stroke to subject.Want to learn more about how Adobe Illustrator works? Illustrator | Convert Stroke to Outline - YouTube Create a line or shape using one of the tools in the toolbar. By signing up you are agreeing to receive emails according to our privacy policy. Create outlines greyed out for a particular font in Illustrator CC on macOS Mojave Kellysingleton New Here , Sep 24, 2019 I am trying to create outlines in AI CC for our purchased font, however, the create outlines is greyed out. Please help error.jpg Preview Upvote Translate Report Mohammed Aijaz New Here , All rights reserved. Dedicated community for Japanese speakers, /t5/illustrator-discussions/make-guide-is-greyed-out/td-p/11358122, /t5/illustrator-discussions/make-guide-is-greyed-out/m-p/11358131#M189014, /t5/illustrator-discussions/make-guide-is-greyed-out/m-p/11358134#M189016, /t5/illustrator-discussions/make-guide-is-greyed-out/m-p/11358161#M189021, /t5/illustrator-discussions/make-guide-is-greyed-out/m-p/11358252#M189025, /t5/illustrator-discussions/make-guide-is-greyed-out/m-p/11358292#M189027. See Type menu > Create Outlines. After converting your text into outlines, you can change the color using the solid colored square in the upper-left corner. Set the Blending Mode to Multiply to make the white fill transparent while the shadow remains visible. For this demonstration I will be applying an outline to the following text object:In this tutorial well be applying an outline to text. This will create a green border around the text. Let's learn how to make a brush in Illustrator. Are artificial intelligence answers permitted? By using our site, you agree to our. One of the most common design tasks you may look to perform is applying an outline to an object whether it be text, a shape, or any other design element. All tip submissions are carefully reviewed before being published. Copy and Paste in Place (Shift-Control-V) the Noel compound path again and give it a 1 pt white Stroke. I am approaching a deadline to get this to my printer. Send it to the back by going to, Use the technique explained above to obtain the shadow compound path for the other letters and, once done, apply the. See also: Convert type to outlines in Illustrator on the desktop. Keep these two shapes selected, and go to Object > Blend > Blend Options. Create Outline is grayed out on all files. 3. Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 369,161 times. Now, grab a copy of the first leaf shape; move it a little to the right, and change the fill color to a darker shade of green. Blend these two lines using 14 Specified Steps, and you will get the rest of the green stripes between the reds (2). I have deleted the prefs file.still nothing. Use the drop-down menu next to "Characters" to select a font. Create type on a path To correct this, we must change a setting in the Stroke menu. When I select my text and go to the >Type > Create Outlines menu items it is greyed out.