Which is why these sick hunters had no regard for human life! Hushpuppies are a fine example of this intellectual laziness in action. The submission was tagged as being in violation of the subreddits first rule and not verifiable. It linked to the Brittanica.com entry quoted above, and the top comment observed: I.e., no proof or evidence this is the etymology, its likely just a story. Generally, hush puppies will be also served with a dipping sauce or with cheesy grits. The hound stopped barking and tracking thanks to the cornmeal which later adopted the name 'hush puppies.'". Hush puppy recipes vary from place to place, but all use the same basic cornmeal batter with a few tweaks here and there like the addition of sugar for a slight sweetness and a little cayenne pepper for flavor, but not really heat. . hush puppies The delicious cornbread concoction we have come to call a hush puppy has its roots in the Southern United States. Sometime in 1870, Govan began catering a myriad of successful events, from hosting a fish fry on the riverbank to catering soirees for government officials: at all events besides his fried fish and catfish stew his red horse bread wowed the audience. Further inland, they became staples at fish camps along the rivers of the Piedmont, where mill workers and their families would fish in the afternoons and pay to have their catch cleaned and fried for dinner. Wisdom: What is it? According to an Antebellum-era legend (1812-1860), hush puppies may have gotten their name when individuals attempting to escape slavery needed to keep any lingering watchdogs silent. The History of Hushpuppies and How to Make Omissions? Try these Pimento Cheese Hush Puppies from Southern Bite. There is a What are the Other similar delicacies could be found in Georgia and Florida, though by 1927 they were known popularly as hush puppies. hush puppy, a deep-fried or baked ball of cornmeal batter and spices, usually served as a side dish. iPhone History: A Timeline of Every Model in Order Regardless who first put the two items together, though, North Carolinians quickly discovered that a basket of hushpuppies were the perfect accompaniment for a tray of chopped barbecue and ketchup-laced red slaw. The funny name soon caught the ear of tourists from up North visiting Florida on fishing excursions. They are commonly made at home or served in restaurants advertising home-style food. We should note that Southerners had been frying corn meal batter in any number of forms since the colonial dayscorn pone, johnny cakes, hoe cakes, corn dodgers. ", Not all Southern food authorities buy this story. Golden-brown, bite-sized, and doughy, a hush puppy is just one of a number of corn cakes with which the South has blessed the world. The small breads are fried until crispy golden brown, and cooled. Many learned historians, therefore, have transferred the hushpuppy origin story from fishermen to soldiers. Why yonder is the most wonderful Southern word, In defense of y'all, a word the whole country can and should use, Get the latest from It's a Southern Thing by subscribing to. A hushpuppy is a simple treatthick cornmeal batter dropped in spheres (or nuggets or fingers) into hot oil and fried till crisp and brown. As noted in a hush puppy recipe from Mashed, the ingredients are simple: cornmeal, flour, leavening agents, oil, seasonings, buttermilk, and an egg. I wouldnt say my dad was the first, but I would say he was one of the first.. The groups are created to raise awareness, educate, and advocate for those that might not otherwise be heard. The phrase was often used by British soldiers who would turn the blind-eye to smuggling operations at ports. . from todayilearned. The hounds stopped barking and tracking thanks to the cornmeal which later adopted the name hush puppies. If slaves created the hushpuppy, it was most likely based on a common fried cornmeal from parts of South Africa called "mealie pap." In 1927, the mens bible class of First Methodist Church in Macon staged a fish fry, and the Macon Telegraph noted that chairman Roscoe Rouse would cook the fish and the hushpuppies and make the coffee. By the early 1930, hushpuppies were regularly being served at political gatherings near Tallahassee, including a rally in May 1931 at Wakulla Springs where the spread consisted of several hundred pounds of mullet, fresh from the gulf, and other fish fry delicacies, including hush-puppies., The term appears in quotation marks in those accounts, indicating that it wasnt yet widely know. This would generally be the case in particularly tense situations, like when taking aim or when stalking cant have mans best friend throwing you off your A-game, after all. One claims, with little verification, that it came from hunters, fishermen, or other cooks who would fry some basic cornmeal mixture (possibly that they had been bread-coating or battering their own food with) and feed it to their dogs to "hush the puppies" during cook-outs or fish-fries. According to an Antebellum-era legend (1812-1860), hush puppies may have gotten their name when individuals attempting to escape slavery Additionally, it was plastered on the covers of numerous 1920s newspapers to speak out about the corrupt bribing of the Hardings administrations Teapot Dome Scandal between 1921 and 1923, when officials accepted bribes from oil-companies. Oh, and of course: they ordered the pooches to Hush puppies.. Little balls of cornbread make a handy and delicious side dish for all A division of Wolverine World Wide, Hush Puppies is headquartered in Rockford, Michigan.Wolverine markets and completely licenses the Hush Puppies name for footwear.