If theres a backup version of the post, you may be able to see it. Step 1: Open the Tumblr app, tap the Account icon, and then tap the gear-shaped Settings icon. NOTE This process only works if you are using tumblr from your desktop browser. At the bottom, they will find the 'Temporarily deactivate my account' option. As always, leave your thoughts and The internet is increasingly putting up virtual walls. Scroll down and right to the bottom and choose 'Delete Account.'. Navigate to General Settings and select Filtering. Simply browsing with the default Tumblr safe mode as a normal user poses very little threat to your system. However, accessing all of your reblogged content may not be possible, and its pure luck if you do. If anything is missing from the initial sweep that turns up in search, add each individual url to the command line. First, you should know the URL of the deleted post. Tumblr uses robots and human employees to identify these posts and separate them from similar but allowed content. Congratulations, now you know how to look at the tumblr archive. Online restrictions are almost always a bad thing, but its understandable in this case NSFW content isnt for everyone. Warning NSFW: Tumblr Archive: How to View/Access Tumblr Archive? You may decide to delete this content for different reasons, but what if you regret your decision and want the posts back? To get a backup, you need to select and copy this code, paste it into a text file, and use it whenever you need to. They decided to do the infamous purge and delete any post that depicted sensitive content. Here's what I can advise. Log in to your Tumblr account, and click on the 'Accoun t' icon, which is the person-shaped icon. Over the course of the pandemic, Gen Z flocked to Tumblr; as of early 2022, 61% of its new users, and nearly half of its active users, are under 24. Use Web Archive. To delete your secondary blog, enter your profile and select the secondary blog you want to deactivate in the dropdown menu under Tumblrs.. However, you need to export your blog every time you post new content on it or when users leave new comments. Steven Melendez is an independent journalist with a background in technology and business. How do i deactivate my account now? : r/Instagram - Reddit From the top-right corner of the page, select the Profile area after you've entered your dashboard. If you post violent or sensitive content, or if Tumblr thinks youre a bot, it may choose to deactivate or suspend your account. Hey! Then select Delete everything to permanently delete it. Tumblr is one of the best microblogging platforms on the web. Step 3: Tap Dont Hide Anything to turn Safe Mode off. (10 Reasons), Why Is McDonalds So Expensive? (2023 Updated). Publishing too many posts about the same content in a row, using too many buzzwords, or posting a lot of links are different examples of spammy content. And it doesnt delete the data even when it has disappeared from a website or platform. Before we wrap things up, remember to check out the sites mentioned above even if you have an account. Since Tumblr supports RSS, you can add a /rss after the posts URL and view it after removal. 2. Good. If youre on your primary account, youll get redirected to that blog to see its dashboard. What Are Tumblr Top Posts and Can You Disable Them? On a web browser: If youre on your primary account, youll get redirected to that blog to see its dashboard. I'm not completely sure how tumblr works but maybe you could scroll through these, change the dates a bit and find the post you're looking for? You should now be able to search for and access blogs or posts that were previously flagged as not safe for work.. You can only restore the posts that youve already queued. You may want to access other users deleted content. Keep up with the latest trending news in sports with our daily newsletter. Additional Method: Using the Archive Option in tumblr Mobile App. (2023 Updated), Does Kroger Take Apple Pay? Another useful tool that can help you retrieve a Tumblr post is Feedly. (10 Reasons), Does Lowes Have Curbside Pickup? If you're not sure if your Tumblr has been banned or if your account is having another technical issue or if you think that your Tumblr account was deleted or suspended for an incorrect reason, contact Tumblr support for help. I tried putting it into the Wayback machine and a few things popped up from different years.