"~ sourced from website, "The Chariots of Light Christian Bikers Club is an evangelistic outreach of Jerry Savelle Ministries International, located in Crowley, Texas. In the time since this founding, Fellowship Riders has received hundreds of requests from churches for help in starting motorcycle ministries. Whether it's a simple prayer request or hosting a community outreach event, we are spiritually armed with the word of God to fight the good fight in "Leading The Lost To The Cross"~ sourced from website, "A National Biker Ministry for Christian motorcyclists, sharing the love of Jesus worldwide"~ sourced from website, "You don't have to prospect with us, or go through a lot of red tape in order to wear our back patch. In seeking the Lords direction, they have now relocated that ministry to Boerne, Texas and the Kendall County Cowboy Church. Led by Pastor Michael, these 28 leaders reviewed the God-breathed vision leading to the founding of Fellowship Riders, Code of Conduct, evangelism methods, developed organization and planning goals, and heard from the Scripture concerning their living a life that honors Jesus as Lord, separating themselves from the culture of lawlessness and darkness around them, reflecting the Light of Jesus at all times. Donate:https://www.facebook.com/donate/421991138384546/. To be a soul winning Christian club that reaches out to bikers, gang members, street people, at risk youths, those with any life controlling addiction and those who have "fallen through the cracks" of conventional ministry. Fellowship Riders of the Hill Country - 2019 Angel Tree Delivery Report Published December 23, 2019 | By admin The primary focus of this ministry is to reach the secular MC "bikers" who have not had the opportunity to have their lives touched by Jesus Christ"~ sourced from website, "The Least of Saints Motorcycle Club is a Christian based non-profit organization. Opportunities | Iron Horse Ministries With this first tent and chair donation, I challenge everyone reading this to consider adding your support as we continue efforts to provide tents and chairs for the other 3 ministries. Our primary mission is to share the good news of salvation through Christ to the members of motorcycle clubs and others in the motorcycle world and to minister to their spiritual and physical needs and those of their families. % of people told us that this article helped them. Motorcycle Ministry and the Church of God . As a non-Christian nation; 90% of the population Muslim, 9% Hindu, and the remaining 1% spread among Buddhists and a sprinkling of other beliefs including Catholic; the Gospel of salvation through Jesus Christ is unknown to most of Bangladesh. "~ sourced from website. Reach out to local businesses who might be interested in sponsoring your event or providing services like catering or entertainment. Welcome To The Fellowship Riders Blog | Start A Rumble In Your Church Even if your events dont generate a profit, they can still provide an opportunity to bring people together and strengthen community ties. Writing your mission statement can also help you further solidify your vision for your club. _W.storeCurrency = "USD"; Burial services were held on Saturday, June 8, and it is clear that this loss affected the entire community as seen in the number of people who gathered to show their respect and to mourn the wife and one surviving child. "I like this article because it has the basic fundamentals for starting your own motorcycle club. 2. A few weeks ago, I received an email from a church in Kenya who wished to become an affiliate of Fellowship Riders.