for the update, @alexcrow23 Additionally, Lenny's Simple Trainer was one of the first script modifications created for RDR2 PC, and uses it's own scripthook, which increase the amount of memory hooking used and thus false positive detection potential. How to change Script Hook V & Native Trainer controls [Latest version] This error message typically appears when trying to launch the game, and can be quite frustrating to deal with. Lenny's Simple Trainer - Page 19 - Scripts - Sign up to get the best content of the week, and great gaming deals, as picked by the editors. - Open menu with F5 on keyboard (configurable in .ini) or R1 + Right D-Pad on controller - Change menu colors, make it your own - Many features, with more to come in future updates - Play as any NPC with full dialogue support for greeting and antagonizing, dead eye, all outfits - Zombies and Riot Mode Join the Discord at In fact, when I restarted the Rockstar launcher after installing the trainer, it warned me I could be banned from Red Dead Online: Back up your saves and game files before doing anything. @HunterMysterouis hunterMake sure that asi loader (version.dll) is updated. Possibly fixed teleport not working at times, Possibly fixed infinite ammo options not working at times, Added model swapping (DO NOT SAVE WHEN YOU'VE SWAPPED MODELS! I want to say there's a way to change it ingame via the mod menu, though I could be getting my mods mixed up. Nice work! Heres how it works. Where can I find that? Native Trainer - Re-Skinned and Better Controls (Now Works Again So easy! Just to clarify, are you attempting to use it on Red Dead Online? Installation: 1. - animals spawn random or by category (horses, dogs, fish, etc. That also isn't a Native trainer, it's adjusting values in memory or however a smarter person would explain it. All rights reserved. License All rights reserved. If your native trainer mod is not working properly in GTA 5, ensure that you have the latest version of Script Hook V and that the mod is compatible with your version of the game. Sign up for a new account in our community. whats the value of the saint denis police officer? How to Fix GTA 5 Can't Find Native - GameDecide F5: PRESS to open or close the Trainer Menu. You can change the key bindings to whatever you'd like, however, i'd suggest changing the key bindings to arrow keys. Also works on peds/entitesyou target. A trainer for RDR2 singleplayer has arrived, and it lets you switch from Arthur's boring human body into an eagle, a wolf, and (with a bit of file editing), any other model in the game. a little hint when going in First Person with the eagle the Game Crashes . Check it out here! Teleportation to anywhere on the map will help to reduce the time and the opportunity to obtain any transport in any place will let you experience all the carts.For convenience, this distribution includes the latest version of ScriptHook and Asi Loader. Just a simple Mod Menu I'll manage from time to time. native trainer not working it comes up but i cant navigate the menu, The trainer comes up but i can't navigate the menu with numpad it stopped working out of no where. You can download NativeUI from the same website where you downloaded Script Hook V. Make sure that your game is up-to-date, as some mods may not work with outdated versions of GTA 5. No, I only use it in single player and unfortunately it doesn't work. Lenny's Simple Trainer makes extensive use of memory hooking to achieve a lot of what it does, which can look malicious to anti-virus software. Press Esc to cancel. ); Customizable Trainer. Can be downloaded from mod-rdr or NexusMods. Drag the .asi and the "RampageFiles" to your game directory (where RDR2.exe is) Upon completion, you should see the following alongside your RDR2.exe The one included is outdated. );- spawn characters with random or by category (characters, cutscenes, etc. and now it works like this: -F3 pressed for first time: enable the menu. ), Retouched add/remove honor (NPC will no longer fight you when spawned, etc. Another possible cause is outdated or incompatible game mods or custom scripts. I'm a noob at using mods, why can't I open Native Trainer? If you've ever wanted to play as a wolf, soar in the skies as an eagle or have a personal bodyguard, then this is the mod for you.