Copyright 2023 Black Tree Gaming Ltd. All rights reserved. Given the casual . Run through a race a couple times to familiarize yourself with the placement of enemy bots and pots, and prepare to shoot them ahead of time during your S rank run. margin-bottom: 25px; As the names imply, the Fertilizer Fun and Amazing Brainzpacks are split between the Plant and Zombie factions, so if you're fishing for a missing piece in one faction or the other, this may be the way to go. Thanks for the help. Signup for a Free Account. .toc-image-container-large { margin-top: -60px; position: relative; Something went wrong. Plants vs Zombies Garden Warfare 2 Sunflower Class Guide They're far more stylish than your average video game website tat. If anyone catches wind of your gatling stance, it's probably the end for your Peashooter. Grumpy Stumpy | Plants vs. Zombies Wiki | Fandom This guide will walk you through all the details you need to know to unlock the characters and variants that you're looking to play. * Super Fertilizer and No-Brainerz Upgrades requires Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare 2 on applicable platform (sold separately), all updates and internet connection. If you are expecting the gameplay from the apps, you are in for quite a surprise. Against /* Little capitalized subheads for use within subsections */ They can also spit goop on a zombie to slow them down and make them easier to get behind for a kill. When you're far away fighting Cacti, use the shield to duck in and out of cover and get a more precise line of sight. Peashooter is also one of the most mobile characters in the game, thanks to the Hyper power. Plants vs Zombies Garden Warfare 2 S Rank Tips. .box p:before { It explodes a few seconds after being released, and draws Spawnable Zombies to it. You can choose to play as plants or zombies and can switch at anytime by going to a sign in the base, or the customization booth. Her key strategy is to polymorph or shape-shift high priority targets into goats, rendering them useless while a larger firefight plays out and your team has the advantage. Ten 15k packs cost 150,000. When you're fighting in indoor arenas, keep an eye out for holes in the ceiling. } } Using her teleport ability as an offensive option is appealing, but it's also important to save it as a getaway. You will also be able to land hits on enemy bots and pots more easily without slowing down to aim. Plants vs Zombies Garden Warfare 2 is a game where, you guessed it, plants fight zombies. Kernel Corn is an odd character who will only suit specific players that are willing to learn the nuances of his balanced loadout. He can also send his parrot out like the Cactus drone, and get on a stationary cannon to shoot enemies. Use it sparingly. If you want a cheaper option that gets you consumables and will also eventually pay off with a character, get either the Fertilizer Fun Pack or the Amazing Brainz Pack for 35,000 coins. Promoting resets the character to level 1, but unlocks a special title that players will see when you vanquish them. Sunflowers can deploy a self-healing plant that perpetually doles out health pickups. Engineers are surprisingly resilient. The more items you have the more likely you will get more legendary items. background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6); Plants vs Zombies Garden Warfare 2 has plentyof things to dothat the original did not have. Unfortunately there's no means by which to improve your chances outside of purchasing one type of Sticker Pack over another, depending on what you are trying to obtain, because the system is completely randomized and not influenced by anything at all, including it's own past behavior in what it did or did not give you. The 15k Extraordinary Pack is the one that I buy. I see people using things like the healing ball for the scientist that i would much rather have than 1 of his standard abilities. margin-top: -60px; font-size: 1em !important; Question: How do you unlock new abilities in Garden Warfare 2. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. ), As@Ziago_Jmentioned, the majority of the original alternate abilities are available completely at random through the purchase of Sticker Packs; Dark Flower, Solar Flare Beamand Rainbow Heal Beam for the Sunflower, Iron Maiden, Artichoke Drone andPotato Nugget Minefor the Cactus, Super Zombie Stink Cloudand Multi Rocket for the Foot Soldier, Heal Station, Energy Warp and Armored Heal Station for Scientist, Spiky Spkeweed, Super Sticky Goop, Sprint Burrowand Chomp Cannon for Chomper, ShieldDecoy, Long Bomb and Ultra Tackle for All Star, Sombrero Bean Bomb, Retro Gatling and Super Pea Jump for the Peashooter. } Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare 2 - Official Site - Electronic Arts font-weight: bold !important; If you find that your teammates aggressive on offense, consider Super Brainz, especially in close quarters maps like Great White North, which doesn't have a lot of open, outdoor arenas.