What can we do to protect. She reveals to us those details so we can delight with our very existence, feel happier, and with more energy. Arcahangel Jophiel is also mentioned in other spiritual texts. Thank you Archangel Jophiel for your presence in my life.. The Archangels, their Sigils & Gemstones - Casa Alhambra Crystals Assist me in clearing my being of any negative or limiting thoughts, so that I may be receptive to your guidance and the abundance of the universe. She will make the whole you: orderly and serene. We've sent your FREE .MP3 Angel Session directly to your e-mail. Archangel Sandalphon: Who Is This Archangel? Archangel Chamuel speak to you best through intuition, so make sure you follow it when you ask this angel for help. Jophiel is recognized as one of the seven archangels in Jewish, Christian, and Islamic teachings, and is associated with various aspects of the divine realm, from battle against evil to guidance and inspiration for artists and writers. I call upon Archangel Metatron, to purify my Spirit and my Life, and allow me to be a purer channel of God's love and service to others. Please surround me with your beautiful energy and guide me toward greater understanding and insight. It doesnt matter how long ago the feeling was; all that matters is that you tap into that feeling again. He also helps us realize untapped abilities we never even knew we had. If you claim copyright for this image, please contact us: earthangelshouse@gmail.com. There is great power in saying every prayer three times and for others and yourself. I call upon Archangel Michael and his legions of angels to clear all negative influences, from any source, within and around my loved ones and their family, and home. Have you felt their presence? Thank You, Amen, I call upon the legions of Angels of Abundance to bring to my loved ones all they need for this journey through life and shower them with abundance and riches in all areas of their life so that they might know that the Grace of God truly blesses them. Archangels exist in higher vibrational frequencies than us. Visualization Have you connected with Jophiel recently? Her energy color is the color yellow. The first step is to create a sacred space by lighting some candles or incense and setting the intention of your invocation. You may also wish to bring a journal with you, and write down any insights or messages you receive during your walk. Archangel Jophiel is a spiritual being whose appearance is often depicted in religious and spiritual art. This is because all crystals have their own energies that they send out in the world. The Many Gifts of the Archangel Jophiel - Learn Religions Ask for her spirit and energy, and thank the moon for providing you with the link between you. Manage Settings So lets begin to pray to the Archangels, be it for ourselves and our loved ones! Illumination and understanding of the unknown. Jophiel helps me to balance negative and positive emotions by helping me see the beauty in all things.