Year 7, Chapter 2 - MEGATHREAD : HPHogwartsMystery Defensive Skill (No points), Everyone cheats sometimes, Empathy Skill (Some Points), Not until I hear your findings. Chapter 5 - The duel | Hogwarts Cafe Defensive Skill (Most points), Cheating is always wrong. You can choose to talk back to her or just tell Bill about it. Shell ask if you are confident that she is working with R. Upon her defeat Merula awards 350 exp and is visibly upset. Flying Class Questions. 1. share. Thanks to it, you were able to learn that spell and defeat the Boggart. What does the incantation incarcerous conjure? Your attribute scores will also contribute to this. There are bonus progress actions linked to the board, the book, the crate, and the sketch. Both of the times I dueled with Merula, she starts out aggressive at first, and gets sneaky when her health goes down. Tip: Merula uses Attacks most of the time. basically alternated between two choices. ZEROSENSE 191 subscribers Subscribe 64K views 4 years ago Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery! Quality English-language theatre powered by the Leipzig community 1 comment. In order to win the duel, you'll need to raise your bar before your opponent raises theirs. how to beat merula in a duel year 3. forza horizon 5 press kit for sale. He will ask you if you are aware of that rule. -This Quest has a cooldown timer of 1 hour and 30 minutes Recommended Attributes: 2 Defense, 3 Empathy, 2 Knowledge Cost to start: 100g Rewards: 100XP, "Victorious in your duel with Merula, you must now answer to Professor Snape. Year 3. spoiler. Unlocked at 2 Empathy (+10 Empathy, +10 house points), That's a shame. There are three options to reply with. - The Leaky Cauldron. This will mark the end of Chapter 5 of Year 1. When you arrive, youll notice quite a commotion there. For the duels, do you notice patterns or is it just lucky choices? Last time, you talked to Merula and found out that shes been practicing a lot during the summer break. 1 Chapters 1.1 Chapter 1: Year Three Begins 1.2 Chapter 2: Boggarts and Butterbeer 1.3 Chapter 3: Three Broomsticks 1.4 Chapter 4: Filching from Filch 1.5 Chapter 5: Tulip Karasu 1.6 Chapter 6: The Letter from No One 1.7 Chapter 7: Jacob's Room 1.8 Chapter 8: Barnaby Lee 1.9 Chapter 9: It is recommended to select the first answer since it will award you with ten attribute points compared to five youd receive from the other two options. During the duel phase, players must choose one of three different Stance types in an attempt to counter their opponent's move. This will be your next task. Hello everyone, its time for Chapter Eight of Year Three of our Magical Journey Walkthrough for Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery. Light Of A Clear Blue Morning Sheet Music Pdf, Complete actions by tapping on the glowing objects. Has this happened to anyone else? When you are done, your character will find a strange note written in a code Jacob used. This will fill up the star meter and eventually, you will earn stars. There are two 5-cost actions linked to your character. Tap the second portrait from the entrance to this tower next to the Charms classroom. Most of the time (but not always), Merula will go with Aggressive stance, so if you go with Defensive all the time, you'll be able to defeat her easily. After that, your stance will compare to the one your opponent chose, and the outcome will be determined. But if you beat him in a duel, he will know youre tough as well and he will be helping you find the vault instead of working for Merula. Once you start this chapter, you will be met with a waiting period of three hours. Find out in the next chapter of Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery! How to Beat Merula in Duel without Losing House Points?! Corey will advise you to think like a detective and shell ask you about Merulas co-conspirator. ", Speech option: "Given your history, I think it's best to not teach you another duelling spell at this time. Hello everyone, welcome to Chapter Nine of Year Three of our Magical Journey Walkthrough for Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery. Luckily, there was a scroll in the library with detailed instructions for learning Riddikulus. Flourish and Blotts has all the books you need! (Full Points), You'll work out a brilliant plan (Full Points), We'll do our best to survive (Some Points), I'm sure. There is an opportunity to get house points according to BlueMoonGame lets play on YouTube in 2018, still testing to confirm for 2021. Press J to jump to the feed. You will also mention that you learned how to brew Wiggenweld Potion. You can choose one of three options. Youll decide to hear them out and allow them to explain the situation. Q. Find answers for Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery on Merula will give you a hard time for simply being your brothers sibling. Unlock with Defensive skill 1 (+10 Defensive Points) Merula will cast a spell at you. how many calories in 1 single french fry; barbara picower house; scuba diving in florida keys without certification; how to show salary in bank statement Mortal Kombat Trilogy One Button Fatalities, Be sure to slide the screen left and right to see all the available actions. Choice 3: Respond to Merula's challenge Walk away (1 Courage): +10 Courage . In that case, Merula will cast Flipendo charm, and your character will fall to the ground. Once you are able to continue, head to the Three Broomsticks to meet Barnaby. Both of you run away, terrified, and decided its probably the best if you learn the Boggart-Banishing Spell. Chiara Lobosca is a Hufflepuff witch in the same year as the Main Character of Harry Year 3 in Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery covers the 19861987 school year. She has 15 courage, 15 empathy, and 16 knowledge. Still, you will need to be extra careful, especially since she knows youve been spying on her. Where can one be alone? English Theatre Leipzig. Players can level up their friendship with Rowan and other students throughout the game by giving the best answer to specific questions during side quests for each friend.