David,Keep it fun! Not enough discipline. defense because they are left completely vulnerable if their man, effective strategy for both offensive and defensive players in basketball. Although I agree that man should be the primary focus for all youth teams I also think, based on the age group you are working with, other things can be worked in to make it "fun" for your kids. What is the Restricted Zone in Basketball? They beat us 9-2 and she scored 7 of their points and the ball was just not going in for us. I am the assistant coach of a homeschool girls team (ages 12-18) and we are playing against a team we lost to 37-30 who played a Box-and-1 against us last time. The defender should not extend their arms, hips, shoulders, or legs outside of their cylinder to prevent the dribbler from getting by them. (happens all the timesome teams don't like to play against M2M as much as they don't like playing it)?5. Whatever method you choose, the goal is the same: to make it as tough as possible for your opponent to see the ball. Once you get open, always keep your pivot moving forward towards your defender. And that goes even up to HS. It is a township team. The Principles of Good Defense - Five Golden Rules - NFHS Keep your hands active, but don't let your elbows go out from the body. In 2004, the NFHS highlighted face guarding in its 2004 Points of Emphasis release for referees when the rules of basketball were modified to include actions occurring away from the ball. No, Peter, as youth coaches the coach's job is to develop basketball players and teach good, sound fundamentals. Can You Put a Basketball Hoop on the Sidewalk? But as coaches, we have to give our kids the best chance of winning (varstiy levely) and that might mean doing whatever it takes to give them that chance. The rec league has all sorts of rules about no presses, no zones, can''t play defense outside the 3/4 line, extremely generous intterpretation of traveling etc. A clever coach will figure out how to breakdown a zone in one quarter. TACC.It is rare that a kid from the "rec" league plays any HS ball. It is the best defense to teach from a fundamentals standpoint and really is the staple defense at the higher levels all the way up to the NBA. Did you find this helpful? Almost every team we play plays junk defense. Do you expect miracle work to be done here? The rule is 10-3-6d. Should free up your "go to". I think to make broad generalizations involving the words "never" or "always" are a mistake. John,From a development standpoint and preparing players for high school ball, it would be best to teach M2M defense. In basketball, face guarding is a defensive technique used to prevent the offensive player from receiving a pass. I really appreaciate everyone's info. Communication is key for both individual and team defense. Try to force your opponents to do things they are not good at. Hoops Addict was created to help basketball fans of all ages learn more about the sport and find the best basketball gear to improve their ability to hoop. The superstar opponent was a no show as he was suspended from school. We also have an equal playing time rule. One is to simply stand in front of your opponent, making it difficult for them to see around you. He's been around youth sports for 20+ years and has great recommendations to keep a positive atmosphere for the kids and avoid problems in youth sports.Players of that age will not understand defense very well. You can play a pack style m2m in this game so that as he looks at the defense he might be thinking that it is a zone, bottom line, there wont be any big gaps for him to drive..then you could add this once he gives up the ball, tell your defender to try and keep him from getting it back and he gives NO help on other players.You can get the ball out of his hands without playing a zone. These are all details that kids should know by the time they are in high school. We see and talk with thousands of coaches. I run zone, but still teach solid fundamental footwork and team defense. When it comes to playing defense in the NBA, one of the most important things you can do is face-guard your opponent. basketball as long as the defender does not make contact with the offensive players. We did lose a game by one point to a team that ran a box and one. Even if the high school coach decides to play zone, the man principles that pounded into them from an early age will make them much better. Face guarding is legal as long as the defender doesnt put their hand in the players face or obstruct their view with their body. Most zone defenses are susceptible to fast breaks. Discipline. More thoughts on that at bottom of this article: http://www.breakthroughbasketball.com/haefner/should-you-use-the-popular-high-ball-screen-play-for-your-youth-team/. We combine our unique PGC culture with a variety of teaching methods and learning environments to maximize the learning potential of those that attend our sessions. A wise person builds a house on solid ground. Our jobs as coaches is to give them some life lessons along the way,,, how to handle losses, how to act when you win by being humble. This is where the problem begins now they have torque there bodies in such a way to jump twist for the ball to go in the net. If you are facing well coached teams you need multiple looks. We play pretty solid man to man, and hardly ever get scored on in half-court game, mostly in transition - i.e. Good solid fundamentals are the foundation of your programs. What Does It Mean To Guard Someone In Basketball?