Cookie Notice The location of the Templars teleport is also marked by a large holographic red ring on the ground with a vertical beam of white light inside. To damage the shield, just shoot it off. But perhaps the most significant change of all is that during the third section, the Templar's Oracles will be red instead of yellow, meaning that if one is missed, then the Templar will inflict the Prophecy of Doom debuff on all Guardians, draining them of their Super and then killing them all. Note: You must kill oracles in order. From here, all players are safe from the Templar and only a few Vex Harpies can hit them. Destiny 2 is out now for PC, PS4, PS5, Stadia, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X. Once 4 Vex units sacrifice themselves to any of the confluxes, the Templar will have a sufficient power level to expunge the entire raid team, immediately wiping them. Bosses, even dungeon ones that couldn't deal with as a Vampire + 2H, now they just scratch the shield paint job. Destiny 2: Vault of Glass -- Atheon boss fight guide - PC Invasion Hezen Protective (inferred) Precursors (inferred), Circular Shield Summon Confluxes Summon Vex Summon Fanatics Marked for Negation Timed Death Zones Room Lockdown Expunged Debuff Summon Supplicants Ritual of Negation Summon Oracles Summon Minotaurs Teleportation Prophecy of Doom Detainment Bubbles Suppression Field High Durability Detonation Melee, The Templar is an extremely powerful Vex Hydra found in the Vault of Glass. Privacy Policy. Use Relic super to bring down templar shield. Privacy Policy. Note: Your first DPS phase position should be on the ledges fairly close to the boss (the Banner Shield and Well of Radiance should keep you alive). Otherwise, if all team members are free, they all must quickly pump damage into the Templar. For Super abilities, one or two Wells of Radiance are essential to keep the five damage Guardians alive as the Templar will be constantly bombarding them with attacks. As soon as this happens, the whole team needs to run through the cleansing pool and then run towards the steps out of the pit area but jump up through a gap on the right. Once all Destiny 2 players are out of the pit and are setting up on the ledge with at least a Well, the Relic holder must bring down the Templars shield using the Super ability and then look for any red rings around the arena and stand inside. 100 Health and 100 Shield for a total of 200 effective HP by default. Meanwhile, the Relic Holder needs to keep an eye out for spots marked by a ring and a beacon of light. The first and second wave, you'll have 3 oracles spawn, the third and fourth waves spawn 5, the fifth and sixth spawn 7 and the seventh wave spawns 9. "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.". The Templar is the first boss in the Vault of Glass and has arguably the most complex encounter in that it requires players to multi-task and focus what is happening at several locations simultaneously. Players inside the portal room will slowly lose vision. If players have completed the confluxes and Oracles encounters, the Templar boss fights mechanics will already be familiar except for the addition of the Relic shield. At the start of the encounter, the Templar will have an impenetrable shield that needs to be taken down and all players will need to get through a brief wave of Oracles to prevent themselves from getting Marked for Negation.' The Templar should then begin its Ritual of Negation cast. As a templar most of your damage comes from your class skills, not weapon skills and only the weapon skills need stamina. Destiny 2: Vault of Glass raid -- Templar boss guide The relic holder will break the Templars shield and damage needs to happen after that, because you only get a few seconds to damage it. Bungie Store. The Necrom Chapter and Update 38 base game patch are now available to test on the PTS! How much health does the final boss have - spire of the watcher So, it looks like killing 3 Gorgons is equivalent to killing Templar. Vault of Glass (raid)/Walkthrough - Destinypedia, the Destiny wiki The Templar will spawn, but will be completely immune to damage thanks to its shield, which protects its entire chassis. Templar strategy in Destiny 2 explained As you will see, there is now a relic you can pick up in the pit. When you kill a fanatic, they drop a green field. While this happens, the Relic players need to fire the Relic's Super ability and hit the Templar to take down its shield.