School board members around the country have faced heckling, protests, even death threats and at least one lawsuit recently. The divisiveness, the threats and the harassment are having a detrimental effect on staff, who are leaving the profession in numbers hes never seen, said Domenech, who has served in various roles in education for 54 years. Search thousands of open positions to find your next opportunity. G | , R | J | R | H | T | (accessed May 1, 2023). B | General Election. Californias Community Colleges: At a Crossroads, Adjuncts gig economy at CA community colleges, College And Covid: Freshman Year Disrupted, Education during Covid: California families struggle to learn, Tainted Taps: Lead puts California Students at Risk, Full Circle: California Schools Work To Transform Discipline, Californias Homeless Students: Undercounted, Underfunded And Growing, Eyes on the Early Years Newsletter Archive, Click here for EdSource's Comments Policy, College and Covid: Freshman Year Disrupted, Education During Covid: Families Struggle to Learn, New York City Public Schools (1,081,000 students), Panel for Educational Policy No compensation (appointed by mayor), L.A. Unified (575,000 students) $125,000 (annual salary per board member), Chicago Public Schools (330,000 students), no compensation (appointed by mayor), Miami-Dade County Public Schools (327,000 students), $47,000 (annual salary), Clark County School District, Nevada (323,000 students), $750 (monthly stipend), Los Angeles Unified (575,000 students), $125,000 (annual salary), San Diego Unified (118,000 students), $1,500 (monthly stipend), Fresno Unified (73,000 students), $1,736 (monthly stipend), Long Beach Unified (69,000 students), $1,500 (monthly stipend), Elk Grove Unified (63,000 students), $750 (monthly stipend). S | The Director reports to the Executive Director and is a member of SFFILM's senior leadership team. However, working as a school board member usually does not pay the bills. I try to be mindful of my role, which is also to help people. It Category Manager, Aviation Director, St Elizabeth Community Hospital - The average Board Member salary in California is $83,458 as of March 28, 2023, but the range typically falls between $64,340 and $103,068. These are really important decisions that should not be politicized, said USCs Noguera. School boards, the most local of all local forms of American governance, as Education Week wrote, are nonpartisan, and election ballots often dont identify candidates political affiliation. School boards accomplish this by creating strong relationships with parents, teachers, students, and community members. $26.90. How much does a Board Member make in Pennsylvania? Click here for EdSource's Comments Policy. See user submitted job responsibilities for Board Member. And while anyone can learn the skills to develop a budget or evaluate a superintendent, it takes a certain temperament to become an effective school board member and make tough decisions. L | L | K | If you have people of good will who want to work together, they will find a way, he said. Board Member Salary in Los Angeles, California | Have I seen it done well? The Pennsylvania School Boards Association voted unanimously to leave the national organization because of it, the Pennsylvania Association of School Administrators and others reported. Del Norte County Office of Education: 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017: Del Norte County Unified: 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2013 N | Boards that are split and feud often have disarray and turmoil, which ultimately undermines the mission of schools in the district. Honestly, I dont think I would have considered the role at the previous salary because I went to law school. Filter by location to see School Board Member salaries in your area. Salary: School Board Member in Canada 2023 | Glassdoor Read more from Wikipedia. According to news station WAFF, Huntsville School Board members earned $23,000 per year until an auditor discovered that their pay was more than state law allowed. R | A school board typically is made up of a president, vice president, and secretary. And board meetings have turned into ground zero of the nations political and cultural debates, Education Week noted. L | 7th District AME Church: God First Holy Conference 2023 - Facebook I often say, Im not doing this for my kids," he says. *Enrollment numbers are rounded and include students in charter schools. 94% . If that is not their attitude, neither a full-time nor part-time board will accomplish a great deal.. C | How much does a Board Member make in California? R | "I care deeply about my kids' well-being, but if thats all I cared about, there are much easier ways of going about it than running and serving on the school committee. O | O | For 2014, the legislature allowed salaries up to $25,000 per year. Derrick Meador, M.Ed., is the superintendent for Jennings Public Schools in Oklahoma. If a superintendent does not know how to manage board members and board staff, thats about their ability to do their job, she said. L | In Marylands Frederick County, for example, booming housing development has led to overflowing classrooms, so the board works closely with their elected county officials, says Gallagher. Annual salaries for school board members vary significantly across the largest school districts in the U.S. by enrollment. School board elections are held during even-numbered years. In Hanover County, the state capped salaries at $8,000 per year. Absolutely. School board members in New York can earn salaries. He was the districts sixth permanent superintendent of the district in 20 years, in addition to three interim ones. N | We seek board candidates who are passionate about our mission. Its something that we have not seen on a scale that we are seeing it now, he said. When a superintendent and school board are not on the same page, chaos can ensue. Supporters of the current setup say thats a tiny bite out of the districts massive $13 billion budget, and a small price to pay to have a more informed board, which allows them to more effectively serve their constituents. C | The bill did not pass. D | According to the National School Boards Association, school board members are typically volunteers who receive no annual compensation. F | Such a board's powers, duties, and responsibilities are determined by government regulations (including the jurisdiction's corporations law) and the organization's own constitution and bylaws. These charts show the average base salary (core compensation), as well as the average total cash compensation for the job of Board Member in Shasta, CA. Topping the list is New York, with New Hampshire and Arizona close behind in second and third. L | Do Board Members Get Paid? (Plus How Much They Make) Serves on at least one committee, subcommittee or work group annually. the number of years you have spent in your profession. The role of the school board is to ensure that school districts are responsive to the values, beliefs and priorities of their communities.