ts a glorious late autumn day at Herne Bay high school in Kent, and boys and girls in red tops are playing sport on neat artificial pitches, but the principal, Jon Boyes, is looking into the distance, pointing out a piece of land on the other side of the road. Of seven east Kent grammars that take pupils from Herne Bay, three have expanded since 2016. More than 30 existing grammar schools are bidding for some of the first 50m slice of a new 200m government expansion fund. In other areas, pupils who pass the test are then ranked by admission criteria, which can include the distance they live from the school or whether they already have a sibling there. Altrincham Grammar School for Boys - Open - Ofsted Admissions policies and schools information for the county of Dorset. Source: BBC research and Department for Education pupil population data 2016-17, If you can't see the postcode search, tap here. St Saviour's RC Primary and Nursery School, Great Sutton. If were in a system where 20% are meant to go to grammar school, then they should make it 20%. The exam is not easy, and it always been controversial as it assumes all primary schools teach the skills and topics required to pass it. The minimum leaving age was 14 before the Act and it rose to 15 in 1947. To get into a Grammar School pupils must past an exam when they're 11 (Picture: Getty) If they pass the exam, which might involve questions based on maths, verbal/non-verbal reasoning, English. Some, like the highly oversubscribed Colchester County High School for Girls, and Tiffin school in Kingston-upon-Thames, only use pupil premium to decide as a tiebreaker. As a reference, 0 is the national average and anything above 0.5 is considered to denote that a school is performing exceptionally well. grammar school, in Great Britain, secondary school that offers an academic course in preparation for university entrance and for the professions. It was reorganised under the Endowed Schools Act in 1873, and by subsequent schemes of the Ministry of Education. So are more children in those areas reaching the required standard? Barton Clough Primary School. This makes the Church of England the biggest provider of academies in England. Altrincham Grammar School for Boys Altrincham Grammar School for Boys URN: 136458 Address: Marlborough Road, Bowdon, Altrincham, Cheshire, WA14 2RS Rating and reports Latest inspection. The number not giving any priority to poorer, pupil premium children has fallen from 90 to 61 since the current school year. How did the grammars manage to expand while still apparently requiring children to pass the same tests? . Rank is based on a overall Snobe grade. Admissions policies and schools information for the county of Warwickshire. latest news, feel-good stories, analysis and more, Man killed and seven stabbed in rampage near nightclub, Golden retriever escapes and walks 40 miles back to his old owners, Woman, 86, fighting for life after being knocked off scooter as she was out with husband, People go wild over viral photos of iceberg because well look at it, Theresa May lifted the ban on the creation of grammars in 2016, Does Alex Turner have a girlfriend? But, in the 1920s, only about a third of children won. The killer of an eight-year-old girl, a Strangeways protester and an armed robbery gang are among the serious criminals who were locked up in Greater Manchester in April. At this point, some grammar schools became fully independent and charged fees, while most others were abolished or became comprehensive. More common across the UK is the "comprehensive" system, in which pupils of all abilities and aptitudes are taught together. The remergence of grammar schools in 2018 comes 20 years after a major move to block the creation of new selective schools. A further nine will only use pupil premium status as a tiebreaker to decide between two children with the same test score. While Kent grammars fill spaces with pupils who havent passed the test, different means have been adopted elsewhere. Write your answer in the answer box below. Some better-off parents invest heavily in paying for tutoring for the test, and overall very few pupils from poorer backgrounds have attended grammar schools in the past decade. The secret mine that hid the Nazis' stolen treasure. St. Olave's Grammar School (Orpington) St. Olave's Grammar School is a highly selective boys' grammar school located in Orpington, South East London. Students usually begin attendance at age 12. There are 19 grammar schools included in the Greater London area. B. This just isnt fair they are riding on the myth of a reputation thats unwarranted., Admitting large numbers on appeal, as schools in Kent do, is bound to discriminate in favour of pupils from middle-class families, she says. Back in Herne Bay, however, attempts to provide for the towns growing cohort of 11-year-olds in both selective and non-selective schools have stalled for lack of cash. The Bond Parents Guide to the 11+ is the essential manual for all parents whose children are about to embark on their 11+ journey. Advice From a Teacher: How Can I Help My Child If They Fail Their Mock Exams? Grammar schools have a slightly higher than average proportion of non-white pupils. Admissions policies and schools information for the area of Birmingham and Walsall. Overwhelmed by the Long List of Grammar Schools in the UK? Explore in 3D: The dazzling crown that makes a king. Across Kent, 14 grammar schools that have expanded are taking pupils in this way, and 35% of 11-plus applicants in the county now go to grammar school thats at least 10% more than are meant to. Schools bidding for the cash will have to show how they intend to admit more disadvantaged pupils. Top 20 Secondary Schools in Cheshire (2023 Ratings) - Snobe Independent Schools Cheshire - 11 Plus Guide