[12], The posting system provided horses for riding their routes (after about 1820 riding was no faster than a stagecoach) and for drawing private carriages and sometimes hired out post chaises, lighter and more comfortable closed carriages with a postilion riding one of the horses in place of a coachman. If a team runs away, sit still and take your chances; if you jump, nine times out of ten you will be hurt. The Overland Trail:Stage Coach Vocabulary- Last Updated 19 April 1998, Stagecoach History: Stage Lines to California, Wild West Tales: Stories by R. Michael Wilson; Stagecoach, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Stage_station&oldid=1115595755, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0. (This station was better known locally after the Civil War as "Carriage Point."). Typically, home stations had an agent or station keeper in charge of five or six boys. The first Concord stagecoach was built in 1827. If passengers wanted to sleep, they were required to sit up, and it was considered bad etiquette to rest ones head on another passenger. Concord stages could carry seven passengers, mail, and feed for the horses. These early day coaches served Mobeetie, one of the first of the Texas Panhandle towns. 7 Did stagecoaches travel at night? For other uses, see. How far apart were stagecoach relay stations? how far apart were stagecoach relay stations Don't grease your hair before starting or dust will stick there in sufficient quantities to make a respectable "tater patch." It was regularly used as a public conveyance on an established route usually to a regular schedule. We'll need your StagecoachSmart card number and details of the ticket you bought on board. This new line connected the Pacific Northwest to the rest of the country by railroad. Historical Markers, Interpretive Signs | Page 116 | Adventure Rider Old relay post, Cond-sur-l'Escaut, France, "Le relais", by Achille Laug, 1909, Fine arts museum of Carcassonne, France, 600 year-old facade of the Angel and Royal Inn showing its central entrance for coaches. Stagecoaches of the American West - Legends of America 8 How long were stagecoaches used? 4-5, T. 2 N., R 15 E.) near present rock schoolhouse on county road, Pittsburgh County, just south of Elm Creek. about 4 miles west of Durant, Bryan County. The Overland Trail Across the American West - Legends of America This article is about the horse-drawn carriage used by long-distance passenger transport operators. Stagecoach Stations on the old Butterfield Overland Mail that ran from Tipton, Missouri to San Francisco between 1858 and 1861 left a lot to be desired. Provincial routes developed in the following century, particularly in the 1770s. . Part of this was due to greatly improved roading see Turnpike trusts and part to improved vehicles.