How does Shakespeare create tension and keep the audiences attention in Romeo and Juliet Act 3 Scene 1 and Act 3 Scene 3? How does Ray Bradbury use language to create tension?. Language is an extremely powerful took, and our use of language can greatly distort people 's perceptions and evoke deep feelings within the readers. The Explorer's Daughter by Kari Herbert: Analysis. LANGUAGE 1 - EMOTIVE RESPONSE TO THE RIGHT BIRD. Create a conflict crucial to your characters. By listing the uses for the many parts of the narwhal, the writer portrays the hunters as resourceful, whilst also highlighting the difficulty of their lives. His use of verbs in particular are interesting: confirming, traverse and jammed. Another trope that emerges here is that of the primitive nature of the situation. This keeps the reader engaged and entertained For example, the womens reactions create tension: they watch the hunters, spinning round at a small gasp or jump, capturing their anxiety about their husbands. These next two paragraphs set up the other side of the matter and the perspective of the hunters.From the very beginning of the second paragraph there is a highly noticeable and sudden change of tone in the writing. The metaphor darkness devours is further satisfying in both an imaginative and intellectual sense because it suggests that the night itself is also a nocturnal predator. Other questions will be long questions. Registered address: Westerhill Road, Bishopsbriggs, Glasgow, G64 2QT. How does the writer show the conflict in her thoughts and feelings about hunting in the Explorer's Daughter? For example, the straightforward sentence 'It was him.' becomes much more dramatic when it is broken up into three separate one-word sentences: 'It. You should refer closely to the passage to support your answer. I was just wondering what could sort of points could I make about how Macdonald uses language and structure to engage the reader. It is the story of his survival. Unfortunately, too many candidates only have a very superficial understanding of the way in which an authors use of words and phrases can influence a reader. The writer includes the character's counting to increase the tension at different points in the text. Structure. Well occasionally send you promo and account related email. This also helps to clarify the verbs. Additionally, the evening light is described as "butter gold" and "glinting." But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Quote:"a massive pile up in the high stakes donkey race could have caused problems" Structure Description of the landscape 'I come to another drop-off', this introduces the extract by use of first person, showing that we are in one person's narrative.It's also an extremely short sentence, creating drama, especially because it starts with a verb phrase.The writer then goes into description of the rock he is going to descend down, distinguishing it from the one . I knew that. Tone. The phrase if you dare would certainly create suspense by suggesting that this could well be an exciting and thrilling read. Some of the sentences have then main clause first but then others have the subordinate clause first and this happens with complex and compound sentences too. How are converters and contractors similar and different? 2016 2022 All Rights Reserved, We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. The quality of the writing itself will almost certainly be so adept that the words will become invisible and the page will magically transform into a window. For these questions, you must look at using . The author has also written the passage in the present tense, thus bringing the reader even closer to the event by creating the illusion of immediacy. comparison of drivers who can keep up with donkeys and Darwin's theory is comic Effect on reader: he writer makes an allusion to a sport the readers will understand and know (formula 1) However, this can sometimes lead to empty analysis. Whistle and i'll come to you essay | FreebookSummary So absorbed have you become that you that are blissfully unaware of the isolation which completely surrounds you and which clings to you like a second skin. It is as if she has snapped out of a dream and takes the reader with her back to reality. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. At college, my sister tried again tomastertheartofswimmingINF\overset{\textit{\color{#c34632}{INF}}}{{\underline{\text{to master the art of swimming}}}}tomastertheartofswimmingINF. For example, the narwhals fat is the only source of light and heat for them.