When Marcel assured him he didn't see anything, Vincent left and Marcel saw a mirror crack in to the shape of the sigil of the Hollow. The Mikaelson siblings and their allies faced off against all kinds of formidable foes on The Originals - from Klaus' protg-turned-frenemy Marcel Gerard to their own parents Mikael and Esther. In Ashes to Ashes, he calms down an angry Davina as she was tricked into resurrecting Esther instead of Kol. Rebekah brings Davina back and gives her to Marcel who takes care of her. Marcel was awoken by Aya dumping water on him and she explained that she and her friends could help Marcel with both his need of blood bags and daylight rings for his vampires. Sitting down at the table, she takes a moment and gives her answer. Marcel regrouped with Tristan and Aya at his loft, giving Tristan Klaus' blood to heal from the werewolf bites he had received during his captivity. In his loft he calls Ruben, a seer, to find out who exactly Rebekah's witch is. So Rebekah's spirit can return to her body. When Rebekah notices Klaus isn't in his coffin where he was laying there daggered. Later, he shows concern when Davina is missing and Cami tells him she snuck out to meet a guy. He is also a close friend and confidante of Josh. Marcel was stunned by the news, having loaded the kids into the ambulance himself but Vincent assured him that the ambulance had gone missing too. Marcel remained silent about The Strix's plans to unlink the sirelines. Marcel stated that he took the potion that turned him into an Upgraded Original Vampire (without the Mikaelson Family's knowledge), as he wanted to know how the Mikaelson Family truly felt about him and what would happen if they found him with the "serum", correctly predicting that if he didn't take the potion, he would've been dead due to Elijah's obsession and fear with the prophecy, while Klaus initially did try to reason with him, after discovering that the "serum" in Marcel's possession, he immediately made demands towards Marcel and attempted to coerce him into handing it over, telling Marcel that he won't tolerate any threats to "his" family, thereby confirming what Marcel believed and further angering him. She is important to him. He is also shown to be, unlike many people in positions of power and privilege, reasonable and approachable, willing to do favors for people. Charles Michael DavisMcCarrie McCausland (Young) Because even though Wednesday's series finale of The Originals gifted both Rebekah and Freya with a happy ending Bex got her dream of a human life with Marcel, while Vincent agreed to father . Major spoilers ahead for The Originals series finale, "When the Saints Go Marching In.". In Fire with Fire, Marcel talks to Elijah about Davina. The latter via decapitation, as he needed her death to resurrect Davina. After talking to Klaus about their past, he states he and his vampires will fight Klaus out of town until they are dead which Klaus acknowledges. In the present time, Marcel finds out Davina has the white oak stake and tries to convince Davina to give it up to no avail. Who has the power now, friend?" Marcel then decides to declare war on them, take their compound, and force them to run into hiding until Klaus decides to stand trial for his crimes. She finishes the story for Tyler. Lucien, however, told Marcel that it wasn't just about de-siring, but also an execution. Marcel gave the white oak bullet to Elijah but after some debate among Elijah and his newly revived brothers, Kol Mikaelson and Finn Mikaelson, he didn't destroy it, instead opting to keep it save, much to Marcel's chagrin. In Always and Forever, Elijah had been watching Marcel, who had become vampire king of New Orleans in Klaus' absence. Klaus, impressed with his defiance, and feeling as though the two were kindred spirits, decided to adopt the boy into his family as his ward. He goaded Elijah into coming inside of the home he was hiding in, only to leave when he did, buying himself enough time until midnight. Despite his claims, Marcel told Kol to do the right thing and leave for Davina's safety. Marcel gets a call about the wolf and orders it to be killed. Klaus visits him with hopes of sharing a glass of bourbon in an act of peace. He says that his friend has been depressed because he can't keep his mind off a girl. Cami represents an allure to Marcel and he is also protective of Cami. She was impressed by his resolve and proposed that they take the conversation some place more private, where he wouldn't be trying to defend his pride in front of his men. In A Ghost Along the Mississippi, after The Strix succeeded in having Vincent activate The Serratura and taking Hayley hostage, Marcel was present after the Mikaelsons struck back by taking Aurora captive, viewing the aftermath with Tristan and Aya. The Hollow will want to reunite all of her pieces together. Marcel whistles for his boys and then they become surround. Hayley called Marcel after she found Lucien Castle in Aurora's hideout, and Marcel learned that Aya had taken both Klaus and Elijah to begin the de-siring spell. In The Originals, when Klaus arrives in New Orleans, he presents himself to Marcel, who used to be his fun-loving, charming protg. Later, Tristan showed up at the gym wanting to know who the new witch Regent was since Van had been denied and Marcel told him it was Vincent, which Tristan quickly took advantage of despite the set-back. He explains to her that the toy reminded him of a time when he wasn't. In Heart Shaped Box, after learning that the Mikaelsons had lost the last remaining white oak to Aurora de Martel, he went to Klaus, telling him that he had sent The Strix looking for Aurora because of the threat she posed to all of them. Marcel and Vincent discovered totems used to bind the children to the spell and Vincent was able to stop the spell from harming them. type. He then questioned Shen on what he knew, compelling the answers out of him. With her help, Marcel learned that a werewolf named Lara had connections to the threat known as the Hollow. Dianna Mikaelsson | The Originals Diaries Wiki | Fandom They call a meeting for Father Kieran and the other human then they start taking out the humans one by one. Cami is shocked and Marcel tells her to get a new adviser. When Elijah demanded an exchange of Aurora for Hayley and the Serratura, Tristan complied but planned on overwhelming the Mikaelsons by bringing dozens of Strix members down on the Originals so they could seal them away with the Serratura during the exchange. Marcel is pissed that he lost more of his friends. Hayley tried to convince him to let Klaus go so he could see his daughter, Marcel reminded her that he was raised by Klaus and that it hadn't ended well, so maybe Hope was better off not knowing her father. He plans on keeping Klaus in there for 52 years. Rebekah comes barging in, demanding to know where Elijah is. The vampires, hybrids, and werewolves all banded together to fight against the Mikaelson children's resurrected witch mother Esther and brother Finn, along with their similarly resurrected Original vampire father Mikael and their powerful, ancient, and immortal witch aunt Dahlia, who sought Klaus and Hayley's daughter and Marcel's adopted sister Hope for her own coven.