A plastic fantastic glock or other polymer striker fired pistol can do: I have no dog in this fight; decockers arent the best thing created for a gun, but theyre far from the worst. If its hammer was as easy to thumb as my Python, it would have been perfect. They were developed as a safe way to lower the hammer on a live round. Practice makes perfect. if one uses the two handed technique, where one uses the other hand to block access to the firing pin while thumbing down the hammer. Arts & Humanities Writing CIS 311. It is kind of a CZ copy, complete with de-cocker. One always hears about the Colt SAA but it was true of S&W 19th century revolvers and others. My Walther has been flawless Since day one. Why have light trigger pulls at all then for guns that are meant for self defense? The pistol can only fire when the trigger is pulled - that is the 3 safeties you are talking about. > de-cocker style operating systems suck. Model F decock with manual safety You need to practice and get more familiar with your pistol before you start to feel more comfortable. Training and practice will be required to prevent perforated legs, regardless of platform. Why are you Glocksuckers always desperately seeking validation? Thats what Id do. With the underside of the crossbow facing your legs, place your foot far enough into the foot stirrup to keep it from slipping out when you draw the bowstring. The latest content straight to your inbox plus an automatic entry to each of our monthly giveaways! When I finished, I gave the seat a good slam, forgetting that all seats are not created equal. When firing is complete, the pistol needs to be de-cocked in order to render it relatively safe before holstering. this is why I keep the P90 in the baja bug. DA/SA semi-autos tend to have a heavier and more inconsistent pull, (not sure why, the rev olver has to do the extra work of rotating the cylinder with that trig ger stroke) but the concept is the same. If these trigger/decocker/ safety systems were as dumb as the author thinks, they wouldnt sell. Absolutely love my CZs, Got 3; a 75B SA, a P01, and a PCR that is my EDC. It was also common practice to carry only 5 rounds and align the cylinder so the hammer would fall on the empty chamber if accidentally discharged. Cocked and unlocked is the way to describe them. A lot of this comes from the fact that the gun is often carried with the hammer cocked, which might appear intimidating to some shooters. But I like the option to engage the safety when re-holstering (and then flicking it off after safely holstered). For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. Trust me you will not notice the extra Draw length on the trigger pull. Esp. Thanks. They are not my go-to guns today. Beretta pistols physically roll the firing pin away from the hammer when you de-cock, so mechanically there is no way for the de-cocking lever to function AND for the pistol to fire. This is why a decocker is an extra in my opinion. If, as one old gunwriter used to say, The purpose of shooting is hitting, then carrying a DA/SA pistol should be nearly last on your list of pistol choices. This was the first gun I ever owned with a de-cocker. Decocker 101 | Personal Defense Network Adding a mechanical firing pin block safety can also work, and some other 1911 manufacturers have taken this approach. He ranks in my book with Fake Indian Elizabeth Warren. Theyre what I know. Are they accurate under deliberate slow-fire conditions? The SIG P226/229 does not have a safety, it is DA/SA with a decocker only. If youre already great with the DA/SA, youll be superb with the striker pistol. you consent to receive marketing text messages Its my favorite 9, above even my S&W 659, and Im a S&W guy. 35, you have it labeled Beretta 92F, hammer down, trigger forward.. Love my Sigs with decocker. Third? if you can easily swap from de- cock to manual (some czs) then this is a non- issue. Also, when you grip the pistol, the grip safety is automatically disengaged. Agreed, I dont find my CZ P07 to lack anything either. Back in the day you were responsible for yourself. Live The Armory Life. Im a fan of this style gun. Sure but anything that can enhance safety for the great uwashed is a value proposition. My FNX .45 has a lever decocker built into the safety lever. Fact: DA trigger pull is still minute of bad guy accurate, and most people dont need anything more than that. He wrote that all the negligent/accidental discharges he was aware of had taken place with the Glocks. Keep your finger outside the trigger guard until you are ready to fire to avoid any accidental discharge. Ha ha. Press the "magazine release" on the handgrip to eject the magazine. There is more to carrying a gun than just shooting. I dont listen to bombastic phonies. B. I likes it that way. Tenth? To each his own. Yes, practice makes perfect and muscle memory, etc,etc. http://excellentkeylogger.com More Information Whether you are looking to download for yourself. You can unsubscribe at any time by replying STOP or clicking Describe follow through and why is it important. Hold the grip with your dominant hand and place your index finger (or another finger) from your non-dominant hand between the hammer and the frame. If it does, I want it to be as easy and accurately perforated as possible. Is the 1911 pistol design inherently dangerous? Even my safety models I manually decock. or an M&P 380 Shield, very often, new gun owners get irresponsible with their brand-new handguns. then let the hammer down by putting my thumb on the hammer and pulling the trigger. Come back and talk to me after youve spent 2-3 decades training folks how to use pistols, especially DA/SA autopistols with decockers. Were still waiting for official confirmation that a Glock will replace the SIGs currently in-use by the SEAL teams (A rumor to that effect popped up last year). With the adaptation of the Beretta 92 by the US Military in 1980, hundreds of thousands of decocker-equipped firearms have been produced for military, police and non-LEO civilian consumers. Follow these steps to ensure accuracy. The Walther manual is a little vague on several points, and says to just clear the chamber and pull the trigger. The 1911 can be a demanding design, but it also can provide a level of performance that makes it worth it! Tactical Shooting Drills & Handgun Training, Personal Protection Devices, Tools and Accessories, Clubs, Shooting Facilities & Associations, 24/7 Access to Premium Personal Defense and Firearm Training Videos and Drills, Step-by-Step Instructional Demos and Guides, 50% Off Video Downloads Purchased in the Personal Defense Network Shop, 2 Full-Length Video Downloads to Watch Offline, 9 Full-Length Video Downloads to Watch Offline, 2 Full-Length Personal Defense Classes to Keep for Life, 2 In-Depth Skill Development Presentations, Discounts on Purchase-to-Own Content in the Personal Defense Network Shop. The grip safety is there for a reason, too. My 1911s and Hi-Power had neither a double action mode nor a decocker, action of either is single action with safety.