The Sapphire Olive Egger is a hybrid chicken known for its blue plumage and distinctive tuft on its head. 1-800-247-7014, Im in Muncie Indiana and have a bunch we let our chickens hatch all summer. Wyandotte. We offer afour-bedroom apartment of105 m with abalcony. Bistrot du Paquier - Tripadvisor Juvenile peafowl are generally 3-4 months old, yearlings 1-2 years of age; breeder peafowl are 3+ years. Choosing the Best Chicken Breed for Your Flock I would like some assistance; I had bought hens, but one friend says they are roosters and another says theyre hens. Easter Eggers have been around for quite a while now and have lost none of their popularity; in fact, they are becoming even more popular for backyard chicken folks because of their colored eggs and their low-maintenance lifestyle. They also are very proud to give you eggs as they always join me for gathering. Neither lays eggs yet. Ive been trying to find a place to get some chicks or a year old but, I cant seem to. One of the roosters is rumpless and tufted and I would swear he's an aracauna. The two I got so far look like one will be blue and one looks maybe black and white mottled?? Too many damp dreary days they stop laying for a day or two, otherwise cold or warm, theyre working hard. They are rumpless birds which means they have no tail and no coccyx. These mountains are mainly made of limestone and are becoming a karst landscape. The big difference between colored and blue eggs is that the blue color permeates through the shell, blue inside and out. The gene responsible for this blue coloration is called oocyan, and the pigment that colors the egg is made from a liver pigment called oocyanin. As far as breed goes, I have no comment other than what you already know. Bob and Helen hatched. They were developed to the breeders liking, and so a standard was issued. Where in El Paso? Hoover's Hatchery Easter Egger Chicks - YouTube We get all colors of eggs but I dont know exactly what they are. Temporary residence inFrance byreal estate purchase. EEs rule! Generally, in the US, an Easter Egger is a bird that is understood to carry the blue egg laying gene from its parent stock (the Araucana or Ameraucana). My brother keeps a bigger flock and gets a wider variety of colors including brown, but it depends on what breeds were mixed in with the blue genes. I am attaching photos of one of my 4-week-old Easter Eggers from Hoover's (legbar/grunleger type as far as I can tell). They are healthy and vigorous birds. Rhone bottles are known for their longer than average necks, meaning nerdy oenophiles can pick out such a wine without even reading the label. We just keep a backyard, egg laying flock and raise some birds to butcher, so we order only 15-30 chicks each year. Next available shipping date: May 1, 2023. Well two are the other two have turned out to be Easter Eggers. The Alpine regions are known for producing gruyre although in France this is generally called comt to avoid upsetting the Swiss, who claim gruyre as their own. Beautiful birds to look at also. They cost less than $20. The name Sapphire Olive Egger was registered as a trademark by Hoovers Hatchery in September 2021. Although they can go broody occasionally, they are not as prone to broodiness as many other breeds. Not all chickens will look the same or will lay olive-colored eggs. You can get the price close to $3 per egg if you buy over 50 eggs at a time. 2023 Hoover's Hatchery Retail Catalog - Issuu