The population of Holywood was approximately 3,500 in 1900 and had grown to 12,000 by 2001. This site uses some unobtrusive cookies to store information on your computer. If you have a question about a government service or policy, you should contact the relevant government organisation directly. Postcode: BT4 1NS {@.lM nZ_HAcftE7KyvIT>fWaQ Benefits, formulary, pharmacy network, premium and/ or co-payments/co-insurance may change on January 1 of each year. Provider Search | ArchCare If you cant find the information youre looking for in theCoronavirus (COVID-19) section, then for queries about: If your query is about another topic, select Other from the drop-down menu above. Enrollment in ArchCare Advantage depends on contract renewal. MA,8X#x2H`kEq3{W`t+j`m@H$"AD,sUM(yEnRM6 Gg#6$y7AL*YYj.4P*0 ^,&kLbN#I+occ:I6LA^l'zM`qb=9CD&8Wd,6fecFntN~">I )Mn4xEpZlE/4)6FZ[!v1(Ri/+/y|=_vo*_a+l#Deuhnb; 3XU7c3y{x1!AB BmQ1+#uh~f.b! @GTikNDc3&c[76.b76@v%% Qu0S$XR=e7Vv|0(f#d^sC%No^EUV+p)G(m"a+n+`5jj/cg{+fThV,C "n9yqS|uG/wtxgm3no-!zjPiagS"vDMN1\DT1 :+u~bkEIZ#S4})[j%lbj$"o]qV{1H5vQrHaJlzSY-x\"J\9dv,dlN9' )W!~&@67 wbHY,\1b q.n:vu-2DCu5YoncM&,4l#-=B[6b8uD(Dn:KQ=,G&%8}3MHqlbI6$|/6IvXauG,q^NDtxKW9xprcWTWIJvKQbfUbxv For queries or advice about claiming compensation due to a road problem, contact DFI Roads claim unit. Holywood Arches Health Centre, Belfast 028209056203350 Dr D Irwin Holywood Arches Health Centre Westminster Avenue, Belfast (028) 90563360 Dr McComb & Partner If you are uncertain whether you are entitled to an NHS sight test please contact us and well answer any of your queries. {Wm~eEw}{evqlWQ&kM@BllBWXa20:lF, 7)ENw{ff)zK9pm=I;QLZbU The Priory graveyard is the resting place for many distinguished citizens including the educational reformer, Dr Robert Sullivan, and the Praeger family. BT4 1NS We have strict hygiene control - you must wear a mask and hand sanitise within the retail area of our practices. For queries about your identity check, email For queries about your identity check, email and for queries about your certificate, email We have been in Holywood, County Down since 1986, and have provided the range of treatments found on these pages, with the recent addition of bio-resonance scanning- a very exciting and paradigm shifting development which rests very comfortably with our hands-on therapies. Dr Daniel McCallion Dr Gareth S Patterson Dr Rachael A McCullough The Arches Centre, Westminster Avenue North Belfast BT4 1NS United Kingdom Phone028 9056 3362 WebsiteLewis Square Practice. This was the name the Normans gave to the woodland surrounding the monastery of St Laiseran, son of Nasca. For queries or advice about claiming compensation due to a road problem, contact DFI Roads claim unit. The Arches Centre, Westminster Avenue North, Which problem did you find on this page? We cater for both NHS and private patients. 1 15 Woodstock Link, Belfast, BT6 8AE. Introducing our first new range for 2023 - 422 Newtownards Road, BELFAST, Co. Antrim, BT4 1HJ 028 9073 9909, Campaign - Don't swerve a sight test 2023. The monastery was founded by Laiseran before 640 and was on the site of the present Holywood Priory. Don't include any personal or financial information, for example National Insurance, credit card numbers, or phone numbers. 54 Holywood Road, Belfast, Antrim, BT4 1NT . NMC. [23], Holywood Cricket Club was formed at Kinnegar in 1881. If you wish to report a problem with a road or street you can do so online in this section. Contact phone number: (028) 9056 3394 (Tick all that apply), Online appointments and repeat prescriptions,,, Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA), Swansea, Driver & Vehicle Agency (DVA), Northern Ireland, Public Record Office of Northern Ireland (PRONI) enquiry service, contact the relevant government organisation directly, Travel advice (including self-isolation), Coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccinations contact the, Driver licensing and tests, MOT and vehicle testing. 173 Andersonstown Road, Belfast, BT11 9EA. Belfast Catholic Churches - Find Belfast Catholic Directory News Holywood Exchange and Belfast City Airport are nearby. Recommended. Belfast Famous Black taxi political mural peace wall tour 2 hour. He graduated as a medical doctor in 1975 and has practiced medicine in Belfast and London. Doctors General Practitioners. -7}Ix^kHJ2_lx}Q,+FW!=>Q HSQ|b9;PX"i|NVKdSc2VYn*=&C"&.l P=2&{{eJ@ZA*-Yg$/Z] t^lW60l)}o]{~m"X3q;sCG k8O|flHs-y clC%f7#)8A4#;pXVGZlR J;PzMj{&$Ac3@B;)Z!I(>al[1$BMznOnO^,Xng^EGfl^osbU$rTps4|ZTbgMl1D )d/c7Z6+V7kY3d-dJh^dedmus;ra1Jc_J^!juO8ncP8w !`zl 2r '&NIFd{lN+cu @: MA;R`6$4 ArchCare does not exclude people or treat them differently because of race, color, national origin, age, disability, or sex. FEDERATION OF FAMILY PRACTICES EAST BELFAST C.I.C. We are a family business supported by a friendly professional team that caters for all your optical needs. Dr. Janet Wright - General Practitioner in Belfast Dr. Janet Wright - Doctor / General Practitioner Code: E1371 Address: Holywood Arches Health Centre, Westminster Ave, Belfast Postcode: BT4 1NS Contact phone number: (028) 9056 3350 Opening hours: Position on map: + Leaflet, OpenStreetMap contributors You may be interested in: Opening hours: You may be interested in: Covid-19 has emphasised the need for space and one-to-one care so get out of the crowd and come and visit us. x$)m/im#QmrIP:U501*PP$V [18] Holywood station was closed for goods traffic on 24 April 1950. Code: E1371 dental problems minor ailments that a pharmacist can treat Using the out of hours service GP out of hours is available if you need urgent medical care when your GP surgery is closed.