They usually thrive if you maintain everything at the following levels: Water temperature: 68F and 75F. When you look at the underside of this fish youll notice that they have a sucker mouth and a flattened belly. Replicating the fast-flowing currents in the hillstream loachs natural environment will prevent the fish from becoming stressed. In order to pull it off, you need to agonize over water parameters and provide the perfect conditions. Hillstream Loach eggs are tiny and white or translucent, though some may be a little bit yellowish. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Reading this will make you ready to purchase one yourself! Suckers or Hillstream Loach like fastflowing well oxygenated water and are interesting to watch as they cling to aquarium glass. They have a very busy pattern that covers their entire bodies (including their fins). Not only will they serve as a good place to get some privacy, but theyll improve the water quality! The hillstream loach (scientific name: Sewellia lineolata) is from the Cobitoidea superfamily and Cypriniformes order. The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Bachelor Sister Wives 90 Day Fiance Wife Swap The Amazing Race Australia Married at First Sight The Real Housewives of Dallas My 600-lb Life Last Week Tonight with John Oliver. Sewellia lineolata is currently considered vulnerable under the IUCN redlist primarily due to habitat destruction. Algae and other food items growing on or encrusting the river rock is an essential food source that offers beneficial foraging activity. The Chinese hillstream butterfly loach is a species of gastromyzontid loach indigenous to shallow, freshwater streams and rivers in China. The Hillstream Loach is very peaceful and you will rarely find them antagonizing other fish or each other. pH- 6.5 - 7.5, Temp - 18 - 27 degrees Celsius. However, hillstream loaches become lonely when theyre housed alone, and a tank with enough space for six or more loaches is ideal. These are versatile fish that can be kept in various aquarium setups. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. You will need lighting high enough to encourage algal growth in your tank as this will serve as a food source for your Loach (40-watt tubes are ideal). These areas contribute to the total surface area that biofilms can grow on. They look like a cross between a goldfish and a cichlid. Feed the fish an extra pinch of food. The temperature, pH range, and water hardness should mimic their habitat as closely as possible. Opens in a new window or tab. The eggs are often deposited out of sight, usually among larger pebbles or rocks. Hillstream loaches are light brown with white spotting and dark brown or black stripes. Clown Loach. The family includes about 202 species. Care Guide for Hillstream Loaches - Aquarium Co-Op You should feed your hillstream loaches similar foods in the aquarium. Hillstream loaches are part of a family that includes rainbowfish, molly fish, and oddball members. The eggs incubate for a couple of weeks. Theyre also a little too small to be much of a nuisance. Borneo Suckers (Also known as the Chinese Hillstream Loach) are small, peaceful fish growing to a maximum size of about 6cm. Just give them plenty of food during the breeding season and watch what happens! That being said, there are a few compatible fish, including: Tetras, Danios and Rasboras are perfect tank mates for Hillstream Loaches as they occupy the middle and top of the water column. Because Hillstream Loaches do not have scales they are very susceptible to water spikes, sickness and chemicals. Each additional Loach should be given at least 10 gallons. This is also why the minimum tank size for a hillstream loach is bigger than you expect. Diet - carnivorous. They have dark brown-black stripes embellished with lighter cream-yellow spots and wiggles. Using a powerhead to create a current in your freshwater aquarium is not just for their preference either. How many hillstream loaches can be kept together? Being small in size allows hillstream loaches to scavenge foods in crevices between rocks and plants on the riverbed. They are reasonably hardy which means you do have some wiggle-room, but its best to keep them in water with the following levels. They are brown with beautiful dark brown and white mosaic-like markings on their bodies. They are relatively small in comparison to other Loaches and will reach 2.5-3 inches as an adult. A freshwater tank of at least 50 gallons is required for a hillstream loach. Shrimp can be very Read More , The Yoyo Loach is an energetic little fish that just loves to put on a show. Borneo Suckers (Also known as the Chinese Hillstream Loach) are small, peaceful fish growing to a maximum size of about 6cm. These peaceful Loaches thrive in community tanks and will clean up your tank as they go. As mentioned before, biological matter such as detritus and algae that forms on river rock makes up a major portion of its diet. Its quite common to see all of your hillstream loaches attached to the glass of your tank without a care in the world. They have a nice tapered shape (kind of like a torpedo) that allows them to cut through and withstand water that moves quickly. If not, remove the adults.Move the fry to your main aquarium when the fry are large enough to be left alone by big fish.Should You Get a Hillstream Loach for Your Aquarium?You should get a hillstream loach for your tank if youre looking for a unique fish and if youre prepared to provide the exact tank parameters that this fish needs to thrive.Advertisementsif(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'fishkeepingworld_com-mobile-leaderboard-1','ezslot_21',124,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-fishkeepingworld_com-mobile-leaderboard-1-0');Hillstream loaches are well-suited to community tanks with other peaceful fish. They get along with most peaceful community fish that are similarly sized and wont fin nip them. Hillstream Loaches prefer soft, green algae, so you should avoid more rubbery-like algae such as Filamentous algae. Join our newsletter today. Skip to the beginning of the images gallery, Myer's Hillstream loach, Chinese Hillstream Loach, Sucker-Belly Loach. They will not typically do well in a setup that uses CO2. These Loaches can peacefully fill in that space at the bottom of your tank. It has a streamlined shape, smooth body, wing-like pelvic and pectoral fins, and flat underside. Hillstream loaches are difficult to breed. They prefer oxygen rich water (plenty of aeration) and strong water flow from power filters. The average hillstream loach lifespan is between 8-10 years if properly taken care of. Reticulated hillstream loaches (Sewellia lineolata) are one of the coolest-looking algae eaters, but theres a lot of conflicting information about their care requirements that makes people hesitant to try them.