Married at First Sight Season 11 is currently streaming on Netflix. Henry Rodriguez said he could have been a lady magnet if he stayed with the band he used to be in, but it looks like things still worked out. Not necessarily hurtful to me. Krysten also made it clear that she needs sex or an "I love you" from Mitch, or else she is choosing divorce come Decision Day. The comments about myself being on the spectrum are honestly hurtful and irresponsible, he said. Despite Christinas behavior on Married at First Sight, some Lifetime fans think the experts robbed Christina. The MAFS experts have been called out for mismatching couples before, and when you look at Henry and Christinas personality types, its clear they werent meant to be. Married at First Sight cast member Henry Rodriguez has an all-new look. 2. The couple have been one of the most turbulent throughout the show, and it doesnt look like theyre going to last. (SPOILERS) Source: Lifetime According to a popular fan account on Instagram, the pair is one of two couples this season who get divorced on decision day. Henry is much more the quiet side, whereas his Married at First Sight match Christina is more vivacious . 5 Facts on Henry Rodriguez from Married at First Sight Strangers getting married! Henrys behavior during his marriage to Christina caused some fans to speculate that he might be autistic or have Aspergers syndrome. ET on Lifetime. For all the latest Married at First Sight news, return regularly to Screen Legion. Things may not have worked out with Christina during the Lifetime matchmaking process. The couple have had two major fights throughout the series but from Wednesday, September 9ths episode, things seemed to be turning around for the couple. Privacy Policy. "I think Tourettes is prob jumping the gun," a second user remarked. Married at First Sight: Henry Shows Off New Girlfriend, '90 Day Fiance': Tim Malcolm's Hot New Girlfriend, 90 Day Fiance: Emily & Sasha Go on Hot Date. So, many people had nothing but good things to say about his new relationship and how happy they were for him.Married at First Sight: Henry Rodriguez/Instagram. Regardless of any conditions that Henry could possibly have, he deserves the same thing that everybody- with autism, Tourettes, or neither -does: someone who loves him the way he is. Things may not have worked out with Christina during the Lifetime matchmaking process. When Henry joined the show, he was described as a clinical recruiter. According to Henry Rodriguezs former wife, they protect each other [], [] went on to say that life on the bayou isnt meant for everyone. While Christina might not like that Henry is clearly on the quiet side, that definitely doesnt mean that he should change or that there is necessarily any underlying diagnosis. Married at First Sight Review: Welp, THIS is An Awkward Pairing! Beyond the obvious point that Reddit is maybe not the ideal place to go for medical advice, it is important for viewers to keep in mind that there are many reasons for Henrys odd facial expressions. Henry, though, is the reverse. It's nice to see the two of them finally married and join the other couples in Mexico. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. And that she does not think he got bad editing at all. Married at First Sight Season 13 star Ryan Ignasiak met up with one of his Texas costars and a MAFS husband from a previous season. Henry Rodriguez appeared on Married at First Sight 's 11th season, which took place in New . Henry is so obviously on the Autism Spectrum. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. Each episode opens up participants to comments and criticism, not all of it welcome. He likes working with kids, as he volunteered with youth programs for the New Orleans Saints. But he definitely left a mark on the community and made the family local royalty. Henry is a 46-year-old taking part in Married At First Sight season 11. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. It is offensive.. Meanwhile, Lindy spoke about her experience coping with her parents' divorce. Thankfully, neither of them became a widower during this venture! But, he added that it certainly is meant for him. Married at First Sight watchers remember Henry Rodriguez as the shy and quiet husband in New Orleans. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. Meanwhile, Henry said that he move[d] at his own pace.. Again, that seems difficult to determine from the hidden side of a TV screen. The more outgoing Christina referred to her husband as a brick wall and said the lack of communication on his part was weird. The 30-year-old flight attendant also felt that he wasnt attracted to her. His birthday is April 9, which makes him an Aries. After Married at First Sight completed, Henry Rodriguez mocked the way production made him look. One thing a majority of followers seem to agree on: the 35-year-old probably shouldnt have gone on this show. But everyone wanted to see him get a new girlfriend and now he has one. Henrys new girlfriend glows in a red dress and blue nail polish. 2023 GRV Media Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Henry Rodriguez has been one of this year's most talked-about participants on Married At First Sight.