Line leader is a nonverbal communication game in which the group must form a line in a specific order without talking to each other. Then, set aside some time to sit and chat about it (over snacks!). Economic health is an important facet of overall well being. Or, you can raffle off digital gift cards each day of the contest by pulling the winner from daily entries. One option is you can simply spend five minutes having individuals compliment one another, whatever pops into their mind (if youre the manager, you should start to get the ball rolling!). Escape rooms contain different puzzles and clues that teams must work together to solve, making this activity an optimal choice for a team of healthcare professionals looking to boost teamwork and trust. You can install computer apps that prompt workers to take a break when theyve been using a screen for an extended period of time. They get to enjoy non-work-related communication with co-workers and improve their team working skills to boot. Plus, the whole team can collectively build their positivity and confidence by having employees recite positive affirmations together. Heres how to bring volunteer opportunities to your office, and some tips on various volunteering activities you can do, depending on your level of commitment. CourseHorse and Groupon are great places to find these kinds of opportunities, for cheap. Cats and dogs are the likeliest guests, but the activity is extra fun if colleagues have exotic pets like hedgehogs, chickens, or chameleons. Youll get more interest in health and wellness activities in the workplace if you survey your employees first. At the end of the event, the team with the most points wins. These groups can have members-only chats and channels and hold regular Zoom meetings. Your team is probably full of unspoken talentuse those strengths as a way to bring everyone together. First, set a goal such as take a daily walk, or do ten minutes of cardio every day. You could choose more interesting and harder challenges too, such as couch to 5k. Yoga is a form of exercise that also doubles as stress relief and meditation. Monitored, documented and led effective management of . By hosting online mental health fairs, you can set up a series of virtual activities and informational sessions that teach staff how to manage stress, express emotion, and cultivate mindfulness. To combat isolation, institute Mr. Rogers Calls. Attendees can swap strategies and practice skills like active listening and email correspondence. 28 Wellness Activities Everyone will Love (and How to Get Started) Instead of focusing solely on job satisfaction or personal wellbeing, life coaches take a big-picture approach and help patients achieve balance in all areas. Battles of the elements is also a good game for Virtual Earth Day. Here are some ways to get creative with your virtual wellness program ideas: 1. Good mental and physical health is good for individuals but its good for companies too. Follow along to a 5-minute meditation as a team during a team meeting. Virtual Buddy Systems are a sort of online pen pal program. Here are answers to common questions about virtual employee wellness programs. This should be an all-out experience. That way, even people working from home can get involved. Once you determine the offerings, announce the program to staff and encourage enrollment. One way to motivate employees and maintain morale is to encourage staff to share goals with each other. Maybe you group similar personalities together and have them chat about how their traits come out in the workplace, or have them complete an assignment like designing their ideal office based on their personality type and sharing it with the group. For more information, check out our guide to virtual team fitness, and these team building workouts. These team building activities can be used for: Work teams Sports teams Professional development teams Why is team building important? This can be a literal puzzle, like a 500 piece set (if youre down to spend a few dollars on Amazon), or a brain teaser that requires thinking and brainstorming out loud. Once the teams have finished baking, you should have a team of judges taste each creation to determine a winner. 4. Next, check out our guide to employee benefits software, this one on 4-day workweeks and this one with HR management books. During virtual happy hours, colleagues meet up on video conference software, sip drinks, play games, and wind down from the workday or workweek together. According to Harvard Health, volunteering can boost both mental and physical health. Maybe you want to outline your KPIs for the rest of the quarter. If you had an extra hour in your day, what would you do during that time? Another good team-building activity is a virtual workshop or workout class. Another option? Eating more plant-based meals and less meat is good for our health. Related: Creative Team Building Questions (With Examples) Thirty . 28 Mental Health Games, Activities & Worksheets (& PDF) Life coaching takes a more holistic approach than career coaching. For example, some players may pretend to fall asleep while doing everyday activities.