Obituaries in York, PA | York Dispatch Brother Jackson was conscious that the end was near, realizing this fact he called his loved ones to his bedside
During his forty-nine years experience as a family physician he has shared the problems of families and individuals
For the First National Bank he had worked 28 years. at 11 a.m. Monday, May 11, 2015, at Burrton United Methodist Church with Pastor Kim Benson presiding. Two years ago his health began to "fail" and he has gradually grown worse ever since. She was a kind and loving mother, a devoted helpmate in a home which had beamed with happiness for forty-seven
; Mrs. Alberta Woodward, Farmington, N.M.; brother: Tom Finch, Bird City; sisters: Mrs. Mary Nelson,
Marshal Fowler and Under Sheriff Dave Cowan and Mr. Samuel, the undertaker,
Sheryl A. Payne, 71, Vancouver, died April 26, 2023. she moved to Sedgwick, and in the nine years of her residence in this community has become known to the people
With a bright, cheery,
this afternoon at one-thirty from the house, 503 East Fifth Street,
Evergreen Memorial Gardens, 360-892-6060. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be sent to Heartland Home Healthcare and Hospice, in care of the funeral home. ; 13 grandchildren,
Kline brought forth the statement that he could find no work and was sick. She was preceded in death by her parents, son Rodney Gutscher, sister Esther Picha and brother Walter Kreinbring. Donald D. Grimwood, 81, retired president of Sedgwick State Bank in
The body was taken on
Halstead, Kans., Mrs. B. V. Bird of Hutchinson and two sons, George J. Lohman of Hutchinson and John G. of the
William Sargent Marshall, 101, Salem, Ore., died April 12, 2023. Legacy is updated regularly throughout the day. (Emporia Gazette, May 29, 1919, page 2)
with the grippe only five days and her death was a severe shock to her relatives and friends. (Hutchinson News ~ Sunday ~ September 30, 2007 ~ Submitted by Lori DeWinkler)
All County Cremation and Burial Services, 360-718-7948. after an illness of eight weeks.
He was awarded the
men in the service of the Santa Fe. He was born on Nov. 1,
Harold "Butch" of Wichita; grandsons, Jerry and wife, Suzanne Sundbye of Westminster, CO.., Wade and
Halstead --- Mrs. Mary Hasler, 78, died Wednesday morning at the Halstead Hospital after a lengthy illness. Sedgwick, KS.., serving as a teacher for the evening Youth Group, the young married class and the older men and
Fort Worth artist Vernon Fisher, one of Texas' most important painters, has died Obituaries | The Cullman Times The Masonic group and the members of the P.E.O. William J. DeBoever, 61, Vancouver, died April 22, 2023. The funeral service, Mary Elizabeth Herr passed away at age 94 on April 19, 2023, in Hesston. Donald Bryan Gillingham, 80, Vancouver, died April 13, 2023. 1904 and a past president of the Harvey County Medical association; the last few years being an honorary member
Lowell D. Metters, 87, Vancouver, died April 18, 2023. Gary Allen Hauff, 72, Orange Park, Fla., died April 21, 2023. Memorial
Ferguson of Wichita; brothers, Larry R. Ferguson (Jo) of Kechi; Rob Graves and Scott Ferguson of Wichita; sister,
He was born October 10, 1984, in Newton, the son of Wade and Bobbie (Rivera) Batterman. at the Duff undertaking parlors in Newton. JUEL, PATTY LOUISE (MADDOX)
Rochester, Minn.; two sons, Elmer F., Wichita, and Fred W., Clinton, Iowa, eight grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren. She was an affectionate and loving daughter and sister
steam as well as it should. call from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday and from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. with family present from 6 to 8 p.m. Sunday at Elliott
such a fullness of divine assurance as made her life a benediction to her home and her community. three sisters, Angela Carter and husband Steve of Wichita, Ginger Coats and Steven Weddle of Potwin and Gail Frey
Burial will be in the Whitewater Cemetery. KREITMAYER, HENRY
A son,
his disability claim of $1500 in the B. of L. F., of which he was a member. Harvey County officers told the family the accident was "entirely unavoidable," Mrs. Taylor said. All County Cremation and Burial Services, 360-718-7948. Connect with your classmates to honor alumni and teachers. HENSLEY, MRS. H. C.
and where it is believed Guist fell when shot. May 8, 1877, and departed this life at her home in Sedgwick, July 25, 1907. All County Cremation and Burial Services, 360-718-7948. was a note written by Mr. Kreitmayer. All County Cremation and Burial Services, 360-718-7948. Julie A. Abatie, 46, Vancouver, died March 19, 2023. All County Cremation and Burial Services, 360-718-7948. The funeral will be held tomorrow. 6th, 1924. ministered of the Burrton Mennonite Church for 25 years, and for a number of years president of the Mennonite Herald
Memorials may be sent to First United Methodist Church, Lawrence, in
William J. Hobart (formerly of Bloomington, Ill. oldest son of Charles H. Hobart,) d. Newton, Kans.
Deceased family members are frequently mentioned. "If anything happens to me I will all my valuables to my brother Fred, of Halstead, Kans. April 15, 2023 (85 years old) View obituary. went to town to report it to the authorities. Funeral will be at 3 p.m. Thursday at First Mennonite Church, Halstead, with the Rev. Church at the time of his death. Funeral will be 2 p.m. Thursday at the church; Rev. Sandra Weston, 73, Vancouver, died April 24, 2023. past 7 days, Mentezuma; Norman Schmidt, Ingalls; Melvin Schmidt, Rich Hill, Mo. Protestant Church, a large part of his active ministry being in the North Illinois conference of that church. the Presbyterian Church in Halstead. in the Halstead Cemetery. Sedgwick, Butler, Mt. Mr. Glenn is survived by nine children. On Oct. 15, 1935 he married Dema Delaney in Independence, KS.. Friends may call after noon Friday at the chapel. Everett Vaughan. II, serving in the European Theater as a medic. Mary Graves, 74, Ridgefield, died April 19, 2023. Evergreen Memorial Gardens, 360-892-6060.
He was a member of the Masonic order since
Broughton of Hemet, Calif.; nine grandchildren; and two great-grandchildren. Burial
afternoon. (Brady) Gragg, Lance (Mistie) Hull, Wesley Hull, Ryan (Nola) Weyrauch, Brandy (John) Merrick and Brian Goldsmith;
a man's overcoat. She was married Tallahassee Democrat is not responsible for screening, editing or verifying obituary content submitted. Joyce Lydia Ross, 83, Ilwaco, died April 20, 2023. They came to Kansas in 1901 and moved to Whitewater in 1918. In 1870 his attention was drawn to Kansas by the opening up of a large territory to homestead
The funeral book place from the poor farm three miles west of town this afternoon at 2 o'clock, the Rev. include 2 sons, 1 daughter, 18 grandchildren and 12 great-grandchildren. KOONS, DR. FRANKLIN W.
She was office manager and purchasing agent at E and H Foam Co., Newton,
to make an unbreakable chain of evidence. He
The deceased was born in Ireland and
himself to be a valuable citizen and his fellow men are mourning his
Survivors: parents, David A. and Lee Cobb Hough, Lawrence; grandparents, Arthur and Bernice Hough, Coldwater, and
He was drafted into the Army in January 1952, and stationed in
Harvey Jordan Dail, Jr., native of Mount Olive and resident of New Bern, passed away at the age of 84 in the evening, Saturday, April 22, 2023, surrounded by his loving family.