Then someone tries to blow up his employers shop, and that brings him face-to-face with Tom Riddle, who he successfully avoided during his time at Hogwarts. The abandoned fics at the end of the list are absolutely worth a read, if you can . Stuck in Riddle's time, and now under the name of Harry Peverell, Harry must do his best to keep under the radar of Time. Harry figures out that Tom Riddle is his soulmate post-war and travels to another dimension to stop his plans. Please consider turning it on! Can Harry accept Tom and change the Timeline for the better? Inspired by a doctor he meets in the past, Harry is determined to go into medicine and protect other children like himself and Tom. Where Tom is a plausible budding political leader? At the start of his sixth year, Tom Riddle has a brief but significant encounter with a mysterious boy who tries to kill him. And Harry's burning from the inside out. With Tom still completely out of his mind, Harry decides the best thing for them to do is view the past, where Harry can view his memories and Tom can see Dumbledore once again. The boy was definitely nothing special. Or it was what it appeared to be. Does anyone know any good mlm tom riddle fics that aren't harry x Tom I have, so I gave writing one a try. This is an AU and does not follow cannon. what if his friends were not what he thought. trying and failing to mask his irritation. love is touching souls (surely you touched mine) by ToAStranger. . They go to Hogwarts and while Harry wants to have a normal school experience, Tom begins his planning. Tom is fixated on him to the point of destroying the world just to keep him. You're supposed to see color only after meeting your soulmate's eyes. This is pure crack and just fantastic Tags: Time Travel, Peggy-sue, Master of Death Harry Potter, Hufflepuff Harry Potter Summary: It was his second time dying.And soon after, it was his second time coming back to life . If you proceed you have agreed that you are willing to see such content. This work could have adult content. The boys quickly become inseparable and are determined to help each other down their paths to build a life together. by Sapphire. . With the threads of the future unravelling, can Harry make it out intact? It's too bad that Unspeakable Harry Potter had something to say about that. That doesn't make it hurt any less. K. Rowling | Published: 2021-11-23 | Words: 11592 | Chapters: 1/1 | Comments: 89 | Kudos: 867 | Bookmarks: 119 | Hits: 6706 | ID: 35288989 . If you log in you can store your preference and never be asked again. A collection of my old short stories on several fandoms. tip: arthur merlin words>1000 sort:hits. voldemort; love; timetravel +8 more # 3. 1 of 2) In no particular order, here is a list of wonderfully-written Time Travel Tomarry or Harrymort fics! Despite his distrust for his former student, Headmaster Dumbeldore sees himself bound to fulfil his predecessor's promise and recruit Riddle to fill the position when it becomes vacant.Several years later, professor Riddle takes interest in one of the Potter twins, Harry, who cant seem to be able to shine out of his brothers shadow. Siriys freed Kreatcher loves Harry, collecting horcruxes to restore soulmate Tom, Malfoys friends, Sirius gets custody w lawyer Harry hired help Fumbles fined because of . But, what if Tom isn't the bad guy Harry was weak until one day, he came across a certain boys diary. :). After some shuffling, Harry ends up at Wool's. There, he meets Tom Riddle, his mysterious roommate, eventual best friend, and the love of his life. She was the family disappointment after all; even being sorted into Hufflepuff instead of Slytherin.Following the battle, she managed to join a band of rebels still fighting to take the Dark Lord down. Abused by other children and neglected by adults Tom Riddle has grown cold and is disgusted by the vast majority of people. She now has the possibility of helping shape Tom become the leader the WW need, but first she needs to become His Most Trusted. Cheers to a long hiatus and me dropping some art out of nowhere. After Hogwarts, Harry Potter got a job at Borgin and Burkes. You hated the fame, so your first solution was to travel back in time by half a century?. Which is the true prophecy? Going back in time, he takes Tom from the orphanage, but his optimism shatters with every year they spend together. Work Search: Harry, the boy hurried to correct. Harry couldn't take it anymore.. being away from his soul mate.. his property.. his other half.. and finally the boy who lived decided to die.. ironic.. with a smile on . Magic, it seemed, has another plan and Harry has swept away from his present and landing right into Hogwarts in 1943. Somehow though, he ends up with the Elder Wand that should have been with Grindelwald and then finds himself taking in Tom Riddle. (This sounds so sappy, I promise it's not. tom riddle soulmate - pofil - Wattpad He eventually pulls himself together enough to get an alias and to start thinking about his future seriously. Years of hard work, and dealing with the Dursleys' neglect, had finally paid off. you belong to me (i belong to you) by Child_OTKW. Harry/Tom Soul Mates | Archive of Our Own doug kalitta wife; lee county contractor licensing. When Harry Potter, magical zoologist and Britain's only parselmouth hears the rumour of a basilisk named Voldemort living in an Indian forest he rushes to investigate. Magic has been outlawed for anyone deemed unworthy or unpure. This would be a lot easier if Harry didnt have certain feelings for the stupidly attractive wanker. It's Christmas, and Harry's just opened a gift from Fred and George Weasley. , , , : . Mr Riddle, this is Harrison Peters. Indeed, all the odd events of Tom Riddle's life happen in spite of Harry's presence: could he be the one who provokes them? Or: How Neville almost commits a murder and Harry learns that the world isn't just black and white. Except that things don't go as planned and Harry finds himself part of a game with hidden rules, trying to survive while raising a boy whose understanding of family has nothing to do with love. James of course goes with him, and inevitably Sirius and Remus follow. Mine for eternity - Chapter 1 - Aiden_noah - Harry Potter - J. K If you accept cookies from our site and you choose "Proceed", you will not be asked again during this session (that is, until you close your browser). I never make mistakes, Harry: you literally failed to kill me several times. What follows would be a romantic comedy, if it werent for politics. It was etched in a deep dark black, the l's and d's interconnecting with their loops in cursive. Please consider turning it on! Tom Riddle was in for a surprise when he was brought back to life.