The term "graying of America" refers to the fact that the American population is steadily becoming more dominated by older people. GRAYING | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary His hat thumbed back to show a wide brow and a bristle of, Other objects had been mounted according to kind on, Through heavy promotion and advertising directed at a, As I wait to pay the cashier, secure in her glass booth, I glance back over the starkly lit room, the, Post the Definition of graying to Facebook, Share the Definition of graying on Twitter, In Vino Veritas and Other Latin Phrases to Live By. But those trends are changing. Population Distribution: AP Human Geography Crash Course | 3: China One Child Policy ( by Clpro2 ( licensed by CC BY-SA 3.0 ( The following are weaknesses of Ravenstein laws: Do not feature cultural or political reasons for migration. The following involves two cities in Texas. Graying - definition of graying by The Free Dictionary Set individual study goals and earn points reaching them. Life expectancy varies according to race and ethnicity. People are living longer and healthier lives. Create flashcards in notes completely automatically. Discover on this infographic the key elements of water security, and the centrality of water to achieving a larger sense of security, sustainability, development and human well-being. The SI unit for the energy absorbed from ionizing radiation, equal to one joule per kilogram. The. With therapid aging taking place in Asia, the countries of South Korea, Hong Kong, andTaiwan are projected to join Japan at the topof the list of oldest countries andareas by 2050, when more thanone-third of these Asian countriestotal populations are projectedto be aged 65 and over.[3]. The term graying of America refers to the fact that the American population is steadily becoming more dominated by older people. Syme, Maggie. Geographers study where and why people live in particular locations. population in an area in such a way that the # of those influenced grows continuously larger, resulting in an expanding area of dissemination. Demography is the study of populations and population changes and trends, using resources such as statistics of births, deaths and disease. Fig. Sexismcan also create chronic stress. If the nondependent ratio is lower than the dependent ratio, not enough tax revenue is made. Population geography is important to understand the social structure of the population in order to gauge the current and future needs. Chapter 1: Introduction to Human Geography, Chapter 3: Cultural Patterns and Processes, Chapter 4: Political Borders, Boundaries, and Governments, Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, Capitalism distributes wealth to nations better than socialism or communism, Geography is a significant factor in population distribution in relationship to wealth.