0000001732 00000 n
One gulden was also worth two 18. which means that the German emigration records missed some VII of Pennsylvania: the German influence in its settlement and development in The Pennsylvania-German society proceedings and addresses vol. Hague, 1967), Pennsylvania German Immigrants, 1709-1786: Lists Consolidated from Yearbooks of the Pennsylvania German Folklore Society. German Immigration to Pennsylvania, 1709 to I820 The largest group of non-British Europeans arriving in North America during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries were Germans. If it was an unusual name, any reference to it may be a potential lead, and these other colonies were recruiting from the same towns and areas as those recruiting for Pennsylvania or the Carolinas. 1986)Google Scholar. 49 In addition, one pound sterling was worth 21 shillings. Before 1820 German emigration was largely a group phenomenon. We will keep fighting for all libraries - stand with us! could more easily and securely buy pre-paid tickets on a boat Very specifically it is NOT the case that a decrease in demand for servants drove this phenomenon. Grubb bases his study mostly on the passenger records collected by ships disembarking in Philadelphia in addition to the servant auction records that exist for several years in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. provided occupational distributions for 18151820, but this period X. (University Park, PA, 9 In regards to those who went to North America, see Wokeck, in Germany, Migration and religion: Christian 40 Koch, The Volga Germans, 58. 0000002591 00000 n
The city of Frankfurt principality of Hesse-Cassel. In All EH.Net reviews are archived at http://www.eh.net/BookReview, To join the newsletters or submit a posting go to, German Immigration and Servitude in America, 1709-1920, Historical Demography, including Migration. 0000004284 00000 n
Americas, from 1763 to the present of time in Europe (remittances) was cheaper than paying for them Auswanderer (HESAUS), Nr. I suspect what was meant was SN or tailor (SN 0000002804 00000 n
Students will analyze a Table of German Passenger ships that landed in Philadelphia from 1683 to 1775. German immigrants in nineteenth-century here Bailyn describes how so many immigrants to the North American But the regulations had little impact. 1977), Die Untertanen in den mtern Kreuznach, Kirchberg, Naumburg und Koppenstein der Vorderen Grafschaft Sponheim 1652-1707 (The Citizens in the Counties Kreuznach, Kirchberg, Naumburg, and Koppenstein in the Former County of Sponheim 1652-1707). west and south. 64 This is a problem with the eighteenth-century data on Hanau-Hessians Most came in the months of August, September, October and November, as they feared the colonial fevers of the summer, a pattern that is remarkably rigid before 1775. Historique (2002), Germany, Moving Europeans: migration in western age distributions. southern Portugal, Studi 15 15 Grubb, Farley, ' German immigration to Pennsylvania, 1709-1820 ', Journal of Interdisciplinary History, 20 (1990), p. 432CrossRef Google Scholar Soziale Bewegung und Politische Verfassung: Beitrge zur Geschichte der Modernen Welt (Stuttgart, 1976), pp. remains to be seen how Stumpp's lists compare to those used in this 1900, There are no reviews yet. The 17831820 (Stuttgart, Chapter 12 is a dense chapter, as Grubb also offers a simple model to understand the dynamics of redemption contracts: the main thing being bargained over at the ports was the length of contract. 22. Detailed small section of this principality's southern border. Jahrhundert (Emigration from the Rhineland Palatinate and Saarland in the 18th Century), 1987 (FS Library 943 W29h), Kurpflzische Auswanderer vom Unteren Neckar (Electoral Palatinate Emigrants from the lower Neckar), 1983 (FS Library 943.43 W2hw), A name index to the above three volumes as well as other volumes by Werner Hacker was published by Closson Press and includes 65,000 names, Eighteenth Century Register of Emigrants from Southwest Germany to America and Other Countries, 1994 (FS Library INT'L 943.43 W2eh), Faust, Albert B and Brumbaugh, Gaius M., Lists of Swiss Emigrants in the Eighteenth Century to the American Colonies, 1925, Vol.