In 1925, he spoke with a newspaper called the. The 12th U.S. president was born in Virginia but grew up in Kentucky, where he developed a taste for Southern food and sweets (via Book of Days Tales). Believe it or not, that we know of, the youngest born when he was 70 years old. He was known for his love of fruit, which was unusual for the time (via Food Timeline). These are green beans cooked with bacon, according to The Village Voice. James Buchanan, our 15th president, came from a Scots-Irish background on both sides, as lovingly detailed by Northern Ireland's Derry Journal. sort by. So much so, that the Hoovers' cook Mary Rattley created a recipe for caramel tomatoes that was a hit with the first family. As he told the. Franklin Pierce, the 14th president of the United States, was born in New Hampshire and grew up eating the specialties of New England, according to the Miller Center. They likely enjoyed it in dishes such as corn muffins, stewed corn, and corn fritters. Calas-tous-chauds, which means "hot rice cakes" in Creole, was a favorite of Zachary Taylor. According to the biography "Theodore Rex," Roosevelt was very fond of fried chicken. It rates 18 different mentions in. ," this was one of the few "well-chosen" foods his doctor permitted him when his health issues started to impact his presidency. previous 1 2 next . It seems like something that might be made out of worn-out handkerchiefs and Long Johns with holes in the seat. Tyler, who was born in Virginia, served as the 10th president of the United States from 1841 to 1845 (via The White House). There's only one thing that can curb the president's passion for ice cream, and that's his devotion to his Catholic faith since he's been known to, Washington liked to start his day with something simple, "George Mason: The Founding Father Who Gave Us The Bill Of Rights,", squirrel stew handed out at voter rallies, Marine base at Twentynine Palms, California, Mary Todd is said to have made for him back in their courting days, Delmonico's, a fancy-schmancy New York steakhouse, first president to set up a Christmas tree inside the White House, Virginia calls itself "the mother of presidents", fellow president passed away at the age of 77, worst meals ever eaten at The White House, Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library, Lyndon B. Johnson was a pretty picky eater. 0 0. He is very fond of chili, though, and in an interview with North Coast Journal, he revealed that he still uses afavorite recipe that dates back to his college days. Madison's other favorites included oysters, vol au vent pastries, and veal fricassee, according to PBS. Man of letters that he was, Irving, who penned both "Rip Van Winkle" and "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow,", to describe the trip. While the combo might make some gag, cottage cheese was a staple in many homes in the 1970s, so it probably wasn't the strangest meal of the era (via VICE). In 1925, he spoke with a newspaper called the Daily Evening Item and dished on the first family's favorite foods. Ford was born Leslie Lynch King Junior, son to Leslie Lynch King and Dorothy King, on July 14, 1913 in Omaha, Nebraska. What is Gerald Fords favorite food? According to The History Chef, it was likely a favorite of Harrison because it was filling and could be made to feed a crowd by adding more water or broth. (It's possible it was the possum, though, as One For the Table says this critter may have been part of that burgoo, too.). One of Roosevelt's favorite foods was fried chicken. Fortunately for everyone elected as president, one major perk of the job is access to a private chef. Man of letters that he was, Irving, who penned both "Rip Van Winkle" and "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow," wrote to his sister to describe the trip. He also enjoys KFC and Pizza Hut. He grew heirloom apples (known back then simply as "apples), established one of the first wineries in the Old Dominion, and helped introduce les frites to les tats Unis after a stint as Minister to France. Despite his efforts to stay healthy, several months later Polk would still succumb to the disease (through no fault of the ham, we're sure. He picked one up and proceeded A poor economy meant steep budget cuts, while at the same the nation's Bicentennial needed to be celebrated in style with lobster and medallions of veal. Chester Arthur had the unique distinction of sharing his favorite food with his signature look. By the Nixon era, nearly every word and action undertaken by the president was recorded for posterity even the misdeeds that eventually drove the 37. out of office. Rest well and thanks for the memories! Haller may have been good enough to make the haute cuisine necessary for formal occasions, but when you want smoked ribs done right, it's best to stick with a true pit master. Mrs. Coolidge, he said, was a big fan of his veal curry, but the president had more of a sweet tooth. Precocious boy left alone in a large house stormed by burglars. Although there aren't many other specifics about what he liked to eat, Food Timeline reports that he enjoyed other Dutch dishes and boar's head, but was not a fan of sweets. Polk was as cautious as could be, how he politely refused the unfamiliar food offered him in New Orleans and instead quietly asked for an old standby, a slice of ham with cornbread. According to theU.S. National Archives, fried chicken was one of Harry Truman's favorite foods. When you google "Abraham Lincoln" and "cake," you're likely to get a zillion recipes for modernized versions of an almond cake that Mary Todd is said to have made for him back in their courting days. Other foods he often eats include meatloaf, bacon and eggs, cereal, steak, cookies, and potato chips. This southern staple often made an appearance throughout Carter's presidency and was even served to important visitors to the White House. As the president to pardon Nixon for his scandal, he seemed to have also Had it been up to two different women, Ford wouldnt have lived to the ripe age of 93. Ulysses S. Grant was born in Ohio and later fought in the Civil War.