You will emphasize creativity in your work and increase your dedication to achieving your goals. At the end of January, you saw friendships deepening and your social circle expanding. 2023 Cond Nast. Although youre introspective for the sake of processing the copious streams of information you absorb, youre also very social. Read your sign's 2023 horoscope to see what's in store for you this year, or check out theGemini personality profile. Mercury retrograde ends onSunday, May 14. Remember, there is a difference between boundaries and barriers. Her mystical insights have been featured in Vogue, Cosmopolitan, InStyle, and more. As long as we accept duality as a way of life and take life one day at a time (instead of constantly repeating narratives from our past), we can create a slice of paradise exactly where we are. Read your full Gemini tarot horoscope for May 2023. cancer Getty Images. Weve been taught that our self-worth is directly proportional to our productivity. More information, As we officially enter Gemini season, lets look more closely at the Zodiacs flighty, free-spirited sign, and why were all captivated by those mischievous Twins. We get it, Libra. But before we start talking summer flings, there are other orders of business to attend to. Its not your job to make everybody comfortable. Capricorn, think of this time as a pause; an interlude. Start with pain. 2023 Nervora Fashion, Inc. and Cond Nast International. This week is all about necessary change. Read your full May horoscope here, Gemini. Start and don't stop. If you have borrowed too much, spent too much, or wasted resources . For an accurate horoscope experience, we recommend reading both your Sun and Rising sign horoscopes. Aquarius, its true that certain things in our lives are predetermined. Measure it up, peg it down, even it off, and pour the . Gemini 2022 Horoscope | You are all kinds of grateful for their presence in your life. As for those who are having to move out of their apartments? Your ruling planet, chatty Mercury, enters Aries on Sunday, March 27, turning your mind to philosophical matters. Remember, you have all the cosmic support you need to propel the chariot of your life in the direction of growth! Maybe there are no answers to seek; no burning existential dread to attend to. While last month's solar eclipse in Aries asked us to set intentions and look to the future, the Scorpio Full Moon eclipse on May 5 will carry more destructive themes. Weekly Horoscope: April 23 to April 29, 2023. Following these themes, the new moon in sensual Taurus onFriday, May 19,indicates the start of a fresh cycle, especially surrounding professional and creative endeavors. Its also the Spring Equinox, meaning that the weather is getting warmer, offering more opportunities to post thirst traps. Clarity is your gift on the other side of retrograde season. Were not suggesting you run away from your problems despite how tempting this may sound on paper. Youre never too old to connect with kindred spirits who will uplift you and remind you of the magick that dwells in your bones. On Saturday, March 5, Venus, the planet of love, money, and beauty, also enters community-oriented Aquarius. Responsibilities will seem heavier to bear, which will make it difficult for you to climb the ladder. How to decode every sign, from curious Aquarius to fierce Leo. Are you fully present in your relationships? If your idea of normal differs from societys idea of normal, thats okay. You have the power to rewrite the narrative whenever you feel called to. Golden opportunities will soon present itself as a reward for all the hard work youve put in. Gemini Horoscopes, Daily, Weekly, Yearly written/video astrology The material on this site may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with the prior written permission of Cond Nast. Youre feeling personally attacked by the energy of the full moon and the eclipse.