0.70% 0.17% chance to be selected when chest drops. For more information, please see our When farming items with higher base drop rates, drop rate boosts have a more noticeable short-term impact, but they can be equally (if not more) valuable for farming rarer items over a large number of attempts. Despite showing +2, multiple copies do not stack. 55.28% 1.02% chance to be selected when chest drops. -Didn't someone say the chance of blue chest would go up to 50%? English-language community for Granblue Fantasy, a web-browser role-playing gacha game developed by Cygames. Not all affected raids during Extra Drop Events have Blue Chests. Can also contain Earrings.Blue chest: Only drops Ancestral Weapons with AX skills and earrings. So the best theoretical drop rate boost would be: Even though a boost of 4.419x is theoretically possible, the Drop Rate Boost multiplier is capped at 3x. Getting more honors during the raid linearly increases the drop rate. pic.twitter.com/DADbaXklPK, AP costs, EP costs, player limits adjusted for many raids pic.twitter.com/FGyqOmyc1J, Updates to the GBF Handbook and goal setting reaching your goals will earn some rewards. Asking for a friend. This new Sandalphon will look at him around the time of the first Paradise Lost, when he still had the hood on and was an enemy. Higher chance with more honors, sometimes won't drop. Debuffs do not miss regardless of buffs or debuffs. Much like Blue Chests, Purple Chest drop rate is based on honors earned and can have a internal drop rate that is different from Red, Blue, and other chests. Under the new system, there is incentive to keep playing, because more honors means a higher chance of getting rare loot. tl;dr they really should've made these chests a different color so people wouldn't get them confused with the existing blue chest system. Privacy Policy. Starts battle with Resistance-Boosting Mechanism (N.A. Loot not obtained from chest drops, such as. r/Granblue_en on Reddit: Quest Discussion: Diaspora (Raid) Based on 384 drops from 2643 chests. The monthly news post for December came out this week, so heres a recap of the information. 3.18% 0.69% chance to be selected when chest drops. Note: Character Balance changes are in a separate post, which can be found here. Proto Bahamut (Impossible)'s drop rates are not calculated linearly like other Raids and follow a different plot, changing slope at 10% of honors. DMG): Raises Gamma Resistance (Analysis) by 10% for every 30,000,000 Charge Attack DMG taken across all parties (Max: 100%). weapons, rings, earrings, gold bars. Purple Chests only drop during Extra Drop Events. Blue Chest are available in various raids, such as Grand Order (Raid), Proto Bahamut (Impossible), Impossible Omega Raids, Impossible Omega II Raids, The Four Primarchs (Impossible), Akasha (Raid) and Lucilius (Raid) . By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. 5.45% 0.73% chance to be selected when chest drops. 0.77% 0.23% chance to be selected when chest drops. The Drop Rate Boost Formula is as follows:[4][5]. Gains one of the following buffs based on the Resistance (Analysis) effect that has reached 100%: 30% HP: Readies "Final Order: Nuclear Option". The buffs and debuffs gained and inflicted by "Erasure Order: Planet Eclipser" are the same as "Erasure Command: Subverse". As the monthly blog post will come out soon that discusses everything covered in the stream in more detail, well do a minimal recap now, and update later. What are some noteworthy special attacks or triggers and how do you counter them? 10% HP: Readies "Final Order: Nuclear Option". Every 6th turn if Resistance Analysis is not 100%: Readies "Repair Command: Reinnervate". Complete missions, earn points, and trade those points for prizes that include a Sunlight Stone. 4.35% 0.65% chance to be selected when chest drops. The Eternal pick came down to Seofon or Anre, and they picked Anre to add more Harvins to the cast.Seofon will appear in RPG mode: pic.twitter.com/nFtiTyImmR, 2.21 coming out tomorrow, with balance updates to multiple characters, a Ranked update, and Yuel. -However, once/if you have accrued honors equal to 50% of the boss's HP, additional honors do not help. Can't attack and takes big DMG (Ends upon taking DMG), Reduce a foe's filled charge diamonds by 1, Special attack max charge turn is extended, ATK and multiattack rate are boosted (Stackable / Can be removed by dealing more than 4,000,000 DMG within a turn). pic.twitter.com/MiBDomtPVv, Another look at the Robomi music video, sung by @aniki_z and animated by @G1_BARI https://t.co/Ow9MJ8S7vc. The probability of tenacity loot dropping will increase based on the number of honors obtained. pic.twitter.com/NSIlJyNYsf, And, yes, the Gachapin Roulette is coming back, offering up to 200 free rolls a day from the 22nd to the 5th. Please vote for the upcoming featured discussions: Newly released/rebalanced characters will be added to the surveys after two weeks of their introduction. Getting more honors during the raid linearly increases the drop rate. When a foe is defeated, it may drop chests from its Drop Table; each chest on the table has a drop rate and loot list: The game rolls twice for each individual chest: Most chests have internal drop rates, causing some items on their loot list to drop more or less often. English-language community for Granblue Fantasy, a web-browser role-playing gacha game developed by Cygames. some chests drop very rarely; others may drop every time), The loot list is the list of possible items the chest contains (eg. It starts at a 10% chance at 1 honor, and increases linearly up to a ~100% chance once a certain amount of honors is earned. As for PBHL's gold bar, honestly that's gonna take weeks of community-contributed data to determine.