The only way to know if your home has radon is to test for it. *Iowa has the highest percentage of homes above 4 pCi/L in the United WebPermit Applications & Inspection Guidelines Duane Cruzan Building Inspector Contact 306 North St, P.O. G_f`s>G?J~N|o Nj?m"^D The professional inspector will know what to look for and inspect. For Non Commercial construction, Fremont County has no general zoning or building codes, except the following: The areas regulated by the Fremont County Floodplain Zoning Regulations can be found at our office in Lander, or may be found on the Fremont County Website under Mapserver. Flooding your system with large volumes of water, does not allow the tank to naturally treat the water, and floods your leachfield. Permits endstream endobj startxref Movable cases, counters, and partitions not over 5 feet 9 inches high. Set as Default Template from the natural decay of uranium that exists in or below most soils and enters the home <>/ExtGState<>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/Annots[ 20 0 R 21 0 R] /MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> Your system is designed for average flows, not a whole day of laundry. WebIf you know your permit number: 1. Fremont County Comments: IRC -Chp 11 deleted, R-11 walls, R-11 floors, R-11 basement, R-19 ceiling Contact Clear, with a low around 37. To Request a Radon Test Kit contact 712-374-3355, Well You can apply for the permit yourself, or the contractor hired to build the system can obtain it on your behalf. Well In those areas within FEMA designated flood hazard zones around Lander, Riverton, Dubois and Hudson. *The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has set a recommendedradon action level %PDF-1.5 Leave 'To', 'Suffix', and 'Replacement' blank. National Science Foundation (NSF) International tests and certifies many wastewater treatment systems. Visit EPA's Advanced Technology for Onsite Treatment of Wastewater, Products Approved by State for links to your states approved septic system technologies. Where can I find a septic system professional to install a new system? WebSearch Fremont County property tax and assessment records by address, legal description, owner name, or parcel number through GIS mapping application. We certainly hope this has been a beneficial guide, and if we can be of any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us. owned/leased buildings or, over 5000 sq.ft. WebWe are responsible for the administration of Subdivision Regulations, Rural Addressing Regulations, Small Wastewater Regulations, Floodplain Zoning Regulations and TjzSe7wY %-\>|{P?g6|]$(>"1+Rrr7%p7A&WKH48e7E1$xpV{k`D P Q= Hffy2dg)hPLM{p[D4,?D =V+/g_#FZf%X'PUbVDhq,`c)''Gl0 WebFremont County Clerk - Document Search - Login Login Public Users use the Public Login button Registered Users use the Registered Users Login button To Enter: You must be logged in to access the requested page Public Users- click Public Login button to search for recorded documents, without images.