Plymouth 0710 0410 Falmouth 84 Sole & 1010 Fowey 10 VHF maritime channel 70 (156.525 MHz) is authorized exclusively for distress, safety and calling purposes using digital selective calling (DSC) techniques. United States Coast Guard From The RadioReference Wiki The USCG are heavy users of the Marine VHF Channels; Channel 16 is reserved for distress, safety and calling, while channel 22A is utilized for special warnings, Marine Safety and other announcements. on this channel in US waters. Note that the letter A indicates simplex use of an international duplex channel, and that operations are different than international operations on that channel. Ch 22A 157.1 MHz VHF FM (Broadcast frequency). We recommend this same procedure be used over channel 9, if channel 9 is used as a calling channel. These radio channels are also known as the "bridge-to-bridge" channels. These forecasts are produced by local National Weather Service Forecast Offices. He explained that he'd not done this since the demise of Brixham coastguard and enquired whether Falmouth preferred contact to be made by DSC or simple voice on channel 16. For example, maybe you have a controllable leak, and you just want help standing by in case it gets worse. Links WX4 -- 162.425
You may use channel 16 to call a ship or shore station, but if you do so, you must, must be brief! The USCG VHF network provides near continuous coverage of coastal U.S., Great Lakes, Hawaii, and populated Alaska coastline. Our position is 24:33' north and 74:56' west and we are sinking.". Channel 13 should be used to contact a ship when there is danger of collision. 2023. All of this is done usually with the push of a button. For More information on FCC rules and regulations, and to download license applications, click on the button to visit the FCC Marine Radio Fact Sheet. VHF Channel: 12 (0900 - 1700) Keep in touch. Single Sidebands operate in the medium frequency (MF) and/or high-frequency (HF) bands for reliable direct-voice communications over distances exceeding 25 miles (depending on antenna heights). The Federal Communications Commission established VHF-FM channel 9 as a supplementary calling channel for noncommercial vessels (recreational boaters) at the request of the Coast Guard. Transmission range is dependent upon operating frequency, time of day and atmospheric conditions and can vary from only short distances to several thousand miles. Visit the U.S. Coast Guard Maritime Telecommunications Information webpage for further information on U.S. Coast Guard telecommunications including maps showing areas of VHF coverage and Rules Which Require Listening to your VHF Marine Radio. FCC regulations require boaters having VHF radios to maintain a watch on either VHF channel 9 or channel 16, whenever the radio is turned on and not communicating with another station. The purpose of this change is to free Channel 16 for distress calls. Very High Frequency (VHF) Radios Very High Frequency (VHF) radios have been around for many years and remain the primary means of communication for vessels throughout the United States. Blue Duck: "68" or "Roger". Channel 13 is used by commercial shipping to communicate their actions and confirm passage. Even if your phone shows no service, try calling 999 or 112 anyway as in an emergency your phone will be able to use another phone network. Channel noise and station traffic are sometimes heavy, and the Coast Guard doesn't monitor the emergency channel. Offshore Forecasts For the most part only Channels W1 through W4 are receiving weather broadcasts from NOAA. FCC license forms, including applications for ship and land station radio licenses, can now be downloaded from the FCC website. Coastguard is the charity saving lives at sea. A license is necessary however for any vessel required to carry a marine radio, on an international voyage, or carrying an HF single sideband radiotelephone or marine satellite terminal. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); All content is Copyright 2020. Our recommendation for reliable on-the-water communications, we recommend using either hand-held or fixed-mount VHF radios. As of October 26, 1996, most recreational boaters are no longer required to obtain an individual Ship Station License from the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). The USCG uses 4 different types of mechanisms for HF Radio Communications. These pieces are: Yet, their individual functionality has a notable effect on the performance of the system as a whole. 77. All ships of length 20m or greater are required to guard VHF channel 13, in addition to VHF channel 16, when operating within U.S. territorial waters. About/Contact Us
No:135. Environmental (Receive only). 2023-08904 Filed 4-26-23; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 9110-04-P DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY Coast Guard 33 CFR Part 165 [Docket Number USCG-2022-0352] RIN 1625-AA00 Safety Zone; Fairport Harbor, Fairport, OH AGENCY: Coast Guard, DHS. VHF stands for Very High Frequency, and its used for ship-to-ship, ship-to-shore, and even ship-to-aircraft two-way communications. See below for: When lodging a TR youll be asked for your radio call sign. Used by Class C EPIRBs. Home
Even after the message has been received, the Coast Guard can find you more quickly if you can transmit a signal on which a rescue boat or aircraft can home. Please note your location, equipment/software used, date(s), time(s), signal strength, etc. Your VHF radio is intended mainly for short range communications, generally 5-10 miles, and at least 20 miles to a USCG station. Learn about the BoatUS Foundation employees. Mercury Dockline | How to Use a VHF Radio | Mercury Marine Ships >20m length maintain a listening watch on this channel in US waters. I have thought for a long time that there should be a monitored frequency for distress cell phones are not everywhere, and in most cases when you need life-saving help a cell phone can be very disappointing. It is illegal in the US to use these channels if your not on the water.