1st Contact- How to connect with our Alien friends. The multiple, brazen attempts on his life would not be happening if he had nothing to say. I want you to tell them, whoever is in charge, I want you to tell them that they have this coming week to get into Washington and to report to me. https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.theage.com.au%2Ftechnology%2Fsci-tech%2Fufos-we-are-at-beyond-reasonable-doubt-says-former-head-of-real-life-x-files-20171222-p4yy2r.html&h=ATOsxkKztZBF_UlNCHVZ1GVBoU-YqwFcuJzboVVFqUeyePPVHRJyxoSCFlp0DiKJEVJwdvHbGMkoqU5r1n9NupesAFGKcnn-NNx2b7vZPP8d2VOI60eC&s=1&enc=AZMcD-rPd-071BLKGjZoSfpIHhAf_oYR1VU6OzXle8qsjfh31DyUP5DoEj8u6316XZJtkgsM9KrFwf_0h_lLQ1b-. Only then would we really be able to figure out whos who in the zoo, and have some idea of the vulnerabilities of potentially hostile races. He joined Battelle in 1965 as a research scientist. Our next update will go much more into Coreys latest experiences with various ET groups, but it was important that we get this out first. No one is going to accept your worthless pieces of paper just because you say they have value. Many times Ive watched a beautiful, clear day become some sort of a chemical cloudy one and we all go inside. Groundbreaking Area 51 Insider Bob Lazar 30-Year Anniversary: Alpha and the Omega. My only last family member. Just like with any army, you could bring them in, vet them and train them. Again, Emery has no smoking gun that can absolutely prove everything Corey is saying is true. Even if you dont believe in this sort of thing, please send Emery your thoughts and prayers for a full and fast recovery. WebEric Alden Smith. Heres the update I wrote to the last article about this, in case you may have missed it: BEGIN UPDATE WEDNESDAY 12/27, 11:33 AM: EMERY SMITH HIT WITH VERY SERIOUS ATTACK, https://divinecosmos.com/start-here/davids-blog/1223-targeted-arrests?showall=&start=1. Tompkins testimony is of almost singular importance in establishing the origins of the Secret Space Program during WWII for the US, as one example. During this time, Emery developed the first military industrial laboratory tissue database complex. Tom DeLonge Group Stunningly Debunked: Curtains for Partial Disclosure. DECLAS, Disclosure and Davids #1 New Ascension Film Incoming! So, what about the person driving the other car? (New Free Movie!). Lawrence W Smith - Psychology Today Now, as an advanced technology insider, Smiths goal is to use his platform to make the rest of the world aware of what goes on behind the scenes, shedding light on technologies that may be closer to reality than we think, he said. Most of us would pick up and go if called upon to help. Sending love, light, support and protection to Emery and to you David and all your associates.With heartfelt respect,Jean. Get access to playbacks and watch on your own time. The best way to do this is to clear your mind, go into a relaxed and meditative state, and send him feelings of love and peace. I feel it is very important that we do this. We are simply some of those people. Saturday April 25, 2020: Cannabis as a Spiritual Ally in the Time of Covid-19: A Guided Online Cannabis-Friendly Ceremony with Stephen Gray, https://www.consciousvitality.org/3J67C/2CTPL/. AS A FRESHMAN (2017-18): Did not compete. Discussion of Davids Critical New Disclosure Film #1 Documentary! I feel we get more insider knowledge from you when you have conversations with Jimmy Church Love and Blessings to you and Emery and all of humanity. Our DNA is THEIR code. Then, in 2018 the scientists from Stanford University in San Francisco and the University of California found that the baby died around 40 years ago, and had several genetic conditions that contributed to the unusual nature of the bones. The devices he has invented since, including the first table-top stem cell concentrator and pure PRP concentrator, are based off of this unique, classified education and are used in clinics for healing all around the world today. No matter what it is they concocted, if its biological in nature (and not a toxin), that will absolutely blast it out. David, I must say I admire how cool you stayed during your talk with Richard Hoagland because in your position I would surely have become very mad at some point since he was interrupting you all the time! He was a business leader and visionary whose funeral Wednesday in Richland was attended by more than 1,000 people, including Gov. Many others are undoubtedly facing similar threats at this time. God bless you all. I just got done having a text exchange with my insider, Paul. 1st Contact- How to connect with our Alien friends. No level of proof will stop the paid trolls from making such accusations, but my goal here is to reach the real people who might still be on the fence. We are not sure exactly how Emery suddenly became so violently ill. One possibility, based on things Pete Peterson had told me, is that Emery was shot with an ice dart by one of the SUVs that went by, before grabbing his dog. Get access to playbacks and watch on your own time inside our members-only area. Mr. Wiley had the ability and vision, say associates, to meld science and technology to the real world. Knowledge is one thing, wisdom is another. Based on the number of operating rooms and floors in this one base alone, there are probably THOUSANDS of other employees doing the exact same job. I specialize in Depression, Anxiety and Relationship. Were cops called? Its all about Ego and Money.. Every last thing Pete owned was stolen. Alien-looking skeleton revealed as