Mail or fax Form 4506-T to the address below for the state you lived in, or the state your business was in, when that return was filed. Use r/TargetedEIDL for advance/grant issues. PDF Form 4506-T (Rev. 4-2023) - IRS TIMESTAMPS:0:00 Trevor's 30+ years as a mortgage lender dealing with TAX TRANSCRIPTS0:30 Client example of how 2019 tax return WASN'T FILED when he thought it was0:40 Hire a quality tax preparer0:50 Having trusted resources1:00 Back to client example from minute :30 of filing his tax return \u0026 having the transcript available for download1:45 Tax return was filed and could download the transcript2:00 Trevor advises the SBA LO there is a transcript and client downloaded2:15 SBA LO advises of NEW GUIDANCE for how the TAX TRANSCRIPT is handled for the loan2:20 EMAIL directly from SBA LO2:40 TREVOR regales of his experiences as a RESIDENTIAL Loan Officer DOING FHA \u0026 VA loans and how he handled BORROWER TRANSCRIPTS3:08 UNDERWRITER Discretion defined \u0026 discussed how the SBA treats TAX TRANSCRIPTS3:40 NORMAL underwriting practice is NOT TO ACCEPT the Tax transcript directly from the BORROWERTO CLARIFY ANY CONFUSION in this video: It is our understanding that you can't rely on the SBA accepting a transcript you downloaded and submitted. On page 3, list your various life insurance policies you hold. Does the SBA request for tax returns if we apply for the EIDL? EIDL Loan Approval SBA Requests Tax Transcripts | THE REAL DEAL secure websites. Scan this QR code to download the app now. How do I answer the questions Owner since there are no owners in a non-profit. SBA opened a new terminal. If you cant get your transcript online, you can request a tax return or tax account transcript by mail instead. Question about tax transcripts : EIDL - Reddit 4506-C DISASTER Form IVES Request for Transcript of Tax Return By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. So I can?t have the docs and they don?t have them because they were online and he also is saying that his firm applied for 4 different people under one SBA account so he can?t give me the login cuz I?d be able to see everyone?s. Continue this thread . Privacy Policy. So it is important to consult your tax or financial professional._________________________________________________Katie St Ores CFP, ChFC, EA, LTC 2020 Womens Initiative (WIN) CFP Board 2020 Financial Women to Watch on YoutubeMedicare Health Plans Oregon County:Yamhill Washington Polk Marion Baker Benton Clackamas Clatsop Columbia Coos Crook Curry Deschutes Douglas Gilliam Grant Harney Hood River Jackson Jefferson Josephine Klamath Lake Lane Lincoln Linn Malheur Marion Morrow Multnomah Polk Sherman Tillamook Umatilla Union Wallowa Wasco Washington Wheeler Yamhill Hn0} The EIN to be of the trust or the ss of the trustee. These documents were bypassed?. That has NOT been confirmed by SBA. IRS Code 977: What Does it Mean on IRS Transcript? Required fields are marked *. cy 0qPWp:dW5 ;6V]BpJ#@DE"?Fo=+57]>>=@^{"p5yM~'A}t`)6ts(T^ `p]~@5zPn/VO=RB;#Gkj@!bg~7s}f Also anyone reading. For our clients, they submit the application themselves but we are happy to help them with any reports or calculations they need for the application. You ever get it figured out? Under other assets put a value of your practice of approximately 80% of prior year?s collections less the amount of the outstanding practice debt. It's kind of the same thing. IRS Form 4506-T - Fillable & Printable | PDF Download | FormSwift If you file a joint tax . That has NOT been confirmed by SBA. The method you used to file your tax return (e-file or paper) and whether you had a balance due affects yourcurrent year transcript availability. Leave the next box for Rental properties blank. Account Transcript c. Record of Account 7. It is a snapshot of what you personally Own and what you Owe as of a certain date. Curious as to if anyone on here was told they are just requesting tax transcripts and how long it took for them? Return transcripts are available for the current year Last up is the Schedule of Liabilities (SBA Form 2202). 524 0 obj <> endobj Spoke with a Loan Assistant - Application High Priority Team Today. Do you assist with completing the application? For help, you should call the SBA at 800-659-2955 or email The Meaning of IRS Code 977 on a Tax Transcript. HOW TO (or not to) submit your tax transcripts to the SBA for your EIDL LOAN. If you do have insurance coverage, type it in here, Line 17: Put in your individual name and SSN here. Financial data will remain fully visible to allow for tax preparation, tax representation or income verification. HQK0+.y+B")RaO m!n[d]{1|9s}Z2t6BIe)U$}C`u! Sign and date at the bottom. Learn how your comment data is processed. On the right side list your liabilities. Do i complete yes to the question above? Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Scan this QR code to download the app now. Next, enter the taxpayer identification number, i.e. Recieved 150k EIDL loan in June of 2020. Hi Kelly, I?m sorry but we can only comment on what our firm?s process is. There is NEW SBA Guidance on Tax Transcripts for your EIDL Loan.YES, there is a lot of talk about the IRS backlog \u0026 the timing of releasing tax transcripts to the SBA for EIDL loan underwriting, however, new guidance indicates HOW an SBA rep/loan officer accepts (or doesn't) transcripts directly from the Borrower. Lines 3-7 are self-explanatory Line 8: Leave Blank Line 9: Type in Your name and phone number Line 10: Add other phone numbers Line 11: Put Dental Practice or the name of your Specialty Practice Line 12: Number of Employees Line 13: When you set up the entity or purchased the practice Line 14: The date you took over the practice, which is probably the same date as Line 13 Line 15: Leave blank Line 16: You probably don?t have any insurance to cover this loss. Line 1: Put your individual name and your social security number Line 2: If you are married and filed jointly, put your spouse?s name and social security number Line 3: Current address Line 4: Prior address if that is the address on the previously filed tax returns Line 6: Put 1040 Box 6c: Already checked on the form Line 7 & 8: Leave blank Line 9: Already filled in.