An individual's lifelong health record is a(n): Many EHR programs use the term ______ for a correction made to an electronic health record. Enter the patient's full name. AllysonDIane6825. Treatment options Most of these errors can be traced to all of the following communication problems except __________. True or False: HIPAA was developed in part to ensure the confidentiality of medical records. Results are transmitted back as soon as available. Which of the following is not an advantage of the integration of ancillary programs for labs and other diagnostic and therapeutic services with an EHR system? 4) You can keep a list of patients who want earlier appointments. In an EHR, the abbreviation "RX" means which of the following? Chapter 12 Flashcards | Quizlet An EHR may include information about a patient's _____. Use screen savers to prevent patients from seeing more than they should. (d) How many atoms of each remaining element would remain unreacted in the change described in (c)? 4) Practice website. Choice 1: All are correct Choice 2: Captures new patient data Choice 3: Facilitates the review of the existing patient data Choice 4: Facilitates the modification/updating of patient data by authorized health care practitioners 1. What are the advantages of electronic health records? 2) Ask the patient to wait while he tries repeatedly to get the system to work. Possible damage to the system 1) Paper copies of all documents 2) Online A corner construction lot has the shape of a right triangle. Which of the following is not likely to be a required field in your EHR software's form to be completed for each new patient? The superbill includes all of the following information, except: . Identify the characteristics of an EHR. 3) Confidential An interdisciplinary team (IDT) can be comprised of ALL of the following EXCEPT: This type of healthcare information sharing "allow(s) health care professionals and patients to appropriately access and securely share a patient's medical information electronically". 3) Document the patient's chief complaint on paper and enter it later into the EHR system. 1) Patient aging reports 4) Call the practitioner into the exam room to help him enter the information. 3) They can alert staff to patients who require follow-up care. 1) Show patients that anyone can view their medical information. 1) Physicians can access records from any computer with a secure access code. 4) reminder, An EHR software program may be ______ to suit a specific specialty and style of a physician's office. 1) Increased access to educational materials D. A computerized patient record contains patient data on allergies and drug interactions; an electronic patient record does not. Physicians can access records from any computer with a secure access code. Identify the advantages of ancillary programs for labs, X-rays, and other diagnostic services. 3) State government They can alert staff to patients who require follow-up care. What should Barry do? Mrs.Johnson is either allergic to the medication or is taking another medication that interacts 4) Provider statistics 2) Ask the healthcare providers who performed the procedures 5) Next of kin, Generally, once an entry in an electronic health record is saved, a correction is made by __________. Providers in different locations can look at the same record at the same time. Which of the following lists the total amount of the charges, the amount paid by the insurance plan, deductibles, and the copayment or coinsurance balance due from the patient? What should you do? Reduced storage needs Common abbreviations are often used in the electronic health records. - workflow patterns - access control. Date when information was released An EMR (electronic medical record) is a digital version of a chart with patient information stored in a computer and an EHR (electronic health record) is a digital record of health information. communication between healthcare providers and patients. 2) Tickler file 3) Other patients' experiences A template for a new patient record would most likely include which of the following required fields? Accounts receivable Patients should be given reading material and providers should make sure patients understand all of their options. 2) Patient Chapter 11 Clinical Decision Support Systems, Chapter 12: Clinical Decision Support Systems, Module 4: Epidemiology, Communicable Disease, Module 3: Community Assessments, Analysis & D, Module 2: Social Determinants, Social Justice, Julie S Snyder, Linda Lilley, Shelly Collins. EHR Flashcards | 5) Engage patients and family 2) Improve care coordination Increased access to educational materials. Madilyn_Gafford. 2) Patient access programs 4) Increased transcription costs Who enters the data into a personal health record (PHR)? It is important that you follow HIPAA guidelines when releasing a patient's protected health information and do so without violating. Which part of EHR use does this affect? 2) The patient's express written permission is required for non-federal or state disclosures. 2) Optional Mrs. Johnson is either allergic to the medication or is taking another medication that interacts with it; Tony should consult the healthcare provider. 2) Share user information with coworkers 5) Demographic information, If an EHR's coding software detects a charge that does not match a diagnosis code, it may __________. Which function of an EHR allows for electronic test ordering and receipt of results? 3) PHR data usually can be disclosed without the patient's written permission. They can easily look up a patient's appointment. 4) Manila folder The EHR system keeps reporting an error: Incompatible medication. 2) Enter the patient's full name. 1) annual What is the most appropriate action when an error or omission is found in an electronic record? When the substance is dissolved in hot solvent to purify it by crystallization, the resulting solution is yellow. 1) Balance Place the steps in scheduling a patient appointment with an electronic scheduler in order, with the first step on top. 3) Chief complaint Hours when patients are not seen 4) Lost or misfiled electronic records Compare and contrast an elementary chemical reaction with a complex chemical reaction. PHRs may be stored and maintained on secure Internet sites. Reduced storage needs It stands for protected health information. 3) Billing and coding software 2) Sending and receiving clinical information electronically 1) Patient permission for release of information Number of visits remaining on a referral. 2) Date when information was requested 2) Create a pamphlet or flyer to explain the system to patients. 1) An access code allows each user to access only designated areas of a record. EHR software programs allow for ______ transmission of referrals among the PCP, specialist, and insurance plan involved. 4) Change, EHR software programs allow for ______ transmission of referrals among the PCP, specialist, and insurance plan involved. Which of the following is a disadvantage of using an electronic scheduler? Identify the goals of promoting electronic health records. PHRs may be stored and maintained on secure Internet sites. Take notes and enter them in the computer later, Identify the advantages of electronic health records. Identify the functions of an electronic prescription writer.